we want to talk about WPC outdoor decking,WPC wall cladding.

wood plastic composite decking, wall cladding.

Outdoor WPC pavilion: professional analysis of its durability and maintenance secrets

2024-04-11 15:53:18 | 日記
In modern society, people's demand for outdoor activity space is growing day by day. Whether in parks, courtyards or leisure Spaces, people are increasingly seeking a moment of peace and rest in nature. Driven by such demand, wood-plastic pavilions, with their unique advantages, are becoming the new darling of outdoor architecture.
Wood-plastic pavilion, as the name suggests, is a pavilion built with wood-plastic composite material as the main raw material. This material is a new type of environmentally friendly material, made of wood fiber or wood powder mixed with plastic, which has the natural texture and beauty of wood, and has the characteristics of weather resistance and easy maintenance of plastic. Therefore, the wood-plastic pavilion is not only beautiful in appearance, but also performs well in wind resistance, rain resistance, ultraviolet resistance and so on, and its service life is far beyond the traditional wooden pavilion.
The environmental performance of the wood-plastic pavilion is one of its biggest advantages. Wood plastic material is a kind of renewable, recyclable material, its production process does not produce harmful substances, and has little impact on the environment. At the same time, the use of wood-plastic pavilions will not produce harmful substances, harmless to human health. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage over traditional wooden gazebos.
The weatherability of wood-plastic pavilions is also an important reason for their popularity. After special treatment, the wood-plastic material has good anti-corrosion and anti-mildew ability, and can maintain its original shape and color even in harsh environments. This is especially important for outdoor buildings, as it can greatly extend the service life of the gazebo and reduce maintenance costs.

The easy maintenance of wood-plastic pavilions is also an important factor in their popularity. The surface of wood plastic material is smooth, not easy to absorb dust, and it is very convenient to clean. Even if it is not cleaned for a long time, there will be no obvious stains. Moreover, if there is damage on the surface, it can also be repaired by simple grinding and re-coating, which is very convenient and fast.
In addition to the above points, the design flexibility of wood-plastic pavilions is also an important reason for its popularity. Wood-plastic materials can be molded into various shapes and styles according to the requirements of designers to meet the aesthetic needs of different occasions and people. This undoubtedly increases the market competitiveness of wood-plastic pavilions.

Everything has two sides. Although the wpc pavilion has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. For example, the production cost of wood-plastic materials is relatively high, resulting in the price of wood-plastic pavilions is higher than that of traditional wooden pavilions. In addition, due to the particularity of wood-plastic materials, their installation and maintenance requires professional technology and tools, which may cause some problems for some consumers who do not have relevant experience.
With the increase of people's demand for environmental protection and outdoor activity space, wood-plastic pavilions are becoming the new favorite in parks, courtyards and leisure places because of their environmental protection, weather resistance and easy maintenance. Although there are still some shortcomings, with the development of technology and the maturity of the market, I believe that wpc pavilions will have better development in the future.

In this context, as a senior writer in the field of outdoor architecture and design, I believe that the market prospects for wood-plastic pavilions are very broad. Whether from the perspective of environmental protection, weather resistance, easy maintenance, or from the perspective of design flexibility, wood-plastic pavilions have obvious advantages. I believe that with the further improvement of people's demand for outdoor activity space, wood-plastic pavilions will be more widely used and promoted.

Outdoor WPC materials: 5 advantages

2024-04-10 09:59:28 | 日記
Advantages of outdoor wood materials

With the increasing popularity of environmental awareness, people's pursuit of environmentally friendly materials is becoming more and more intense. In this context, outdoor wood as a new type of environmental protection materials came into being, and in outdoor furniture, garden landscape, architectural decoration and other fields have been widely used. In this paper, the practical application of outdoor wood materials and market feedback will be professionally evaluated and analyzed.
Outdoor plastic wood, as the name suggests, is a combination of wood and plastic, it combines the advantages of both, while avoiding their respective shortcomings. From an environmental perspective, plastic wood materials are mainly composed of recycled plastics and wood fibers, which not only greatly reduces the dependence on log resources, but also effectively solves the problem of plastic waste disposal. Compared with traditional wood, the use of this material undoubtedly makes a positive contribution to slowing down deforestation and protecting the natural environment.

In terms of weather resistance, the performance of plastic wood is also quite excellent. We know that traditional wooden outdoor products are prone to moisture, deformation and even decay, while plastic wood has excellent waterproof and moisture-proof properties through special production processes. Even in the wind, sun and rain environment, it can maintain stability and extend service life. This is especially important for outdoor furniture and building materials.
Plastic wood has strong plasticity and is easy to process into various shapes and sizes. This means designers have more freedom to be creative and create outdoor items that are both beautiful and functional. At the same time, the plastic wood surface does not need to be painted or maintained regularly, which greatly reduces the later maintenance cost and is more environmentally friendly.
Regarding safety, plastic wood does not contain toxic and harmful substances and will not cause harm to the human body. At the same time, its fire performance is also better than traditional wood, providing higher security.
Market feedback shows that consumers have a high acceptance of outdoor wood products. Many users said that plastic wood furniture not only looks natural, close to the texture and visual effects of real wood, but also in the process of use, really feel its durability and low maintenance characteristics. At the same time, there are also voices that the price of plastic wood is slightly higher than that of ordinary wood, but with the continuous maturity of production technology and the promotion of large-scale production, this problem is expected to be improved.

