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How Sending Spam To Your Customers Can Hurt Your Business

2014-01-17 08:59:41 | 日記
Unsolicited Commercial Email or Spam has grown at epidemic proportions. It is rapidly becoming the number one problem that Information Technology departments deal with on a day-to-day basis, surpassing computer viruses. The volume and percentage of unwanted email received in business and personal email inboxes is starting to overwhelm and drown out legitimate email.

Although the vast majority of this bulk email is being perpetrated by individual spammers and a few large bulk mailers pushing pornography, gambling, get rich schemes, 'medicinal cures' and bootleg software, real businesses have been caught in the web also by committing several errors. The three ways a legitimate business falls into the Spam mode are: 1. Legal non-Compliance, 2. Violating Trust, and 3. Lack of Value.

Legal non-Compliance

Through the end of 2003 it was very difficult to comply with Spam laws as twenty six states had passed their own laws dealing either directly with the process of sending unsolicited commercial email or the format requirements of bulk email.
With the passage of the Federal law - "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003" or better known as the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, it has become a lot easier to understand and apply the rules. Real businesses should have no problem complying with all aspects of the law and those that don't will find themselves in legal jeopardy for significant penalties.

The process components of the law won't be an issue for real businesses, they don't fake the reply address, they don't hijack someone else's mail server nor do they contain falsified routing information. Where they are likely to fail are in three specific areas.

1)Neglecting to include a valid physical address in the body of the email.

2)Not having a functional Internet-based opt-out mechanism, which must be active for a minimum of 30 days after the email has been sent.

3)Failing to include clear and conspicuous identification that the message is an advertisement or solicitation. Most State laws approached this similar provision by requiring the use of the letters ADV: in the beginning of the subject line. The Federal doesn't specify how this is to be accomplished; thereby, leaving it open to a wide range of interpretation.

There are several additional areas that are process related that may trip up the sender unintentionally.

1)The sender rents or purchasing a defective email list, for example one that has individuals that have already opted-out of email communications.

2)They use a 'tricky' subject line to entice recipients to open the message. Subject lines that stretch the truth could be identified as misleading the purpose of the email and therefore be a violation.

3)Agents or related 3rd parties that have business relationship with the firm send out Spam. This could put the company in jeopardy if it can be proven that they were aware of the related company's activities.

Although the Federal law isn't perfect one significant advantage it does offer to real businesses is that there is now only one place they need to go to check the rules before a company embarks onto an email marketing program.

Violating Trust

Trust is one of the major stumbling blocks keeping the publics' enthusiasm for the Internet in check. And when it comes to providing their email address that is in the eye of the storm. The overwhelming concern people have about providing a company their email address is that it will be shared, loaned, rented, sold or carelessly unprotected. Sharing lists internally between product lines, departments, or divisions and externally with 'business partners' stretches the permission basis originally given by the subscriber. When opt-in lists developed at one website are resold to list brokers, real businesses that rent these lists automatically become spammers because recipients are typically applying this litmus test to commercial email they receive: "Email marketing is for product/service information I've specifically requested, Spam is sent without asking for it".

Businesses embarking down the eMarketing path often have in-house databases that include email addresses of suspects, prospects, and clients. The conversion of these lists, developed on a relationship basis, to a formal subscriber list treads a fine line and should be considered very carefully before assuming that permission has been granted.

Lack of Value

Every time you send email to your list members, you will be judged, and in some cases, it may appear to have been done unfairly. In today's environment subscribers are now becoming annoyed at a variety of shortcomings, such as messages about products they seldom buy, messages that serve the sender more than the recipient, unsubscribe processes that don't work, 'hard sell' messages or even messages in formats that can't be properly displayed in the recipient's mail program.

The plain simple truth is that even in a permission email environment, recipients are now applying their own tests for Spam whether they opted in or not. These are natural human reactions to the mailings they receive - it can be as straightforward as "Email marketing is email I like, Spam is email I don't like."

How to Fix

Real businesses need to insure that they aren't jeopardizing their brand name by meeting or exceeding the best practices for email marketing. Auditing the list, evaluating your content and insuring proper conformance with the documentation process in the permission mailing process are the key components to a successful campaign.
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SEO Careers during a Recession

2014-01-15 19:29:47 | 日記
It will be an exaggeration to say that the SEO industry doesn't feel the recession. This is not exactly so but when compared to industries such as automobiles, newspapers, banking, real estate, etc., SEO looks like a coveted island of financial security. This doesn't mean that there is no drop in volumes and everybody in SEO is working for top dollar but as a whole the SEO industry and the separate individuals, who make their living in SEO, are much better than many other employees and entrepreneurs.

What Can You Expect from Your SEO Career During a Recession?

