臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Doorman

2010-04-18 | Script

Hundley the door-man's dachshund, loved his lobby to be clean and organized, just like him.

Good morning, Hundley. You sure look very shiny and sleek today.

Being long and low made him an excellent finder of lost things.

My Keys. Thank you, Hundley.

Dankie says, "Thank you, Hundley".

Having sharp hearing make him an excellent squeak detector.

Good ears, Hundley.
A door-man's door must look and sound perfect at all times.
And his uniform must be spotless.

But Hundley felt his most important job was to protect the place from George.
The absolute opposite of all that was organized and neat.

Package for 217.
Let's go, Hundley. 217.

Oh, no I'm out uniform.
Delivery. I rushed right up.

Right on time. I buy and sell autographed balls.
Very expensive.
This one's Freddy Freek kicked KO.
I have a lot more balls coming today.
Valuable collector's items.

Don't worry. Hundley and I'll make sure they are safe.

Out of uniform! Ugh! A door-man's uniform is as an important as his door!
What's wrong, Hundley?
Careful. That's full of.... oil.
Oh, no. This is my last clean shirt.
A door-man must be spotless. I have to go to the dry cleaners.
I won't be long. You're in charge, Hundley.

Hundley knew the first order of business, "watch George".
George (had) never realized how much he liked the door-man's uniform.

Hundley'd never gotten a salute before.
He must've been doing an exceptionally good-job.

A door-man's uniform is as an important as his door!
Hundley had to get that monkey out of uniform.
But he still had a job to do.

I see you have a new partner, Hundley. You're both so handsome.

Time's of the essence.
How quickly can you clear an oil stain?

An oil stain about this size?
An oil stain exactly that size. That exact oil stain.
Then I have no idea until I try.
Then try. I can wait because I know Hundley will keep the lobby in perfect order.

Hundley tried to get the coat off George.
Which is how he found out George was ticklish.

Hundley didn't want people to think his lobby's door-man was a monkey.

George picked the most interesting looking box to open first.
Order had to be restored. The lobby couldn't look like this.
Hundley tried to tell George these weren't his packages.
But George thought Hundley wanted to play.

Being a dog, Hundley had tasted a lot of tennis balls.
But these were the first that ever tasted like... ink?
These were the valuable balls (which) the door-man promised to protect.

Hundley couldn't stop George from opening boxes that he thought belonged to him.
But he knew how to play defense.

It was tough for George to guess who sent all this stuff to him.

Hold on. There is a monkey and a winner-dog at the door.
Oh, those careless delivery guys!
If any of my balls aren't properly packed, I'm gonna be very upset!

Now George understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to George by mistake.

I'll be down to check every last one, as soon as I'm off the phone.

They had to clean up before the ball collector came down stairs.
All they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes.
How hard could they be?

Sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should,
or they fit in more than one place?
But there was only one place (that) they really belong (in).
And once you to figure there out, it's easy, even if you're a monkey.

Hundley showed George how to lay them flat.

They did it!
All the balls were back (the place) where they started..... kind of.

Looks like they are all here.
Even the priceless Andy Turkeyrolla perfect score bowling ball.

I'm back. Is everything okay?

My delivery came.

Your dog and monkey took care of everything.

That's great. Thank you, Hundley. Thank, you George.
It's nice to know Hundley has help keeping the place clean and organized.
George, would you like to help Hundley again tomorrow morning?
You can be my official door-monkey.
I won't be here, and tomorrow is water delivery day.