Outdoor wpc materials with its environmental protection, durable, easy maintenance and flexible design and other multiple advantages, become the current and future outdoor materials field leader. Whether from the perspective of environmental protection, or from the perspective of economic benefits and practical value, outdoor wood has shown a strong competitiveness. Of course, the promotion and application of any kind of material takes time to verify and improve, and we look forward to more innovations and surprises in the future.

中国を探索する: 木材プラスチック材料工場の新興勢力|Exploring China: An emerging force in wood-plastic material factories

2024-04-03 15:42:11 | 日記
世界最大の製造拠点として、中国の産業部門は多くの産業をカバーしています。 近年、環境保護の概念の深化と持続可能な開発戦略の推進に伴い、新興の環境に優しい建築材料として、屋外用木材プラスチック材料が中国の工場生産で徐々に登場してきました。

屋外用木質プラスチック材料の現在の生産状況について議論する前に、まず木質プラスチック複合材 (WPC) とは何かを理解する必要があります。 この材料は、木粉や植物繊維とプラスチックを混合した新しいタイプの複合材料であり、木材とプラスチックの両方の利点を併せ持つだけでなく、リサイクル可能、再利用可能という特徴を併せ持ち、今日の環境社会に非常に適合しています。保護と省エネの要求。
As the world's largest manufacturing base, China's industrial sector covers many industries. In recent years, with the deepening of the concept of environmental protection and the advancement of sustainable development strategies, outdoor wood-plastic materials, as an emerging environmentally friendly building material, have gradually emerged in China's factory production.

Before discussing the current production status of outdoor wood-plastic materials, we first need to understand what wood-plastic composites (WPC) are. This material is a new type of composite material mixed with wood powder or plant fiber and plastic. It not only has the dual advantages of wood and plastic, but also has the characteristics of recyclability and reusability, which is very in line with today's society's environmental protection and demand for energy saving.

中国の屋外用木質プラスチック材料工場は主に東部沿岸地域と、江蘇省、浙江省、広東省などの経済的に発展した地域に集中しており、これらの地域の工場は一般に強力な技術研究開発能力と成熟した生産プロセスを備えています。 製造工程では、高湿度、強い紫外線、大きな温度差などのさまざまな屋外環境に適応できるよう、科学的な配合設計と正確な温度管理システムによって材料の品質と性能を確保しています。
China's outdoor wood plastic material factories are mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal areas and more economically developed areas, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other provinces. Factories in these areas generally have strong technical research and development capabilities and mature production processes. During the production process, the factory ensures the quality and performance of the material through scientific formula design and precise temperature control systems, allowing it to adapt to various outdoor environments, including climate conditions with high humidity, strong ultraviolet rays, and large temperature differences.

With the continuous advancement of technology, China's wood-plastic material factories have begun to adopt more advanced production equipment and technologies, such as automated production lines, 3D printing technology and online monitoring equipment. The introduction of these high technologies has greatly improved production efficiency and reduced costs. Production costs improve the market competitiveness of products.

製品用途の面では、屋外用木質プラスチック材料は、公園、中庭、景観プロジェクト、さまざまな屋外レジャー施設で広く使用されています。 木目調の質感と豊富な色の選択肢が消費者に人気です。 腐りやすくメンテナンスが難しいという従来の木材の欠点とは異なり、木質プラスチック素材は耐水性、耐候性に優れ、変形しにくく、メンテナンスフリーに近いため、屋外での使用ニーズに大きく応えます。
In terms of product application, outdoor wood-plastic materials are widely used in parks, courtyards, landscape projects and various outdoor leisure facilities. They are popular among consumers for their simulated wood grain texture and rich color choices. Different from the shortcomings of traditional wood that is perishable and difficult to maintain, wood-plastic materials are water-resistant and weather-resistant, not easily deformed, and almost maintenance-free, which greatly meets the needs of outdoor use.

中国における屋外用木質プラスチック材料の生産は大きく進歩しているが、いくつかの課題にも直面している。 原料ソースの安定性や製品の均一性による熾烈な市場競争など。 このため、多くのメーカーは、市場の多様化するニーズに応えるため、より高機能で個性的な製品を開発するなど、技術革新により製品の付加価値を高める取り組みを始めています。
Although the production of outdoor wood-plastic materials in China has made great progress, it also faces some challenges. Such as the stability of raw material sources and fierce market competition caused by product homogeneity. Therefore, many manufacturers have begun to seek to increase the added value of their products through technological innovation, such as developing more functional and personalized products to meet the diversified needs of the market.