The question about what realistic expectations are is fundamental. I bet there are people in SEO, who are not very happy with their current situation and blame the recession for that. Well, if most of your clients were from troubled industries (cars, real estate, financial services, etc.), then you do have a reason to complain. In such cases you should be happy if you can pay the bills. What you can do (if you haven't already done it) is to look for new customers from other industries.

Another factor that influences your expectations about your SEO career during the recession is your position on the career ladder. It makes a big difference if you work for a company or you are your own boss. Being an employee has always been a more vulnerable position, so if you expect job security, this is easier to achieve when you ares an independent SEO contractor. Mass layoffs might not the common for SEO companies but hired workers are never immune against it.

Additionally, your skill level also affects how your SEO carer will be influenced by the recession. The recession is not the right time for novices to enter SEO. Many people from other industries rush to SEO as a life belt. When these people don't have the right skills and expertise but expect rivers of gold, this inevitably leads to disappointment.

What Makes SEO Careers Recession-Proof?

So, if you are a seasoned SEO practitioner and you don't dream of rivers of gold, you can feel safe with SEO because unlike careers in many other industries SEO careers are relatively recession-proof. Here are some of the reasons why SEO careers are recession-proof:
-The SEO market is an established market. If you remember the previous recession from the beginning of the century, when the IT industry was among the most heavily stricken, you might be skeptical a bit that now it won't be the same story. No, it is not the same now. SEO is not a new service anymore and the SEO market itself is more established than it was a couple of years ago. This is what makes the present recession different from the previous one - the difference is fundamental and it can't be neglected.

-SEO is one of the last expenses companies cut. SEO has already become a necessity for companies of any size. Unlike hardware, cars, not to mention entertainment and even business trips, SEO expenses are usually not that big but they help a company to stay aboard. That is why when a company decides to make cuts in the budget, SEO expenses are usually not among the things that get the largest cut (or any cut at all).

-SEO has great ROI. The Return On Investment (ROI) for money spent on SEO is much higher than the ROI for other types of investments. SEO brings companies money and this is what makes it such a great investment. Stop SEO and the money stops coming as well.

-Many clients start aggressive SEO campaigns in an attempt to get better results fast. During a recession SEO is even more important. That is why many clients decide that an aggressive SEO campaign will help them get more clients and as a result these clients double their pre-recession budgets.

-SEO is cheaper than PPC. SEO is just one of the many ways for a site to get traffic. However, it is also one of the most effective ways to drive tons of traffic. For instance, if you consider PPC, the cost advantages of SEO are obvious. PPC is very expensive and as a rule, ranking high in organic search results even for competitive keywords is cheaper than PPC.

-Cheaper than traditional promotion methods. Traditional promotion methods (i.e. offline marketing) are still an option but their costs are higher even than PPC and the other forms of online promotion. Besides many companies have given offline marketing completely and have turned to SEO as their major way to promote their business and attract new clients.

-SEO is an recurring expense. Many businesses build their business model around memberships and other forms of recurring payments. For you memberships and other types of recurring payments are presold campaigns - i.e. more or less you know that if the client is happy with a campaign you did for him, he or she will return. Acquiring recurring clients is very beneficial because you have less expenses in comparison to acquiring clients one by one.

The outlook for SEO careers during times of recession is pretty positive. As we already mentioned, it is possible to experience drops in volumes or some of your clients to go the bankruptcy road but as a whole SEO offers more stability than many other careers. If you manage to take advantage of the above mentioned recession-proof specifics of SEO and you are a real professional, you won't have the pleasure to feel the recession in all its bitterness.
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Laptop Is Lagging - Why My Laptop Keeps Lagging, How Do I Fix It?

2014-01-14 19:39:58 | 日記
Do you think you're pondering why your laptop is lagging out of the blue? It might not be the virus effect that may very well be creating this. Most personal computer end users aren't in a position to fix this kind of errors since they do not specifically know the precise trigger in the laptop problem they may be facing. If your computer keeps lagging then it really is clever to solve this issue in an additional way.

To fix most computer system errors people use some anti-virus application. Nonetheless, not all computer system difficulties are triggered through the virus based mostly infections. In truth it truly is the internal errors in the Windows registry which become the bring about of troubles like lagging within the pc. What comes about is the fact that programs inside the computer including game titles lag all of the time. It is expected to your repetitive creation of corrupted registry keys. The invalid keys not merely cause lagging but also can crash the whole laptop.

Earlier than fixing the Windows registry you need to know what it really is and why it is critical to clear and restore Windows registry to repair internal errors within the Windows.

The Windows registry is usually a repository which merchants information about laptop or computer software programs in an organized way. Microsoft on its net site says that the orphaned or misplaced registry can potentially slow down your computer and bring about it to crash.

Many people have noted that whenever their computer is lagging, it truly is because of some internal fault instead of the external virus based intrusion. Aside from the registry errors in the laptop or computer, the junk data inside of your computer system may possibly also cause laptop or computer to lag.

