


2005-05-12 00:30:07 | 高3神市
Needless to say, women are no more guided exclusively by intuition than men are by reason. There are women whose make‐up includes an almost masculine approach to life. There are men ― especially those with artistic gifts.- who possess marked intuitive tendencies.


2005-05-12 00:29:17 | 高3神市
To my mind, long before you get there, readiness is all. The more you can learn about a place before you leave home, the better. This doesn’t mean planning every minute of your journey, but rather investigating the place in a leisurely yet penetrating way some weeks or months before your departure.

【26】テーマ:比較 <2文分解>

2005-05-12 00:28:25 | 高3神市
Around the world people are choosing to have fewer and fewer children― not just in China, where the government forces it on them, but in almost every nation outside the poorest parts of Africa. Population growth rates are lower than they have been at any time since the Second World War.


2005-05-12 00:27:29 | 高3神市
In order to obtain a proper assessment and understanding of the situation arrangements were made to bring Ms.Greer into the Day Clinic. A remarkable change took place! Within a matter of days it became obvious that it was the daughter who had the problem not the mother. When on her own the lady proved perfectly capable of answering questions and responding to a social situation;in fact she enjoyed it! She began to take an interest in her appearance, wanted to help prepare the tables for meals and chattered to everyone. It was only when further inquiries were made that the real story became clear.