臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。


2009-11-22 | Script

It was a perfect day to walk down an avenue and wonder if building's numbers get higher and higher, do they ever stop.
And that's exactly what George was doing, until he got curious about a sound.

Hi, George. Wanna shoot basckets?
When's it gonna be my turn, Stive?
When I miss, if I miss, now where I was up. Oh, yeah. Twenty-three. I'm going for new record. Twenty-four baskets zero.
Now it's your turn, Betsy.
Here, you take your turn, George.
Maybe you can beat Steve's record.
That's one. You need twenty-three more to beat me.
George was sure he could get twenty-four thirty-four, maybe a hundred and four.
Oh, no! Wait! Come back! That's our ball!
Huh! Now what?
How about miniature golf. You've never played? It's great. There is a castle, and a windmill.

I'll show you how to play. I'm good at this.
To figure score out how many times hit the ball before goes in a hole.

George had one goal to do better will golf than he had basket ball.

By the end of the first hole, George knew he was great at this game.
A little softer.
A hole in everyone. I got five. Betsy got eight, and George twenty-seven.
George hadn't come close to Steve twenty-three baskets, but he'd already had the highest golf score.

And this hole, Betsy got four, and I got three. If you get it in now, you have nine.
Nine? George was sure he can get the score up higher, but it took effort to miss so close.
That's ten. Keep trying. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Forteen.
Head the windmill again. That's twenty.
Getting high score golf was easy. George was born with golf (in hand).

At the end of the game, Steve totaled up the scores.
I had thirty-five. That's my new record for the best score yet.
Betsy's is out of fifty-eight
And George two hundred and fifty-seven.
George, high score isn't good.
You wanna get the ball in a hole with the least number of tries.
In golf the lowest score is best. Is that you knew?

George couldn't imagine how the lowest number could be the best.
That meant if George didn't play at all, his score zero, and be the greatest golfer in history.
Maybe monkeys just aren't meant to play golf.

Numbers can confuse the monkey. How can a big number bewared lest than a small number?

Maybe monkeys weren't meant to play golf or bascket ball, or set records.
That was just like miniature golf. I think you'd've done better miniature golf if you've known the rules.
Sometimes girls and monkeys think exactly alike.
We could build our very own golf course right here.
I know we'll get some great stuff to build golf course with.

Sure, you can play with that stuff.
But don't ride the unicycle without your helmet.

Great stuff. Let's get work.
Betsy, aunt Margaret says to be on for dinner in an hour. Holy cow!
We made our own mini-golf course. You wanna play?
In our game, each hole use the special club.

You'll never get it through there. You catched in the windmill yesterday.
A hole in one!
Great! If George can do that, I'm gonna break all my golf records out this easy course.
George, thanks, but I really don't need hop on this.
Are you keeping track of your score on this easy course, Steve?
Oh, yes.
Okay, and the first hole, George got one, Lucky. Betsy got six, and I got six.

The club for this hole, please. Here we go.
Oh, yes! There's this!
Oh, a hole in one!
My first ever! Looks like I'm going for the record, too.
Okay. Here comes my hole in one.
A hole in two.
We're going for best scores ever on this course.
There's our first course ever this course.
Yeah, so? They're still the best.

What's the club for the last hole?
No club, it's the blow hole, get it? Whale, blow whale!
Okay, go around, and in the house.

At the end of the game, I have forty, Batsy has twenty five, George got twenty-one?
I told you play better when you knew the rules.
I'm sorry I said monkeys shouldn't play golf. You guys wanna play real mini golf tomorrow?
Thanks, but I think me like this better.
Can I play game with you tomorrow? Maybe George can help me improve my game.

