


2008-12-16 17:31:15 | Weblog





1. 世界の人口削減

2. アマゾン植林

3. 使い捨てはやめ、修理して長く使う。

4. 死ぬまで働く。定年後は、ボランティアで植林、環境保護運動!

5. グローバル政府の確立。 国連の強制力の強化。環境保護対策。独占禁止法対策。



















Living in a contradictory world 日本語版もあります。

2008-12-16 17:21:02 | Weblog
Contradictory issues of both global warming and economic financial crisis.

Stopping global warming requires us of preservation of Nature or even taking more aggressive actions such as afforestation.

On the other hand, economic activation means most likely destruction of Nature.

The above two are bi-polar and yet we have to cope with it, which is contradictory but we can still find equilibrium.

Increase number of trees while decreasing number of world population until CO2 consumption and CO2 emission reaches to equilibrium.

A. Current Issues.

1. Overpopulation:

- Due mainly to overpopulation and shortage of CO2 consuming plants in proportion to CO2 emitting growing populations, global warming has been accelerated and the earth is in danger.

2. Monopoly in global market:

- Due mainly to non-existence of global government, current economic stimulations by individual governments are not well coordinated, which is like an orchestra without a conductor.

- In addition, Anti-trust or Anti-Monopoly laws are not working well in one global market. Anti-trust or Anti-Monopoly laws only works well domestically within one nation, within one economic community. This is the same as the above, which means that there is no one governing law in global market, or no conductor in a symphony.

B. My proposal:

- Establish Global Government ASAP in order for the following two contradictory objectives:

1. Stopping global warming, which may result in controlling world population or even reduction of it. And take an aggressive afforestation project in Amazon, Brasil, where one thirds of CO2 has been consumed.

2. Establish and enforce Anti-trust Anti-Monopoly Laws to such as electronic nerds, who succeeded to manipulate oil prices as much as 150%. Gillette did not need to be taken over by P&G, which is also monopoly. Gillette had about 40% of wet shaver market shares worldwide in addition to about 30% of dry shaver market share ( Braun ).

Economic theory works only in conjunction with Anti-Monopoly laws as you know.

Current global economy does not function well due mainly to inability to prevent monopoly in a global market.

Current World market is perfectly globalized right now thanks to internet connection, as well as Satellite TV networks, computers (database) and information all over the world are perfectly connected while we do not have a global government, which is the main reason for current chaotic situation in both economic and financial markets right now, which is what I think.

What do you think?

I know that you have already known or noticed it, but my point is that not many people are taking effective actions.

Just knowing is easy part.

Hard part is taking actions or implementation.

We should take actions right now before it is too late.

Mr. Al Gore, ex-vice president of the United States may be a good leader for protection of Nature. I have sent an e-mail to Mr. Gore to but I am not expecting to hear from him. But you might have a contact with Mr. Gore.

Thank you very much for reading my junk memo and I am very sorry for taking your precious time but somehow I needed to do this.

Please think this memo as my commitment.

Having said that I have to take some actions; in other words, I forced myself to make a commitment

Best regards,