臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Trophy

2010-02-07 | Script

To Hundley nothing beat being a wiener dog on a sunny day.
It was so much more dignified than being a sweaty, tired looking man.

Back from the marathon already?
And you won a trophy?, 17th place! Congratulations!

Steady now, push that button.
Let's put it there, next to my cow pasture sprint trophy.

Trophies make it hard to forget things (that) you've done, because you have to keep clean-up them.
Yeah I got that for climbing and mapping what they now call yellow hat mountain.
You'll win trophies someday.
A trophy is a reward for doing something well.
So maybe "Best at being a good little monkey."

George figured there wasn't much chance of that, but maybe for something else someday.

Hi, Giorgio, Giorgio. Oh, say, you know I've got no help today ya.
Could you a?

All done! Thank you so much. Grazie.
My new dessert. The ice-cream Gnocchi for you, Giorgio.
Consider it Helpful Monkey Award.
My thank you for a job well done.
This plate of ice-cream was George's first trophy.
A trophy is a reward for doing something well.

Charkie, Charkie, where are you? There you are.
Who would've done this? It's just mean to melt guy's helpful monkey award.
Giorgio, what did you do? Leave your ice-cream Gnocchi in the sun?

Well, maybe I can still use it for something.
This time, don't leave it in the sun where it'll melt.
George now knew he had to keep his trophy out of the sun.

Hi, George.
Could we've a little tiny bit of ice-cream?
Sometimes George knew he was some kind of genius.
Walking backwards was another genius idea, except for the whole "not been able to see where you were going" thing.

Hi, George. Can I help you?

Hundley couldn't tell what George was carrying. Like anything George did that worried him.
George thought it was nice of Hundley to notice what a rush he was in.

George couldn't wait to show off his unmelted trophy.
The yellow hat was gone, so the man wasn't home.
George figured he'd impress Compass.
Pigeons like interesting things.
George forgot that Pigeons liked to land on the interesting things.
When it landed, the ice-cream took on a whole new shape. It just kept changing.

You dropped it? Oh, you can't drop ice-cream. It splatters.

That's your plate from before. It re-froze, I'll give you a nice new one.
Now remember, no sun, no dropping, Just get it home fast.

He's got even more ice-cream.

Another plate? Curious.

Now there was no sun to melt it.
All George had to do was wait for the man with the yellow hat to come home.
A lobby leaf.
Luckily George had time to clean it off, so it would be perfect, when the man with the yellow hat saw it.
Luckily for curios Hundley, George wanted to show off his trophy.
It didn't make sense. There was no sun, he didn't drop it.

You run water on it? Oh, that's gonna make it melt, too.
Alright, but this is the last one.
No sun, no dropping and no washing it.

Hey, how much ice-cream can one monkey eat alone?
I think he's gonna share this time.
Come on, come on.

You're sure eating a lot of ice-cream, George?
Wait up!
Oh, it's a party.
Be a good neighbor monkey, share.
You've already had so much.
Let's get him.

We got him. He's right there.

Trophies? You got that as a trophy?
Well, let me get a picture.

Maybe George can't help himself.
Maybe monkeys just naturally hoard ice-cream.

Ho boy. This sauce's great.
When George got his first trophy, everybody was a winner.

