臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Rescuing Gilbert & the Fire Truck

2010-09-19 | Script
Caillou and the Fire Truck

Caillou was having fun pretending to be a lion tamer.
The only problem was he couldn't get his lion to cooporate.

Come on, Gilbert, Jump! Like this! Ta-da!
Come back.
There you are.

Caillou was a little scared by the dog,
but Gilbert was much more afraid.

Gilbert. Come down, Gilbert. The dog is gone now.
Look, it's your favorite Mousy Mouse.

He was so high up in the tree.
Caillou worried that Gilbert might fall.

Oh. no! Daddy help!

This ladder isn't tall enough to reach Gilbert.
We have to get him down.
And we will, but we have to get help from someone with a taller ladder.

Caillou sure was excited to see the fire fighters and their big red truck.

Erick? Is that you?
It sure is. Hey, long time no see!

Do you know my daddy?
Caillou was impressed that Daddy knew a fire fighter.
I sure do.
Your dad and I used to play together when we were kids.
My name is Erick. What's yours?
It's nice to meet you, Caillou.
Now, let's get your kitty down from the tree.
Okay, Stacy. Let's set the ladder up.
We'll have him down in a jiffy.
You don't mind if I borrow this, do you? Thanks.

There you are, Gilbert. Come here. Look what I've got.
Caillou was amazed at how high the fire truck ladder could go.
Up up up. He could never climb as high as Stacy could.
Thank you so much.
My pleasure.
Can I look inside the truck?
I have a better idea.
Why don't you come to the fire station for a tour,
if that's okay with your daddy?
Can we?
That would be fun.
Can we ride in the truck?
No problem.

What does this button do?

That one rings the fire bell on top of the truck.
Go ahead, Caillou. Push it.

I can do it myself, daddy.
Caillou wanted to be a big boy and get out of the truck like his father and Erick, but it wasn't as easy as he thought.
Uh, it's a little too far down, Caillou. Let me help you.

This is (the place) where we keep our coats and boots.
It's important to have them ready so we can move quickly in an emergency.
These boots are really big, and heavy!
Why don't you try one on for size?
Maybe you're not quite big enough to fill fire fighter's boots.

It's also very important to keep the truck in tip-top shape at all times.
I see Sparky is giving you the official fire station welcome.
What's a doggy doing here?
Sparky works here. He is a fire dog.
He sniffs out fire to make sure as we put them all out.
This is Spaky's favorite game.
Wanna play with him, Caillou?

When we're upstairs and the alarm goes off, we just slide down this pole and presto we're ready for action.
It's really high.
Oh, you'll get used to it.
When I first started, I found it a bit scary,
but you know, with a little practice it doesn't bother me anymore.
We've gotta go.
Duty course.
Come back soon.
I think you have a little fire fighter on your hands.

Caillou thought the pole seemed awfully high.
He wasn't so sure he can ever slid down that pole.
But Daddy knew the perfect place for Caillou to practice.

Wee! Ta-da!
Very good. Keep up the practice and you'll be a fire fighter in no time.

Don't worry, Gilbert. Fire fighter Caillou will rescue you!
See, I saved you! Aren't you glad I'm a fire fighter?


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[SCRIPT] Caillou to the Rescue! (Adrian)
2021-11-14 09:07:22
"Caillou To The Rescue!"
Written by: Anne-Marie Perrotta, Tean Schultz
Storyboard by: Eric Bergeron
