


2005-05-12 00:25:04 | 高3神市
In an economic depression there is a slowdown of economic activity and many people lose their jobs, or become unemployed. The economy appears to have stopped functioning. But classical economists saw the bright side of this dark picture. With so many people unemployed, there are more people competing for fewer jobs so they must offer to work for less than their competitors.


2005-05-12 00:23:43 | 高3神市
Sensible of his obligation to the reporters his boss asked him to care for, Snyder wanted to get them all back to the presidential offices so that none would be humiliated. Hearing what he was doing, everybody knew this was going to be a big, big story.


2005-05-12 00:22:37 | 高3神市
It is wrong to believe that there are, or ought to be, exact rules by which we can tell art from what is not art, and that, on the basis of these rules, we can then grade any given work according to its merits. Deciding what is art and grading a work of art are separate problems;if we had an absolute method for distinguishing art from non-art, this method would not necessarily enable us to measure quality.


2005-05-12 00:19:23 | 高3神市
Trying to understand what home is like for someone else can be difficult, but it may gives us, for a moment, a sense of what it might be like to be someone different with different expectations from life. Someone else’s experience about home can also make us more aware of our own home, and what it means to us, and it can also give us a richer and more exact sense of ourselves, how we live, and what we value. What place we call home ―where it is, what it looks like, who is there, and how it makes us feel ― tells us a lot about us.


2005-05-12 00:17:28 | 高3神市
People who have close friends naturally enjoy their company. Of equal importance are the emotional benefits they receive. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends increases our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, taking away our worries and fears to sympathize with friends reduces the stress.