臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

SCRIPT [Playtime : Clay Time] 3/7

2009-04-12 | Script
今日は「Playtime」の「Clay Time」のスクリプトです~

タイガーは陶芸の趣味もあるのですね~ エプロン姿がかわいい♪


Well, thank you, Arnold.
Hello Pig. Hello Arnold. Feeding ducks?
Oh, hello Kipper. Yeah. Give Kipper some bread then, Arnold?
Thanks, Arnold.
What are you up to then, Kipper?
I'm going to Tiger's house for tea.
Oh, that's nice. He's going to Tiger's house for tea, Arnold.
What will you be having for this tea then?
Oh, Tiger says something about cookies.
Cookies! What kind of cookies?
Chocolate I think.
After chocolate cake, chocolate cookies are our favorites. They are our favorites, aren't they, Arnold?
No thanks, Arnold. I'd better be going. Bye.
Bye, Kipper. Uh. Chocolate cookies. Lovely.

Come on.
What's that noise?
Yes. Yes. Oh, no. Come on.
What is he doing?
Stay still. Stay still.
Oh, hello, Kipper.
What are you doing, Tiger?
I'm making pots on my new potter's wheel.
Wow! Really?
Yes, it's brilliant fun, but a bit tricky. Come on, I'll show you how it's done.
First you get the big lump of clay. Then you throw it onto the wheel.
Then you pedal as fast as you can, and make what every these you want to make.
You must always keep the clay an eye on wet.
It's great, isn't it?
It takes great skill and.... Oops. Patience.
Ta-da. There you go.
Well, it's certainly are... Yes, it's a... What is it?
It's a cup. Anyone can see that, Kipper.
Oh, yes, so it is.
I'm making a set of them.
Can I have a go, Tiger?
Of course. But don't be too disappointed, if it doesn't work out first time. Remember to keep it wet, Kipper.
Well, you're doing it all wrong, Kipper.
Wow! Look, Tiger. Look.
Yes. Yes. Not bad.
How do you make it hollow?
You just stick your thumb in it.
Is that right?
That's it, Kipper. Go faster. Faster!
Oh! Awww. Oh no.
Not as easy as it looks, is it, Kipper?
Hey, Tiger. What don't we make a really big pot?
Yeah. A really huge one.
Okay, Tiger. Start the wheel.
Faster, Tiger.
Okay, Tiger.
It's working.
It's working.
Don't stop Tiger. Keep going.
It's not very big, is it?
It's perfect.
I wonder where all the clay went.
(It's) Over you, silly.
I'm glad we didn't make a big pot. The small one was perfect.
It completely my set of cups.
Tiger, they're all squelchy. How do you make them hard?
Oh, that's easy. We bake them.
What? Like cakes?
Yeah, but they have to dry up first.
Come on. Let's get clean up.
Can we have our tea then? I'm starving.

Look, Arnold. I wonder what it is.
It looks like some sort of car. It's got a pedal and a steering wheel. Come on, Arnold. Let's go for a ride.
Hold on tight, Arnold. It's working. Why aren't we moving?
Wow! It haven't got any wheels. However (I've) heard of a car without wheels.
Come on, Arnold. Let's go and have tea with Kipper and Tiger.
I hope they haven't (still) started without us.
Arnold, stop messing about.

Tiger! Kipper! Where are they?
Oh. Arnold, Look. Cookies. Chocolate cookies. Um. Lovely. They are funny shape, aren't they? And don't smell very chocolaty.
I'm really hungry.
Me too.
These cookies look really.... No, Pig!
Ugh. I don't think much of your cookies. They taste horrible.
What is it? What's wrong?

