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Biden says meeting with Kim Jong Un would depend on North Korean leader's seriousness.

2022-06-02 | Japan: Foreign affairs


Biden says meeting with Kim Jong Un would depend on North Korean leader's seriousness.
In his first trip to Asia since taking office, President Joe Biden laid out conditions for meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un.

I would like tentatively to share the commentary in the ABC News dated May 21.

"With regard to whether I would meet with the leader of North Korea, that would depend on whether he was sincere and whether he was serious," Biden told reporters on Saturday as he appeared alongside South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol at a press event.

Biden campaigned on taking a tougher stance on the North Korean leader than his predecessor. Former President Donald Trump frequently praised Kim, once saying he had a "great and beautiful" vision for his country. Trump and Kim held three high-profile meetings during his presidency.

