臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

Winter Snow Play [SCRIPT]

2009-09-27 | Script


牛はミルクに、鶏は卵があるけど、豚は・・・・。 ねぇ?

うちのこ3才。死んだ虫をみかけると、"Is it dead?" なんて聞いてきます。


When a monkey wakes up to see if it snowed last night. He doesn't waste any time.

Let me help you with those.
Let's see, coat, boots, hat, mittens.
I'd say you're all ready.

First rules for playing in snow, you've gotta get out the door.

Well, I'm kind of tired, George. Hey, why don't you play while I make hot cocoa? I think we have just enough left for two cups.

(George was) Playing in snow then finishing off the good hot cocoa. This was going to be a perfect day.

Here was all this fresh snow just itching to be played with, but it was too deep for George.

Hey, George.
Guess City kid wouldn't've seen cross country skies before.
It's the most fun way to travel on deep snow.
I've got an old pair of skis (that) you can have. (Do) You wanna come with me?

This was fun. George took a skiing like, like a monkey to ski.
(Do you) Think you can handle the big hill?

With skies on George could go anywhere there were snow.
What thought he thought.

You can't attack a steep hill straight on like that, George.
You got it zigzag. When you stock and go your skies like this so you don't slide back down.
Yeah, that's it. Here we go, George. That's the way to do it.

George had a great view up here. He could see houses and farms, and there was his house. And then he thought he'd better head home right now, because the man was making the last of the cocoa. And no one can resist the drink-me-now power of cocoa. Not even the man with the yellow hat.

I wonder what that could be. I wanna go take a quick look around. You wait here.

This wasn't good. He was getting even further from home.

Hey, George down here! I couldn't find what made that sound. I'm heading home now. Have fun!

At least it was all down hill from here. He figured he'd be home seconds.
There had to be a way to get that ski.
Well, one ski was better than non.

That was awesome!

There was no way George could walk home on deep snow without skies.

I think he likes so snow shoes.
I think he wants to borrow snow shoes to get it to his house.
He probably lives there. I'll give him mine.
Then how do you get home? You can't walk on this snow well, then.
Let's pull him home on our sled.
(We) Can't. We're already late. Mom's gonna get worry.
We can't just leave him here.
How about we get ourselves home first, and then we'll give the monkey snow shoes. We live on the other side of the hill, come on, boy.
There is the weird noise again.
It's probably kids like us. Riding sleds a hill or two away. On your marks!
Get set go!

Why didn't we give the Monkey the snow shoes on top the hill, now he has to walk all the way back up.
I can't think of everything and better time to bring that up would've been on top of the hill.
Sorry Monkey.
Bye Monkey.

George didn't realize how cold and tired he was, till he tried to climb the same hill one more time.
But the only thing that kept him going (that) was the joyous hope cocoa.
Now George could see what made that sound. A cold lost pig. George was almost at the top. The pig was lay over there. He didn't even know if he could help.
"We can't just leave him here."

George wonder how a pig got lost all the way up here. And more importantly, how were he going get it down, what they needed was a sled.

I know that squeal anyway, it's little Mike!
He got out last night before it's snowed. He's never even seen snow before. (He) Must've been completely mystify by it. Thank you George.
I was wondering what took you so long.
There is a cup of cocoa inside waiting for you.

Well, see you later!
Okay, take care!

Skiing, sledding, bringing a pig home, then cocoa. This was a perfect day to be a monkey

