臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT [Amazing Discoveries : The Dinosaur] 1/7

2009-05-17 | Script
今日は「Amazing Discoveries」の「The Dinosaur」のスクリプトです~

テーマは足跡"foot prints"です。

Amazing Discoveries

There. Yes!
That's very clever.
Now which one shall I do? I shall do blue.
Let's have a go.
Go on then.
Okay. Here goes. Great!
I know! Let's do feet.

Hey, they are brilliant. What should we do next?
Hey, look. It's (just) stopped raining. Let's go and jump in the puddles.
Yes. All right.

Come on.
Come in.
Ready go.
(I've) Got you!
Hey, look. Foot prints.
It's mud from the puddles. See?
Tiger, over here. Come on look at this.
What do you think this is?
Wow! It's massive.
Looks like a paw print. What do you think made it?
Something bigger than us. Something enormous.
Can you see anymore?
Here's one.
Look what far them paws they are.
Wow! It must be giant enormous.
That settles it, it's a dinosaur.
A dinosaur?
There's nothing else big enough.
But it can't be (tlue), Tiger. Dinosaurs don't exist anymore.
They must do. We found dinosaur's paw prints.
Come on. Let's follow them.

There's one and another.
It must've gone in there.
Perhaps it's gone to sleep somewhere.
Where is it? Can you see it?
It's coming to get us. Run!
Is it following us?
No. Thank goodness. Phew.
That was a near thing.
Oh, there's Pig.
Don't go far, Arnold.
Who won?
We wern't racing. We were running away.
From a dinosaur.
What dinosaur?
The one in the woods.
Is it still there?
(It) Could be anywhere.
We'd better no hang around.
I'll get Arnold. Arnold! Arnold!
Hello Arnold. We've just seen a dinosaur.
We're going to go, Arnold. Quickly. Come on.
Let me take your skittles. Oh, Come on, Arnold. It's an emergency. We're in a hurry.
All clear so far.
Tiger, does this remind you of anything?
Oh, where is it? Where is it?
No, Tiger. It's not a dinosaur print. Arnold's just made it with his skittles. It was Arnold all the time.
Oh, so it was.

Watch this everyone.
One dinosaur paw print.
So there isn't a dinosaur then?
No. Come on. Let's play skittles.

Come on Arnold. Knock them all down.
Have another go, Arnold.
Try again, Arnold.
It's back. It's after us.
Where is it? Oh, no!
Oh, it's only one of those digger thing.
Just a digger.
Look, Arnold. It's just a digger.
Well done, Arnold.
Again, Arnold.

