臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou Goes Shopping

2011-03-13 | Script
upset 状態にある子供を更に叱るなんて間違ってますね
"Let's make sure you don't get lost again."

Come on, it's story time, kids!
Now let's see, this story happened when Caillou was only three, and Rosie was just a baby.
Today's story is called, "Caillou goes shopping".

Caillou, time to get up. It's snowing outside, look!
Yeah! I want to make a snowman!
Let's get you dressed first. Now where're your sweaters?
Then I wanna wear these!
If you wear shorts outside, you'll feel as cold as a snowman.

There's no more cereal.
We'll get some when we go shopping, and we need some eggs, too, because I'm making a special surprise cake!
Special surprise cake? Yeah!
Caillou and Rosie always like Mommy special surprise cakes,
but they never knew exactly what the surprise would be.

Caillou, it's time to go to the store. Put on your coat and boots!
But Mommy, I want to play with my dinosaur.
You can play with him later. Now come on, we're waiting for you.
Caillou liked to go shopping, but he always took a long time to get ready, because he liked playing, too.

Caillou, get in the car, please!
Are we gonna make a snowman?
Well, yes. As a matter of fact we are.
Yeah! A snowman!
But right now, we have to get going.

Mommy, I want you to ride like Rosie.
Hum. Okay. But let's get going, or there won't be time to make that snowman.

I want these.
Caillou, we're having a special surprise cake, remember? So we don't need cookies, too. Okay?
What is the special surprise cake?
If I tell you, we'll spoil the surprise.
Now when we get to the check-out,
I want you to look after Rosie while I take care of the groceries.

All Caillou could think about was those cookies, but he forgot exactly where he'd seen them.
Before he knew it, he was all alone, lost and feeling afraid.
Mommy! Where're you? Mommy!
Caillou, what happened?
You ran away.
No, Caillou, you did. But I'm very glad to be found you. Let's go home.
Caillou was still feeling upset but he was very happy to see his mommy and Rosie again.

I didn't like it when I was lost, Mommy.
I didn't like it, either, sweetie. So let's make sure you don't get lost again.
Now let's finish making that special surprise cake!

But I want to make a snowman.
We ARE going to make a snowman. I want we're gonna make him right here in the kitchen.
The special surprise cake! Yeah!

Caillou and Rosie were absolutely right.
They had guessed what Mommy surprise was going to be.
Mommy, look! He is really a snowman!
Then he must be cold. Let's give him a scarf.

