アーバナ買い出し紀行 (イリノイ大学留学日記)



2008-02-22 15:35:47 | その他・わからない・無回答
ノートPC(約4年所有のSony Vaio PCG-V505F/B)がとうとうやばくなってきた。実は去年の12月ぐらいから異常はあったんだけど、発生するのがたまになので、とりあえず使い続けてきたところ、先週ぐらいから、ほぼ毎回同じ異常が出るようになりました。

どういう異常かというと、ハードディスクを認識しない。認識しないので、No operating system found.となって、起動しない。だけど、右側を下にして、左側面を何回か叩くと接触(?)がなおるらしく、ちゃんと起動します。おばあちゃんちのテレビみたいですね。本当に精密機器なのか。




2008-02-16 04:42:39 | その他・わからない・無回答

"The man who gunned down five people at Northern Illinois University in a suicidal rampage became erratic after halting his medication and carried a shotgun to campus inside a guitar case, police said Friday.

The man, 27-year-old former student Stephen Kazmierczak, was also wielding three handguns during Thursday's ambush inside a lecture hall.


The killer had been a graduate student in sociology at Northern Illinois as recently as spring 2007, Peters said. He also said the suspect had no record of police contact or an arrest record while attending Northern Illinois, a campus with 25,000 students about 65 miles west of Chicago.

The gunman was a student at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Chancellor Richard Herman said. The university is about 140 miles south of Chicago. (後略)"

(Associated Press, via Yahoo, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/niu_shooting: accessed at 13:30 CST, Feb. 15, 2007)

"(前略) The gunman, dressed in black, stormed into an oceanography class Thursday afternoon and opened fire with a shotgun and two handguns. In a matter of seconds, he killed five and wounded 16.

Then, still on stage, he killed himself, authorities said.

Late Thursday, sources confirmed that the gunman was a graduate student in social work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (後略)"

(Chicago Tribune, http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-niu-shooting_webfeb16,1,4597066.story?track=rss: Accessed at 13:30 CST, Feb. 15, 2007)


事件があったのは、Northern Illinois University(北イリノイ大学)。これは、シカゴ近郊(といっても、シカゴ中心部からは車で1時間ほどかかる)にある大学です。私が通っている大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校)からは、300km近く離れています。
