臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Winter

2010-05-02 | Script

When winter began, everything outdoors looked different.
The days were short, the grass was brown and the trees were bare.

George don't forget your coat.
It maybe sunny but it's turning really cold out there.

George had toys for summer, toys for snow, but there were no toys for just plain cold.
There weren't even birds to watch.
But even the dullest monkey day could be saved by a visit with bunnies.

The hutch was empty. They must've been a big bunny break-out.

What's wrong, George?
Oh. Are you looking for the bunnies?
Uh, don't worry. I brought them in out of the cold.
I'm glad you're here. We have to go to my grandmother's.
Can you do me a favor while I'm gone?

George knew Bill was gonna ask him to take care of his bunnies.
It's something he dreamed about.
George would pick only videos that bunnies liked, and games they could win, and show them his best bunny picture books.

I'm taking the bunnies to stay at my grandmother's house for the rest of the winter.
Boy, it's too cold out and my folks won't let me keep'em in the house.
Grandma has a warm place (which) they can spend the entire winter.
So could you do me a favor, put out some nuts and seeds for that Jumpy squirrel everyday?
I don't want him to go hungry if the ground gets too cold and hard and he can't find food.
See you later, George.

George remembered how it was not too long ago.
Why did all fun things have to be taken away just because of some old season?
He wasn't going to let winter ruin his... well, ruin his winter.
This little monkey was going to prove that winter couldn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted.

Really cold water can change a monkey's plan just like that.

George, I'm back. I bought some of that really good hot cocoa.
Uh, George. What are you doing?
Soaking your feet in warm water because you got a chill?

Well, when it's too cold to play outside, it's hot cocoa to the rescue!

The next day felt like the coldest day of the year.
Don't forget your scarf!
But George was not about to let it stop him from having fun the way (that) he wanted to.

Time for fun.

George had won! He was having fun like winter had never come.
The bubble froze. That's pretty interesting.
But it wasn't what George wanted to do.
He knew his dolphin couldn't freeze.
He could play with that any way he wanted.
Yesterday's summer fun had turned into today's humongous ice cube.

At that moment Jumpy squirrel remembered why he stayed in trees.

There! That'll warm you up.
George was thinking two things.
Boy was this cocoa good, and that he was giving up.
How can a monkey have any fun when his stuff all freezes up?
Then he knew exactly how....

I'm afraid it's gonna be even colder tomorrow.
Sorry. You can still have warm dreams, though. Good night.

Colder tomorrow? George couldn't wait.

Don't forget your hat!

George's plan was working.
George had made an ice bowing set.
He was finally having fun.
Then Jumpy did something unexpected.
At first George thought squirrels must really hate bowling,
but Jumpy only wanted to get the frozen nuts.
George and Jumpy played nut hockey till the sun went down.
Then he set up for the next day.

In the morning George bundled up.
You're not gonna need that hat and scarf. It's warmer today.

It was a perfect day. It turned out winter could be fun.
Except now it wasn't cold enough to freeze anything solid.
All that work inventing fun stuff, and it was all for nothing.

Winter, it was like a roller-coaster of blur.

It's started already?
We're supposed to get a ton of snow tonight.
Well, (it's a) good thing (that) I bought a new shovel.

Maybe inventing stuff wasn't all for nothing.
It helped him survive the dull of winter till the first snow.
George, it's snowing in the house.
Yeah, winter is a roller-coaster and monkeys love roller-coasters.

