臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT [The Big Race] 1/7

2008-09-28 | Script
今日は、「Fun in the Sun」の「The Big Race」のスクリプトです~
こちょこちょこちょ~ キッパーとタイガーとピッグが大きなりんごの木の下で遊んでいます。このシーンをみるだけで、和んでしまいます~ 寒くもなく、暑くもなく、さわやかなお天気のこの日、大レースをやることになりました!競争で使える便利フレーズ満載です♪


Ho-hum. What a perfect day! Ho-hum. Yeah, not too hot, not too cold. Perfect!
Ho-hum. I know (that) the next one to say anything is a banana.
Tiger's a banana.
Kipper, stop it! No. It's not fair. Kipper tickle me.
Tiger's a banana.
Shall we play game?
Yeah, we could pick apples off the tree.
That's not a game. What about playing with swings? We could sway who can swing the highest.
I know why don't we have a race?
Yeah, I'm really fast. I'm bound to win.
Oh, yeah.
I'm not very good at racing.
That's alright.
You can be the starter.
Can I? I'm going to be the starter, Arnold. I know (that) I've got one of my chocolate cakes home. It could be a prize for the winner.
Okay, let's meet on Big hill, I'll see you later.

(Is) Everything ready?
Oh, hello Kipper. (We're) just waiting for Tiger. Ho-hum, Arnold wants to race, too. Here is Tiger.
(Is) Everyone ready then?
Yeah, so where shall we race to?
I've got a perfect course. We run down Big hill, pass through the swings to the pond and back to Pig's house, where the winner gets Pig's cake.
Ready, Steady, (whistle) Go on Arnold. Off you go.

You'll never catch me, Tiger.
Don't be so sure, Kipper.
I'm miles ahead. Hey, Tiger! That's not fair!
Well, no I'm set what kind of race was.
You wait, Tiger.
You see, Kipper. Three wheels are better than two feet.
Tiger, look out! Oh, dear. (Is) Everything alright, Tiger?
No. Everything is not alright. I'm soaked. Give me a hand, Kipper.
Sorry, Tiger. I've gotta race to win! I'll see you at Pig's house.
Kipper, Kipper wait! No. Eeek. My poor bike look at it! Will you have one yet, Kipper. I know a short cut to Pig's house. Through the woods.

Wee. Hello Arnold. Would you like a ride back to Pig's house on my scooter?
Okay, hop on then. Hold on tight. Wee.
Here you are, Arnold. See, no time at all. Good-bye, Arnold.

Nearly there. Tiger is miles behind.
Hello, Kipper. Well done.
Hurray! I'm a winner.
Look, here is Tiger. He looks a bit tired.
Poor Tiger.
Unluck Tiger. Kipper won.
Oh, I don't care.
Come on Pig. What about this cake?
Oh, yes. The winner's cake.

Oh, no.
What's up?
Arnold. Where is Arnold? Did you see him, Kipper?
Oh, it's all my fault.
I should never have let him race.
Don't worry, Pig. We'll form a seach party. We trace our steps.
Well, I'm not walking anywhere. I'm exhausted.
Can you here something?
Yes, it's best to I'll stay here. In case he comes back.
It's coming from inside.
It's eaten my cake.
It's coming from under the table. It's Arnold!
There you are, Arnold. How long have you been under here?
You got here first, didn't you, Arnold? You are the winner! You won the race!
Well, he might have left some cake.
Oh, thanks, Arnold.
It's good, Pig.

