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Sandia ASCI Red 引退, June 29, 2006

2006-06-30 | SuperComputer
1996年に、世界で初めて 1Teraflopの壁を越えた Sandia ASCI Redが引退しました:

"Sandia's ASCI Red, world's first teraflop supercomputer, is decommissioned", June 29, 2006
 "Still one of the world’s 500 fastest supercomputers after all these years ― nine ― ASCI Red was
  being decommissioned."
 "ASCI Red first broke the teraflops barrier in December, 1996 and topped the world-recognized
  LINPAC top-500 computer speed ratings seven consecutive times from June 1997 to June 2000."
 "Originally rated at 1.6 teraflops, a chip upgrade raised it to 3.1 t-flops just when it looked as though
  its world supremacy would be lost."

 "Sandia researcher Michael Hannah,till 2002 charged with keeping the machine running, emphasized
  that the machine was not being decommissioned because of technical problems. “It’s not a reliability
  issue, because ASCI Red is still reliable,” he said. “It is about getting more bang for the buck with
  nine-year-newer technology and terminating significant costs in space, power, and cooling.”

 "“Having so many machines in so little space keeps us innovative,” says Sandia manager Archie Gibson."

参考 Web
スーパーコンピューティングの将来, 牧野淳一郎
 "2. Cray XT3 --- MPPは復活するか?(2005/12/6)"

 Cray XT3 (ASCI Red Storm) とストレージ, 2006-01-10


