臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT [Let It Snow : The Big Freeze] 4/5

2009-01-25 | Script
今日は、「Let It Snow」の「The Big Freeze」のスクリプトです~


Let It Snow

Wow! It's snowing. Yippee! Sledging tomorrow.
Wee! Ready everyone? Hold tight. Wee!(xn) Yeah.
Sleepy time, Big owl. Time for bed, Rabbit. Night-night, Toys. See you in the morning.
I hope the snow's still there in the morning.

Yes! Hurray! The water's frozen. I know!
Don't go. Come on then. That's better. Good.
Hello, Kipper.
(Are you) Coming sledging? It's a perfect day for it.
Yeah. It's great, isn't it? Hang on. I'll get my sledge.

Hey look, ice! It's really thick.
Yeah. Come on. Over here, Kipper. Watch this. It's great.

Wow! The pond's frozen over. Do you think they are alright?
Of course they are. Come on, let's go!
Up re-get then. Keep going.
Come on, Kipper.

Right. (I'll) Race you! Ready, go!
I won!
Race you again.
Come on!

What's the matter? You can't get anything to eat, can you? Or drink?
Okay, here goes.
I wonder what we can do.
It'll take ages to melt enough to drink.
What's up?
It's the ducks. They haven't got anything to eat or drink. It's all frozen.
(It's) Starting to get colder, too. This'll last for days.
Don't go too nearly the edge, Kipper.
Why don't we bring them something?
That's a good idea. We could load up our sledges. Come on.

Careful or lose all the water. I have been careful.
It was a good idea of you, though. They like it.
Ducks like their bread in water. Soak it in.
It's soaked already. Eat up.
It's bathed.
It tickles.
That's what for you to drink.
What have you done it? There's no left.
You have to wait it till tomorrow.
We'll bring some more then. Bye!

What's going on? That's sounds like… Ducks.
Have you all come for breakfast?
Oh, wait here then. I'll see what I've got.
White bread or brown bread?

