臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Roller Skates

2010-07-25 | Script

To George it was a perfect morning,
eating and reading and having nothing better to do.
But there was one thing he was supposed to do.

George, didn't you promise to clean up this room yesterday?
You can't leave toys lying around. Someone could get hurt.

Phew! Lucky for me this, wall was here.
Now please clean up, George.
When I come home from work, we'll spend the evening in our nice clean living room, Okay?

Rolling on the car looked fun,
except for the slamming into the wall part.

If one car was fun, imagine what you could do with two.
George had to show his great new car shoes to someone.

George couldn't wait to see the look on Hundley's face.
That wasn't the look he expected.
Hundley didn't want monkey hand prints all over the clean doors.

George didn't know how to turn around and go back.

I don't know, we have too many roller skates.
Now what can we do to make people more interested in skates?
Well, how about having a roller skating monkey give demonstrations?
And just where are we gonna find a roller skating monkey?

The skates are our gift to you.
You just skate in front of the store whenever you can.
Um.. Yeah, (we'd) better give him another pair, honey. He's got four feet.
I thought he had four hands, but fine, two pairs it is.
Okay, let's say. Let's see what you can do.

Maybe he should practice outside.
Yeah, gotcha.
Now you practice a little Mr., then come back.

Okay, do you ever think we'll see him again?
If you can't trust a monkey, who can you trust?

George liked his new skates.
But what were these black things for?
George thought that even Hundley would have to admire his skates,
especially since now he knew how to a stop.

Ho,-ho,-ho. Hey, let me help you with those. Uh, Hundley, you're in charge.

A monkey on wheels looked wrong,
but a proud sleek Dachshund on nice wheels.
George knew exactly what Hundley wanted to do.

Check out, the cool wheel dog on roller skates.
It occurred to George that perhaps he should've shown Hundley how to stop.

The only thing in the world Hundley wanted was to stop rolling.
Now the only thing in the world he wanted,
was for these nice girls to take the wheel shoes off him.
But unfortunately the girls didn't speak Dachshund.

I think he's sad because we messed up his ride.
Don't worry, doggy. We'll get you rollin' again.
Ready? One, two, three.

George thought he recognized the tail racing toward him.
But it couldn't be Hundley. Hundley would never go that fast.
How many roller skating wienerdogs could there be in the city?

It was over.
Hundley was sorry he'd tried these wheel shoes on, and never wanted to see them again.

A dog on skates! What a talent little guy you must be, and so handsome.

Then again he did look good on those wheel shoes.
With a little practice, he could be the talk of the town.

Good dog!

Hundley could think of nothing worse than skating down the sidewalk out of control with a cat on his back,

Wow! That cat's skateboard is, like made of dog!
Gnocchi realized that when the boy leaned,
he could steer, so maybe she should try it.

George thought he recognized that flying dog, but it couldn't be Hundley.
Hundley wouldn't fly.
Then again, how many skating flying wienerdog and cat teams could there be in the city?

George thought this was a good time to show Hundley how to stop.

No matter what George did, they kept going faster and faster.
He couldn't imagine how they were ever going to stop.
Then he could.

Hundley, I've been worried. Where have you (been)...?
You are a muddy mess mise.

Agh. Looks like he is not the only one.
We can't have the tenants see us like this, Hundley.
I'll get a towel and get you cleaned up, boy.
Time for you to clean up, too, George.
Wait a minute.

Hundley was sure if that monkey and cat hadn't been around,
he could've learned to skate.
Say, weren't there two pairs of skates?
(It) Must've been my imagination.

