
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第11章 THROUGH THE MOUNTAIN WALL 山壁を通って (1)機械翻訳

2014-03-03 18:55:36 | 日記



1.    "These do not seem to be friends of yours," I said, pointing to the fallen. "And yet," I added, nodding towards the spearmen who were now emerging from the gully, "they are very like your friends."

2.      "Puppies from the same litter are often alike, yet when they grow up sometimes they fight each other," replied Father Christmas blandly. "At least these come to save and not to kill you. Look! they kill the others!" and he pointed to them making an end of some of the wounded men. "But who are these?" and he glanced with evident astonishment, first at the fearsome-looking Umslopogaas and then at the grotesque Hans. "Nay, answer not, you must be weary and need rest. Afterwards we can talk."

3.    "Well, as a matter of fact we have not yet breakfasted," I replied. "Also I have business to attend to here," and I glanced at our wounded.

4.   The old fellow nodded and went to speak to the captains of his force, doubtless as to the pursuit of the enemy, for presently I saw a company spring forward on their tracks. Then, assisted by Hans and the remaining Zulus, of whom one was Goroko, I turned to attend to our own people. The task proved lighter than I expected, since the badly injured man was dead or dying and the hurts of the two others were in their legs and comparatively slight, such as Goroko could doctor in his own native fashion.

5.    After this, taking Hans to guard my back, I went down to the stream and washed myself. Then I returned and ate, wondering the while that I could do so with appetite after the terrible dangers which we had passed. Still, we had passed them, and Robertson, Umslopogaas with three of his men, I and Hans were quite unharmed, a fact for which I returned thanks in silence but sincerely enough to Providence.

6.    Hans also returned thanks in his own fashion, after he had filled himself, not before, and lit his corn-cob pipe. But Robertson made no remark; indeed, when he had satisfied his natural cravings, he rose and walking a few paces forward, stood staring at the cleft in the mountain cliff into which he had seen the litter vanish that bore his daughter to some fate unknown.

7.    Even the great fight that we had fought and the victory we had won against overpowering odds did not appear to impress him. He only glared at the mountain into the heart of which Inez had been raped away, and shook his fist. Since she was gone all else went for nothing, so much so that he did not offer to assist with the wounded Zulus or show curiosity about the strange old man by whom we had been rescued.

8.   "The Great Medicine, Baas," said Hans in a bewildered way, "is even more powerful than I thought. Not only has it brought us safely through the fighting and without a scratch, for those Zulus there do not matter and there will be less cooking for me to do now that they are gone; it has also brought down your reverend father the Predikant from the Place of Fires in Heaven, somewhat changed from what I remember him, it is true, but still without doubt the same. When I make my report to him presently, if he can understand my talk, I shall——"

9.     "Stop your infernal nonsense, you son of a donkey," I broke in, for at this moment old Father Christmas, smiling more benignly than before, re-appeared from the kloof into which he had vanished and advanced towards us bowing with much politeness.

10.   Having seated himself upon the little wall that we had built up, he contemplated us, stroking his beautiful white beard, then said, addressing me,

11.     "Of a certainty you should be proud who with a few have defeated so many. Still, had I not been ordered to come at speed, I think that by now you would have been as those are," and he looked towards the dead Zulus who were laid out at a distance like men asleep, while their companions sought for a place to bury them.

12.    "Ordered by whom?" I asked.

13.    "There is only one who can order," he answered with mild astonishment. "'She-who-commands, She-who-is-everlasting'!"

14.    It occurred to me that this must be some Arabic idiom for the Eternal Feminine, but I only looked vague and said,

15.    "It would appear that there are some whom this exalted everlasting She cannot command; those who attacked us; also those who have fled away yonder," and I waved my hand towards the mountain.

16.    "No command is absolute; in every country there are rebels, even, as I have heard, in Heaven above us. But, Wanderer, what is your name?"

17.    "Watcher-by-Night," I answered.

18.     "Ah! a good name for one who must have watched well by night, and by day too, to reach this country living where She-who-commands says that no man of your colour has set foot for many generations. Indeed, I think she told me once that two thousand years had gone by since she spoke to a white man in the City of Kor."

19.    "Did she indeed?" I exclaimed, stifling a cough.

20.   "You do not believe me," he went on, smiling. "Well, She-who-commands can explain matters for herself better than I who was not alive two thousand years ago, so far as I remember. But what must I call him with the Axe?"

21.    "Warrior is his name."

22.    "Again a good name, as to judge by the wounds on them, certain of those rebels I think are now telling each other in Hell. And this man, if indeed he be a man——" he added, looking doubtfully at Hans.

23.    "Light-in-Darkness is his name."

24.    "I see, doubtless because his colour is that of the winter sun in thick fog, or a bad egg broken into milk. And the other white man who mutters and whose brow is like a storm?"

