Ken's Bar

What's up guys? I am an English learner in Japan.

My new blog site

2006-09-27 01:48:40 | Weblog
I launched a new blog. I might not post here anymore. Some of the articles in here also has posted in there. If you are interested in, please drop there by.

Thanks for reading my posting always.


Brokeback Mountain

2006-09-22 18:50:26 | Weblog
I finally saw Brokeback Mountain. I wanted to see it at a movie theater, but I could not make it since that had shown for a short period of time in Japan. It seemed like this movie was not very much popular and not accepted to Japanese people. Maybe that's because this is a gay love story.

My impression of this movie is "excellent". I just wanted to cry. They really loved each other, but they couldn't continue their relationship what they wanted to be because of they were the same gender. It is very easy to imagine that gay things are not accepted in the 1960's, in conservative South of the USA. If Ennis could be a little more confident, they could live happy lives.

Oh, this story is too sad..... But I was moved a lot. I know it is very difficult to live as gay. It is not important if the love is between different genders or not. Important thing is to live to be honest with your heart. Love is a precious thing.

So nice! Madonna's concert!

2006-09-19 01:30:25 | Weblog
I went to a Madonna concert in Osaka. It was fantastic! Dance, dance, dance!

She was so energetic as ever. She was so cool especially when she was with a black guitar. She with a black enamel jump suit sang the rock tune, "I love New York". Last tune was "Hang Up". She sang "Like a Virgin" with a new arrangement. Totally cool!

She proposed to the audience that saving the children dying by ADIS in Africa . She blamed fuckin' politicians like George W. Bush. She used mostly sexy male dancers. Her dance was so indecent! Cool! Obviously she has affected to younger icons such as Britney and Christina Aguilera. Yeah, Madonna is the real Big Time!

The opening delayed an hour! What was she doing? Sleeping? Chatting on Skype? Except the delay, we really enjoyed the two-hour Madonna show. I hear she is already 47. I wonder until when she could perform like this. But I already am waiting for her next show. Thanks, Madonna!