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☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

Take a bath! [SCRIPT]

2009-09-13 | Script



There were only two things that could get George to take a bath. Bobbles and Sproingy. The most awe-inspiring toy frog that ever lived and the best bobble maker George ever met A bath just wouldn't be a bath without them.

I wonder what this belongs to.
Oh, Gorge. I found your lost boat, in the freezer.
You know, George. If you are a little more careful with your toys, you wouldn't loose so many of them.
You're almost ready to go to the park?

Hey, aren't you greatly fun your boat, George? George? 

Charkie wanted to play in the mud, too.

Hey, George. What do you see we go home and grab some lunch? Maybe you should try to clean up a little bit before we go.
We could be here all day doing this. You can clean up at home, George.

Okay George lunch is... ready. George, you have to get cleaned up before you can eat. Just take a quick bath. I'll wait. 

There were only two things that could get George take a bath. Bobbles and... Sproingy the frog. George wonder where he could be.

George, what is taking so long?

You can clean your room later, after you clean yourself, and after we eat lunch.

Hop in!
I get it, you wanna be launched like a new ship, huh? Alright, here we go, into the sea! You tickle me.
Look, I know you took a bath already this morning, but you're muddy, George. Hey, look at all the fun bubbles. See? 

There was no way George could take a bath without Sproingy, who had to be around here somewhere.

George. Oh.

And there was no way George was going to admit he lost another toy, who had to be here somewhere.

George, aren't you gonna take a bath?
Are you gonna take a bath tonight? You don't know? Tomorrow? Ever?
Oh, I can't have a muddy monkey messing up here apartment.
Okay, George. giving yourself a bath. How about we give your truck a bath?

You know, mind if I wash my car, while you wash your truck, do you?

George love making bobbles anywhere he didn't need a tub. A bucket of water a little soap work, too. There were so light and shining and filled with air. But making bobbles reminded him Sproingy.

There! All clean. Good job.

Hi, guys. Oh, you looking good, George.
Well, at least the right half of you is. I guess someone's do for half a bath.
I wish, but George won't take a bath anymore. I don't get it.
Maybe George feels he's getting too old for a bath.
Of course, that's it. My little monkey's growing up. Now I know exactly what to do. Come on George, we'll go then.
Oh, thanks Professor Wiseman. You're genius.

Oh, well. Yeah.

I understand your problem with bath now, George.
And I agree it's time for you'll start taking showers.
Turn on the water, George, and see what happens.
Oh, George. Okay, won't take a bath, won't take showers.

I need take a walking, not think about any problems for a while.

But sometimes not thinking about something, it's harder than you think.
Bobbles? Maybe somehow Sproingy was nearby.

Hi Betsy. Hi Steve.

Betsy made pretty good bobbles, but she was no plastic frog.

Hey, George. For washing dogs to make money, wanna help?
Yeah, George, why don't you help the soap and water and bobbles,,, and soap?
Great, George can help me make bobbles to attract dirty customers.

George figured the triangle bobble maker was broken, but square bobble would be just as good.
They thought me the first time I tried them, too.
It doesn't matter what shape bobble maker you use, they always turn up round.

All these bobble making made George miss Sproingy even more.

Charkie, you're more mudding dog. Hey, George. Could you help me?
Could you wash Charkie's ball?
Don't be shy about getting some of the clean water on yourself.

Of course, the park, the mud, Charkie.

Oh, no, no, you're getting dirty here. George slow down, I can.... Okay. I'll meet you back home.

Well, you beat me home. Why were we racing?
George, you're taking a bath? Okay then, enjoy! I uh.. Wow! I wonder what that was all about.

A bath just wouldn't be a bath without bobbles and Sproingy.