25.    "He is called Avenger; you will learn why later on," I answered impatiently, for I grew tired of this catechism, adding, "And what are you called and, if you are pleased to tell it to us, upon what errand do you visit us in so fortunate an hour?"

26.    "I am named Billali," he answered, "the servant and messenger of She-who-commands, and I was sent to save you and to bring you safely to her."

27.     "How can this be, Billali, seeing that none knew of our coming?"

28.    "Yet She-who-commands knew," he said with his benignant smile. "Indeed, I think that she learned of it some moons ago through a message that was sent to her and so arranged all things that you should be guided safely to her secret home; since otherwise how would you have passed a great pathless swamp with the loss, I think she said, of but one man whom a snake bit?"

29.    Now I stared at the old fellow, for how could he know of the death of this man, but thought it useless to pursue the conversation further.

30.     "When you are rested and ready," he went on, "we will start. Meanwhile I leave you that I may prepare litters to carry those wounded men, and you also, Watcher-by-Night, if you wish." Then with a dignified bow, for everything about this old fellow was stately, he turned and vanished into the kloof.

31.     The next hour or so was occupied in the burial of the dead Zulus, a ceremony in which I took no part beyond standing up and raising my hat as they were borne away, for as I have said somewhere, it is best to leave natives alone on these occasions. Indeed, I lay down, reflecting that strangely enough there seemed to be something in old Zikali's tale of a wonderful white Queen who lived in a mountain fastness, since there was the mountain as he had drawn it on the ashes, and the servants of that Queen who, apparently, had knowledge of our coming, appeared in the nick of time to rescue us from one of the tightest fixes in which ever I found myself.

32.    Moreover, the antique and courteous individual called Billali, spoke of her as "She-who-is-everlasting." What the deuce could he mean by that, I wondered? Probably that she was very old and therefore disagreeable to look on, which I confessed to myself would be a disappointment.

33.    And how did she know that we were coming? I could not guess and when I asked Robertson, he merely shrugged his shoulders and intimated that he took no interest in the matter. The truth is that nothing moved the man, whose whole soul was wrapped in one desire, namely to rescue, or avenge, the daughter against whom he knew he had so sorely sinned.

34.   In fact, this loose-living but reformed seaman was becoming a monomaniac, and what is more, one of the religious type. He had a Bible with him that had been given to him by his mother when he was a boy, and in this he read constantly; also he was always on his knees and at night I could hear him groaning and praying aloud. Doubtless now that the chains of drink had fallen off him, the instincts and the blood of the dour old Covenanters from whom he was descended, were asserting themselves. In a way this was a good thing though for some time past I had feared lest it should end in his going mad, and certainly as a companion he was more cheerful in his unregenerate days.

35.     Abandoning speculation as useless and taking my chance of being murdered where I lay, for after all Billali's followers were singularly like the men with whom we had been fighting and for aught I knew might be animated by identical objects—I just went to sleep, as I can do at any time, to wake up an hour or so later feeling wonderfully refreshed. Hans, who when I closed my eyes was already asleep slumbering at my feet curled up like a dog on a spot where the sun struck hotly, roused me by saying:

36.    "Awake, Baas, they are here!"

37.    I sprang up, snatching at my rifle, for I thought that he meant that we were being attacked again, to see Billali advancing at the head of a train of four litters made of bamboo with grass mats for curtains and coverings, each of which was carried by stalwart Amahagger, as I supposed that they must be. Two of these, the finest, Billali indicated were for Robertson and myself, and the two others for the wounded. Umslopogaas and the remaining Zulus evidently were expected to walk, as was Hans.

38.    "How did you make these so quickly," I asked, surveying their elegant and indeed artistic workmanship.

39.    "We did not make them, Watcher-by-Night, we brought them with us folded up. She-who-commands looked in her glass and said that four would be needed, besides my own which is yonder, two for white lords and two for wounded black men, which you see is the number required."

40.   "Yes," I answered vaguely, marvelling what kind of a glass it was that gave the lady this information.



1. 「これらは、あなたの友達であるようには見えません」と私が戦死者たちを指摘して言いました。

2. 「同じごみからの子犬は多くの場合似ています。しかし、時々成長する場合、それらは互いに戦います。」サンタクロースを穏やかに返答しました。

3. 「さて、実は、私たちはまだ朝食を食べていない。」私は返答しました。

4. 年を取った仲間は彼の力(敵の追求に関して確か)のキャプテンと話をするためにうなずき行きました。というのは、まもなく、私はそれらの軌跡上で会社スプリングを前に見たからです。

