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Health Articles - Tips for Recovery after Cosmetic Surgery

2013-10-06 13:19:30 | 日記
Cosmetic surgery will be successful only if the patient has a safe and smooth recovery. The level of discomfort and the time taken for recovery differs considerably from patient to patient.  In this article, we shall discuss how smooth recovery can be facilitated after cosmetic surgery. These tips would help in ensuring a complication-free and painless recovery period. Stay healthy The best way of ensuring good outcomes after the surgery is by staying as healthy as possible. Patients are advised the following: Quitting smoking several weeks before the surgery. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly to keep the body strong and at an optimal weight. Getting a thorough checkup done for making sure that the body is healthy enough to withstand the surgery. Eliminating alcohol and caffeine prior to the procedure. Organizing the home life as much as possible in advance to facilitate recovery later. When your environment, body and mind are prepared for recovery, there would be more focus on helping the body to heal successfully and quickly after the procedure. Getting support Patients should have somebody to assist them for at least 72 hours after the procedure. While the patient takes complete rest, there should be someone to prepare food and keep him/her comfortable. A certain level of depression may also be experienced by some patients after the surgery. There may be a certain level of bruising, swelling and pain after the procedure. If one has support, it will help in focusing on the recovery. Instructions should be followed Patients are provided complete post-operative instructions that are to be followed. These directions should be followed very closely for getting the best results. These include pain medication and use of ice for reduction of swelling. Advice is provided by doctors for keeping the area of surgery clean and also to promote the healing of the incision. The necessary supplies should be stocked up and prescriptions filled prior to the surgery. Take time off from work Bruising and swelling are common with these procedures and this can make a patient rather uncomfortable. It possible, a few weeks should be taken off from work and time should be given to the body for complete recovery. It takes time to heal and experience the good results. The incision sites should be checked regularly and the doctor should be called if any signs of infection are noticed.Maintain Realistic ExpectationsCosmetic surgery will definitely improve your looks. However, you need to maintain realistic expectations regarding the results. Moreover, the results may not be immediate and may take some time to manifest. Therefore, those undergoing aesthetic procedures must be patient and follow the surgeon