全体として、中国の屋外木質プラスチック材料工場は、環境保護、耐久性、美観などの特徴で市場での地位を占めています。 将来的には、技術の継続的な革新と応用分野の継続的な拡大により、この産業は間違いなくより広範な発展の見通しを導き、中国および世界の環境保護の促進にさらに大きく貢献するでしょう。
中国の工場における屋外用木質プラスチック材料の生産は、これが環境に優しい新しい材料の製造慣行であるだけでなく、中国の製造業の変革、アップグレード、革新的な発展の縮図でもあることを示しています。 国内外の市場で機会と課題に直面している中国の屋外用木材プラスチック材料産業は、業界の持続可能かつ健全な発展を達成するために、引き続き技術革新を堅持し、製品の品質とサービスを向上させる必要がある。

Overall, outdoor wood plastic materials factories in China are occupying a place in the market with their environmental protection, durability, aesthetics and other characteristics. In the future, with the continuous innovation of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, this industry will undoubtedly usher in broader development prospects and make greater contributions to promoting environmental protection in China and around the world.
The production of outdoor wood-plastic materials in Chinese factories shows that this is not only a manufacturing practice of new environmentally friendly materials, but also a microcosm of the transformation, upgrading and innovative development of China's manufacturing industry. Facing opportunities and challenges in domestic and foreign markets, China's outdoor wood-plastic material industry needs to continue to adhere to technological innovation and improve product quality and services to achieve sustainable and healthy development of the industry.

Wood-plastic floor specifications, WPC purchase skills, installation and maintenance

2024-03-03 17:04:15 | 日記
Wood-plastic composites (WPCs) are composite materials made of wood fiber/wood flour and thermoplastic(s) such as polythene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or polylactic acid (PLA). In addition to wood fiber and plastic.
WPC boards are widely used for modular kitchens, wall paneling, wardrobes, window and door frames, bathroom cabinets, railings, and office furniture. WPC boards make for the perfect material for high moisture retention areas. Be it monsoon, summer or winter, WPC boards are acclimatized to any weather.

Wood-plastic decking specifications can be customized at will, commonly used wood-plastic floor specifications for HM140*25,HM146*31, HM138*23, HM150*25 and other dozens of specifications. The commonly used matching wood-plastic keel specifications are 2000*40*25 solid (length * width * thickness, unit: mm),The laying direction of the wood-plastic floor and wood-plastic keel is perpendicular to each other, and the spacing between the two wood-plastic keel pavings is generally 350mm-400mm, ensuring that there is wood-plastic keel support in the longitudinal splicing of the wood-plastic floor pavement.

Wood-plastic floor purchase tips:

A good wood-plastic floor is smooth, shiny and bright on both the surface and side, small wood powder particles and uniform size, no small cracks, and tight texture of the cut surface.

There should be registered trademarks, manufacturers, business units, models, quantities, addresses, telephone numbers, instructions for use and implementation standards on the packaging, and its name and number are the national standard GB18580-2001.

Wood flooring in the cost is slightly higher than other ordinary floors, the price of different brands of wood-plastic flooring are not the same, wood-plastic flooring to calculate each piece, the price of wood-plastic flooring on the market is about 200-300 yuan per square meter.

Wood-plastic flooring from the appearance is not easy to distinguish between good and bad quality, so choose a well-known brand, both to ensure product quality and responsible for laying and installation, durable, after-sales service is guaranteed. The cheap floor is cheaper, but the service life is short and may not be after sale.

Know more about WPC deck material

2023-11-02 20:18:32 | 日記
WPC decking has a lot of contributions to the protection of the environment, now people pay more and more attention to environmental protection, so the use of materials will choose environmental protection products, to prevent harm to our earth, this material after secondary processing is also sustainable use, both can save resources, can also save costs, so it is widely respected by consumers, It also addresses the current lack of trees. WPC decking compared with other boards its service life is relatively long, its maintenance is very simple, do not need to be too much trouble, only need simple maintenance can play a good protective effect, compared with other boards its cost performance is higher, while its water absorption is relatively low, and acid rain, seawater corrosion resistance is relatively strong, finally relative to ordinary wood, it can also prevent moth. There won't be a stabbing yet.

Plastic wood floor is a new type of composite, environmental protection, green materials, its waterproof, fire, insect resistance, but also can be recycled repeatedly, so the service life is relatively long. In daily life, its cleanliness is relatively easy to maintain, the color is relatively good-looking, and it is also pleasant to use for a long time.
Environmental protection performance level, WPC decking is a kind of ecological wood ceiling and environmental protection wood, and is a renewable resource, not easy to cause harm to the natural environment, are not with harmful and risky chemicals or ingredients, traditional wood floor we should all understand with some indoor formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances, plastic wood floor is not with this chemical substance, It can be purchased and reused 100 percent.Hanming WPC is a factory of WPC material.
The new ecological board is also known as green wood, which is commonly used in modern buildings as ceiling decoration in office centers, business centers, real estate buildings, hotels and hotels. The ecological board is recognized by the market for its ecological environmental protection, formaldehyde-free, easy processing and strong sense of wood. In addition to being used as a ceiling, the new ecological panel material is usually used as wall decoration, exterior wall decoration, ground decoration and so on.