5. この後、私の背を保護するためにハンスを連れて行って、私は流れに降りていき、自分を洗いました。

6. 自分を満たした後、ハンスはさらに自分の方法で感謝を返しました、ない、の前に、また彼のトウモロコシの穂軸パイプに火をつけました。

7. 私たちがした大きな戦い、および見込みの圧倒に対して、私たちが勝ち取った勝利さえ、彼を印象づけるようには見えませんでした。

8. 「大きな薬、主人」、当惑した方法でハンスは言いました、「私が考えたよりさらに強力です。

9. 「あなたの地獄の無意味を止める、あなた、ロバの息子。」私は押し入りました、のために、この瞬間では、以前より温和に微笑む年を取ったサンタクロースが、多くの丁寧さでお辞儀して、彼が私たちの方へ消えて進んだ峡谷から再度現われました。

10. 私たちが構築した小さな壁で着席して、彼は美しい白いあごひげをなでて、私たちを熟考し、次に、私に話しかけて言いました、

11. 「確実性に、誇れるべきです、この人は少数で非常に多数破りました。

12. 「オーダーされた、誰?」

13. 「命じることができる1つだけがある」、彼は穏やかな驚きでうまく行きました。

14. 私は、これがあるアラビアのイディオムであるに違いないと思いつきました、のために、永遠、女性、しかし、私は単に曖昧に見えて言いました、

15. 「いくらかがあるように見えるだろう、誰、これ、高められた、永続的、彼女は命令することができません;

16. 「コマンドは絶対的ではありません;

17. 「夜までにウォッチャー」、私は答えました。

18. 「ああ。 夜は日までによくまた見たに違いない人のよい名前、達するために、この、国、生きている、どこで、彼女誰コマンド、あなたの色の人が何世代もの間足をセットしていないと言います。

19. 「行った、彼女、確かに?」

20. 「あなたは私を信じない。」彼は微笑み続けました。

21. 「勇士は彼の名前です。」

22. 「再び、よい名前、今、地獄の中で互いに伝えていると私が思う反逆者にある、それらの上の傷によって裁判官に関して。

23. 「暗さの中のライトは彼の名前です。」

24. 「彼の色が濃霧中の冬太陽のそれ、あるいはミルクへ故障した悪い卵であるので、私は確かに見ます。

25. 「彼は復讐者と呼ばれます;

26. 「私はビラリと命名される」、彼は答えました、「彼女誰コマンドの使用人およびメッセンジャー、また、私は、あなたを救い、かつあなたを彼女に安全に連れて来るために派遣されました。」

27. 「どのように、できる、これ、である、ビラリ、私たちが来ることについてどれも知らなかったことを理解すること」

28. 「しかし、彼女誰コマンドは知っていました」と彼が良性の微笑で言いました。

29. 今、私は年を取った仲間を凝視しました、のために、どのように、できた、彼、この人の死のことを知っているが、会話をさらに追求するのは役立たないと思った。

30. 「あなたが休止させられ準備ができている時」、彼は進みました、「私たちは出発するでしょう。

31. 次の時間、あるいはしたがって、死んだズールー族の埋葬、部分が私により立つことを越えなかった式およびそれらがそうだったように私の帽子を上げることに従事した、遠方に生まれた、のために、私がどこかに言ったとして、これらの場合上で自国の人を一人にすることが最も良い。

32. さらにビラリ(「彼女誰ある永続的なこと」としての彼女のスポーク)と呼ばれる古代で丁重な個人。

33. また、彼女は、どのようにして私たちが来たことを知っていましたか。

34. 実際、この緩い生きているが改良された水夫は偏執狂になっていました、そしてその上に、宗教のタイプのうちの1つ。

35. 放棄する推測、として、役立たず、私が賭けるところで殺害される私の賭けをしていること、のために、結局、Billaliの追随者はその人たちに非常に似ていた、で、私たちは戦っていました、また何でものために、私は知っていた、同一のオブジェクト-Iによって活気づけられるかもしれない、ちょうど、眠りについた、私がいつでもできるとともに、1時間程度を起こすために、後の感覚、素晴らしく、リフレッシュされました。

36. 「起きてください。主人とそれらはここにいます。」

37. 私はライフル銃につかみかかって、跳び上がりました、のために、私は次のことを思った、彼は次のことを意味した、私たちは再び攻撃されていた、ビラリを見るために、4つのごみの連続の上部に進むこと、カーテンと覆い用の草マットを備えた竹で作られていた、各々、私がそれを推測したので、頑健なアマハッガー人によって運ばれた、それらはあるに違いありません。

38. 「あなたはどのようにそれほど速くこれらを作ったか。」私はそれらの上品で、確かに芸術的な技量を調査して尋ねました。

39. 「私たちはそれらを作りませんでした、夜までにウォッチャー、私たちはそれらを持って来ました、折り重なりました。

40. 「はい」、私は曖昧に答えました、それがどんな種類のグラスだったか驚嘆すること、それは女性にこの情報を与えました。
