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Giant Sheets of Dark Matter Detected

2008-02-23 20:21:29 | Weblog

Giant Sheets of Dark Matter Detected

Cloaked Giants

Cloaked Giants
A dark matter ring is seen in a galaxy center. An international team of astronomers peering into the deep Universe said they had mapped the biggest-ever structure of the enigmatic substance known as dark matter.

The most colossal structures in the universe have been detected by astronomers who tuned into how the structures subtly bend galactic light.

The newfound filaments and sheets of dark matter form a gigantic features stretching across more than 270 million light-years of space--three times larger than any other known structure and 2,000 times the size of our own galaxy.

Because the dark matter, by definition, is invisible to telescopes, the only way to detect it on such grand scales is by surveying huge numbers of distant galaxies and working out how their images, as seen from telescopes, are being weakly tweaked and distorted by any dark matter structures in intervening space.

"We measured the shapes of millions of galaxies and then mapped the stretching of their light," explained astronomer Ludovic Van Waerbeke of the University of British Columbia. The international team from France and Canada studied the galaxies with the Canada-French-Hawaii Telescope Survey's MegaCam telescope in Hawaii.

The resulting map of distorted galaxies reveals the locations of the vast dark matter structures, with more dark matter located where the greatest distortions are seen, he explained. A paper describing the discovery by Van Waerbeke and his colleagues appears in the latest issue of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The dark matter of the giant structures can distort the appearance of distant galaxies because dark matter has gravity, which can alter the course of light--or "lense" it--as it flies through space. So although the galaxies themselves are not affected, their images are distorted as seen from Earth when their light passes near significant concentrations of dark matter. The distortion is very small, on the order of 0.1 percent.

It's sort of like there were vast strings or sheets of glass prisms out there messing up the images of the galaxies, with more distortion corresponding to a greater number of prisms.

"If we were able to see the dark matter from Earth it would be a very complex network of filaments and sheets," Van Waerbeke told Discovery News.

That sort of cobwebby structure matches computer models which predict that the visible matter in the universe--clusters and super clusters of galaxies--are just the small lights in much vaster clusters of dark matter. All of it is expanding and in some places still connected by filaments of dark matter--rather like very stringy Mozzarella cheese pulled from a hot pizza.

"They're picking up these really large filaments," said astronomer Bhuvnesh Jain of the University of Pennsylvania. The filaments are 10 to a 100 times less dense than the clusters where filaments meet and things like galaxies collect, he explained.

The filaments are of special interest to cosmologists studying the early universe because unlike in the clusters of light and dark matter where things have smashed together a lot, the filaments are relics of much earlier times, said Jain.

"The structures that are providing all this action are still forming," Jain said. The filaments contain regular matter as well, he said, but so little that few stars or galaxies can form – thus far in the history of the universe, anyhow.

Mysterious Haze Found on Venus

2008-02-23 16:26:00 | Weblog

Mysterious Haze Found on Venus

Venus Haze

Venus’s atmosphere, taken by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) during Venus Express orbit number 459 on 24 July 2007. The view shows the southern hemisphere of the planet.

Venus Clouds

Venus’s atmosphere, taken by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) during Venus Express orbit number 465 on 30 July 2007.

Bright hazes that mysteriously appear and then disappear on Venus in a matter of days have revealed a new dynamic feature of the planet's cloudy atmosphere that is unlike anything on Earth.

The European Space Agency's Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) captured a series of images showing the development of a bright haze over the southern latitudes of the planet in July 2007. Over a period of days, the high-altitude veil continually brightened and dimmed, moving towards equatorial latitudes and then back towards the south pole.

These transient dark and bright markings indicate regions on the cloud-covered world where solar ultraviolet radiation is being absorbed and reflected by sulfuric acid particles, mission scientists said this week.

Gaseous sulfur dioxide and small amounts of water vapor are usually found below altitudes of about 43 miles (70 kilometers) in Venus' carbon-dioxide rich atmosphere. These molecules are usually shrouded from view by cloud layers above that block our view to the surface at visible wavelengths.

ESA scientists think the sulfuric acid particles that make up the bright haze are created when some atmospheric process lifts the gaseous sulfur dioxide and water vapor high up above the cloud tops where they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

The UV radiation breaks up the molecules, making them highly reactive. The fragments of the molecules eagerly seek each other out and combine to form the sulfuric acid particles.

"The process is a bit similar to what happens with urban smog over cities," said mission team member Dmitri Titov of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany.

Exactly what causes the sulfur dioxide and water vapor to well up is not known, but Titov says it is likely some internal process of Venus' atmosphere.

The transient dark markings on the VMC images are even more of a mystery. They are caused by something that absorbs UV radiation, but scientists don't yet know what the chemical is.

Some Women Do Not Have G-Spots

2008-02-23 12:31:19 | Weblog

Small Study Concludes Some Women Do Not Have G-Spots

The debate has raged for some time as to whether or not the fabled G-spot exists.

But one scientist has concluded that the much-talked-about area believed to be the point of origin for the female "vaginal" orgasm does exist but only in some women, according to a small study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Emmanuele Jannini of the University of L'Aquila in Italy used an ultrasound to scan the area of the vagina where the G-spot, also called the Gräfenberg spot after Ernest Gräfenberg, the man who discovered it, is located.

Jannini determined that the tissue on the front vaginal wall located behind the urethra was noticeably thicker in the women who reported having vaginal orgasms. The thicker tissue, the study concluded, demonstrates the presence of a G-spot.

"For the first time, it is possible to determine by a simple, rapid and inexpensive method if a woman has a G-spot or not," French news agency AFP quoted Jannini as saying. "Women without any visible evidence of a G-spot cannot have a vaginal orgasm."

Click here for more on this story from the Journal of Sexual Medicine.