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List of dark ambient artists

2007-05-31 04:43:00 | Weblog
List of dark ambient artists
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The following is a list of notable artists
who compose, or have composed dark ambient music.
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Label:mego/dark winter/tzadik/Atmoworks/mimi

Joseph Kosuth

2007-05-28 03:35:45 | Weblog
Joseph Kosuth (born January 31, 1945 Toledo, Ohio) is an influential American conceptual artist.

Kosuth studied fine arts at the School of Visual Arts in New York City from 1965 to 1967.

His work generally strives to explore the nature of art, focusing on ideas at the fringe of art rather than on producing art per se. Thus his art is very self-referential, and a typical statement of his goes:

"The 'value' of particular artists after Duchamp can be weighed according to how much they questioned the nature of art."

One of his most famous works is "One and Three Chairs", a visual expression of Plato's concept of The Forms. The piece features a physical chair, a photograph of that chair, and the text of a dictionary definition of the word "chair". The photograph is a representation of the actual chair situated on the floor, in the foreground of the work of art. The definition, posted on the same wall as the photograph, delineates in words the concept of what a chair is, in its various incarnations. In this and other, similar works, Five Words in Blue Neon and Glass One and Three, Kosuth forwards tautological statements, where the works literally are what they say they are.

In an addition to his artwork, he has written several books on the nature of art and artists, including Artist as Anthropologist. In his essay "Art after Philosophy" (1969), he argued that art is the continuation of philosophy, which he saw at an end. Like the Situationists, he rejected formalism as an exercise in aesthetics, with its function to be aesthetic. Formalism, he said, limits the possibilities for art with minimal creative effort put forth by the formalist. Further, since concept is overlooked by the formalist, "Formalist criticism is no more than an analysis of the physical attributes of particular objects which happen to exist in a morphological context". He further argues that the "change from 'appearance' to 'conception' (which begins with Duchamp's first unassisted readymade) was the beginning of 'modern art' and the beginning of 'conceptual art'." Kosuth explains that works of conceptual art are analytic propositions. They are linguistic in character because they express definitions of art. This makes them tautological. In this vein is another of his well-known pieces: In Figeac, Lot, France, on the "Place des écritures" (writings place) is a giant copy of the Rosetta stone.

In 2007 Kosuth participated with text about Time at the symposium “Personal Structures Time-Space-Existence”, a project initiated by the artist Rene Rietmeyer.

Artists of DaDaism

2007-05-26 02:22:18 | Weblog
Artists of DaDaism
For a list of artists by city, click here.

* Aragon, Louis
* Arp, Hans (Jean)
* Baader, Johannes
* Baargeld, Johannes Theodor
* Ball, Hugo
* Breton, André
* Duchamp, Marcel
* Eluard, Paul
* Ernst, Max
* Grosz, George
* Hausmann, Raoul
* Heartfield, John
* Hennings, Emmy
* Herzfelde, Wieland
* Höch, Hannah
* Huelsenbeck, Richard
* Picabia, Francis
* Planchon, Roger
* Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges
* Richter, Hans
* Schwitters, Kurt
* Soupault, Philippe
* Taeuber-Arp, Sophie
* Tzara, Tristan


2007-05-22 23:08:18 | Weblog
by Ryuta.k(Ryu)
From the Album ; Le sambolic
# Original Release Date: January 1, 2006
# Label: Doppleganger
# Copyright: 2005 Doppleganger/usyukuro
# Song Length: 16:47 minutes
# Genres: Dance & DJ/General/dark industrial

japanese term: kyyuya(九夜)
means the nine-th night.
As pulled by souseki natume(夏目漱石)
novel yumejyuya(夢十夜) or Ten nihghtmare.
Three night is most scary story.
kyyuya/nine night is less scary than Three night.
But it atmosphere also has gloomy or depressed.
music kyyuya represents it atmosphere well.
the novel subject tonality always must be
expressionism excluded from early 20th native
totalitalianism or symbolic order(le samboilc).

2004/# Copyright: 2005 Doppleganger/usyukuro

Overcoming Dictatorships

2007-05-14 02:38:52 | Weblog
About Overcoming Dictatorships
Within the framework of this new project we intend to start a two-year exchange between artists, poets and authors from various European countries about their experiences of the change from dictatorship to democracy, in particular after the opening of former communist countries since the end of the 1980s. In a number of meetings (held in the participating countries, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Italy and Germany) invited poets, writers and artists will present their work and exchange their experiences from the dictatorial/authoritarian period and show how the political changes have influenced their artistic activities. The result will be an exhibition which will start in Birmingham (UK) and then tour the participating countries. The cultural transfer resulting from this project is meant to allow the banishment of prejudices and a better understanding between Central Eastern, South Eastern and Western Europe. Ultimately it is part of the construction of a common European culture.