In the event you would like to quit pc lagging then it's smart to restore Windows registry and optimize LAPTOP performance. You'll be able to do that by means of an successful registry cleaner and LAPTOP optimizer computer software.
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2014-01-13 19:53:45 | 日記
Samsung Galaxy S
At the time of writing, the Samsung Galaxy S has sold about 14 million units. This makes it the most effective smartphone for the producer. It is straightforward to see why it is so preferred. The handset boasts characteristics this sort of as a hi res 4 inch touchscreen, five megapixel digital camera with Hd video clip capture, a effective 1 GHz processor and of course the Android functioning program. A person region in which the Samsung Galaxy S stands out is multimedia. Quite a few audio and video clip file formats are supported, and the cellphone also attributes a Tv out socket which will allow the immediate link to a compatible Tv. Social networking integration is also offered as typical in the form of Facebook and Twitter apps which can be downloaded from Android Market, along with 1000's of other applications from many different classes. Along with the hardware on provide, this would make the Samsung Galaxy S extremely effective and adaptable, and no doubt contributes substantially to its recognition.

HTC Desire
HTC is a firm which is rising incredibly speedily. They launch new handsets each handful of months, just about every one particular additional ground breaking than the last. Although it has been obtainable for well above a calendar year, the HTC Need nevertheless remains very well-known. In fact it has won several awards, including "telephone of the yr (2010)" by T3 journal. With these kinds of stiff competitors, it have to have extraordinary specifications to bag these a title. For starters, the handset brought HTC Sensation to the wider audience. This is the manufacturer's custom made consumer interface for its Android phones. With every update, quite a few ingenious and ground breaking attributes are added to make everyday use that tiny bit additional handy. Alongside this, a 5 megapixel camera, 1 GHz processor and a exceptional website browser all include to the appeal of the device.

Clearly, this guide represents a temporary overview of what every mobile phone has to offer. But in my view, the Samsung Galaxy S looks geared in direction of the multimedia consumer, whilst the HTC Desire makes a great web searching product. Commonly even though, every single cellphone is something of a jack of all trades handling any job you throw at it, rather than specialise in one particular spot. If you have to decide on among the two, it will surely come down to individual preference. Maybe you favor HTC or Samsung, or the styling of a specific device although. But we can evidently see that every single of these handsets is a fantastic ambassador to the Android running technique, with every handset flawlessly geared to creating the most of the common software.

Many thanks to the phenomenal success of the Samsung Galaxy S2 we are presently seeing a number of variations on this model hit the shelves. A single of the extremely latest to be announced is the Samsung Galaxy R, a model that boasts a quite similar specification to its large brother but has been stripped back in a couple of spots. The end result of this is a fantastic smartphone that will be accessible at a very competitive price tag.

Like the flagship product in the variety the new Galaxy R feels solid when you handle the phone. The device is well designed and manages to merge elegant appears with a very well created and high excellent style and design.
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Get Your Hands On An Ipad At No Cost

2014-01-11 19:50:03 | 日記
Ipad is fairly incredible -- there, I mentioned it. It can be an attractive, thoughtfully intended, deeply cynical point. It was launched in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland as well as the United Kingdom on May possibly 28. It's my to begin with apple product, hence there are points I didn't know. Ipad can be a such an imaginative, intuitive product.

Ipad is the extended, lengthy awaited portable PDF reader that we have hoped for. It is a device that's ideal utilised for CONSUMING information, not developing it. It is not the only device to sit in this mid-level computing device realm. It is a device I could essentially see myself watching videos on. Ipad is really a fantastic device with all types of prospective for in all types of industries.

Ipad is really a wonderful device for event arranging. It is about what it does, the expertise. It's not an oversized iPod Touch, its uses in the educational technique alone are limitless. It isn't a laptop or just a different accessory. Ipad is often linked to cameras, nevertheless it needs the buy of a separate accessory from Apple.

Ipad has exactly the same glossy screen as Apple's Macbook Pro laptops and iMac desktops. It has 5x the screen area of the iPhone 4 at the quite least. It truly is superior for playing games at property because of the larger screen. It has enough momentum on it really is personal to crush the competitors this holiday season. Ipad has 4 icons in its 'dock'.

Ipad is driving the bloggowebz nuts. It can be his private pet project. It can use Wi-Fi network trilateration from Skyhook Wireless to present place data to applications like Google Maps. It could at some point turn out to be your Tv, your newspaper, and your bookshelf. Ipad was pitched by Steve Jobs yesterday as a response to netbooks.

Ipad is not going to replace your smart telephone. It truly is 1 of the finest goods that technology has blessed us with. It can be broadening the digital divide and this can be counterproductive. It may be distinctive if persons wind up receiving just a couple of apps and sticking with them. Ipad may do many issues greater than a netbook, and multitasking is a superb addition.
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