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英語講師の留学経験 (トロント生活 - 緑のビール 編)

2010-08-10 05:07:22 | 英語講師のカナダ・トロント留学経験


季節は全く違いますが、カナダでは3月17日は“St. Patrick Day"に指定されています。




"May I have green beer?"(グリーンビールをください)では残念ながら通じません。

"What do you have on tap?"(どんなビールがありますか?)と聞き、おすすめしてもらったビールをグリーンにしてもらうと良いと思います。

もし、3月17日のSt. Patrick Dayに行くことがありましたら、是非アイリッシュパブで"What do you have on tap?"と注文してみましょう!!

前回の“英語講師の留学経験英語講師の留学経験 (トロント・カナダの観光・ナイアガラの滝 編)”はこちら:

Good morning.
Hot days seems to continue for a long time...days like this, I sometimes want to drink a pint of beer after work.
Season is totally different, but in Canada, March 17th is designated as "St. Patrick Day."
It's an Irish holiday, but people in Canada celebrate the holiday too.
However, unfortunately in Canada, this day is not a holiday.
Only this day at Irish bars, beer is served with this color because green is Ireland's traditional color.
I thought there was "Green beer" as a kind of beer, but actually, they put some kind of green stuff into beer.
So, when you order this green beer, you shouldn't say "May I have green beer?", but you ought to say "What do you have on tap?" and get their suggestion and ask them to turn it into "green beer!!"
If you have a chance to stay on March 17th, you should definitely visit Irish bar, and ask "What do you have on tap?"
