臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Gilbert Goes to the Vet

2010-09-12 | Script

I can't find him anywhere, Mommy.

It was time to take Gilbert to the Vet for his regular checkup.

Gilbert, where are you? You bad cat!

But Gilbert was missing.

I can't see the box anywhere, honey. Are you sure (that) it's down here?
Did you find Gilbert, Caillou?

No, Daddy.
And I can't find his box.
Look what I found!

When Gilbert saw his box, he knew that meant (that) he would be going in the car.
And Gilbert didn't like going in the car.

Gilbert doesn't want to go to the Vet.
I know but he has to. He needs his checkup.
A checkup? (Is it) Like (the time) when I go to the doctor?
Exactly. The veterinarian is Gilbert's doctor.
It's okay, Gilbert. I'll look after you.
Daddy, Gilbert got out of the box!

Okay, don't worry. Everything's under control, I hope.

I can see his tail.
Bad cat, Gilbert!

He's not really a bad cat. He's just scared.
He doesn't like riding in the car.

Silly, Gilbert, I love riding in the car.

Gilbert was back in his box and they were on the way again.

By the way, Caillou. Just how did Gilbert get out his box?
I just wanted to pet him.
That was nice of you, but let's leave him in the box from now on, okay?


Hi, Caillou. What are you doing here?
Gilbert is having his checkup.
Ollie should have his teeth cleaned. He has to stay over night.
Did you bring his tooth brush?
No, Silly. He doesn't have tooth brush.
Doctor Orangephil has to clean his teeth for him.

Good. Everything's fine here.
Now I have to give Gilbert his shot.
Is it going to hurt?
Not very much, and it'll make sure he stay healthy for a whole year.
How would you like to help me, Caillou?
Just pet Gilbert, and keep him calm.
Don't worry, Gilbert.
There! All done. That wasn't so bad now, was it?
Gilbert, come back!
Oh, no. Not again!


1 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
[SCRIPT] The Cat's Meow (Adrian)
2021-11-14 09:15:55
"The Cat's Meow"
Written by: Matthew Cope
Storyboard by: Emmanuelle Gignac
