
Mail: topography "AT" mail.goo.ne.jp

UPDATE IV [06/03/04-03/21]

2006-03-22 | Entry_List
UPDATE V [06/03/22-04/23]
 Cell Broadband Engine Links II, 2006-03-18
  Linux v2.6.16 has been released.
  SPU file systemのサポート
 Sun Studio 11: Compilers and Tools on Linux情報, 2006-02-08
  "Two tips for compiling Mozilla by Sun Studio 11 on Solaris 10", March 19, 2006
   SeaMonkey や Firefox を Sun Studio 11(Solaris10) でビルドする際に発生する問題への対処方法。
 RAMP: ResearchAccelerator4 MultipleProcessors, FPGA, 2006-02-26
  RAMP - Publications and Documents
  "RAMP Architecture and Description Language,"
   RAMP Special Session
   2nd Workshop on Architecture Research using FPGA Platforms (WARFP-2006), HPCA-12
 Reconfigurable Computing, FPGA等のリンクメモ, 2006-03-01
 Sun Studio 11: Compilers and Tools on Linux情報, 2006-02-08
  "Linux Compilers Alpha Build 18 Readme", Last updated March 14, 2006
 100ドルラップトップのレポートビデオ [05/11/25], 2006-01-07
  また、Project用 Wikiも立ち上げられました。
 IEEE 754-1985 Floating-Point Arithmetic等々のメモ II, 2006-01-16
  JavaNumerics: http://math.nist.gov/javanumerics/
 Terrascale Introduces InfiniBand Storage Blocks, 2006-02-23
  "Xyratex signs OEM Agreement to provide its HS-1235 Application Ready Storage Platform to
   Terrascale Technologies to develop High Performance Storage Appliance", March 15, 2006
 Mitrionics FPGA Platform Compatible With Xilinx, 2006-03-14
  "Mitrionics Joins Xilinx ESL Initiative to Make FPGA Programming Faster and Easier for Supercomputing Applications", March 13, 2006
  "Xilinx Launches ESL Initiative To Accelerate Adoption Of System Level Design For FPGAs", March 13, 2006
 SAN環境での VMware:HBAの仮想化, 2006-02-19
  VMware ESX Server Technical Papers: Providing LUN Security
 High Productivity Computing Systems(HPCS) III: IBM, 2006-01-08
  "Development of next-generation system-on-package (SOP) technology based on silicon carriers with fine-pitch chip interconnection",
   IBM Journal of Research and Development, Volume 49, Number 4/5, 2005.
 Computer News/メモ, 06/03/13
  "IEEE Ethernet spec advances", EE Times, 03/10/2006
   少々古いネタですが:カッパー 10GbE TOE NIC FOR $795 [05/08/04], 2006-01-07
 Gelato Itanium Conference & Expo, 2006/04/23-26, 2006-03-11
  "Itanium推進団体、GNU Compiler Collectionの改良に資金提供", CNET Japan, 2006/03/13
 AMD, Intel等仮想化技術リンクメモ, 2006-01-18
  "Linux&ITRONをマイクロカーネル上に仮想化 新アーキテクチャを産学で", ITmedia, 2006年03月13日
 Mercury: Cell Technology Evaluation Systems, 2006-01-11
  "Cell搭載コンピュータを国内販売開始,日本マーキュリー", Tech-On!, 2006/03/08
  "「マルチプロセサの経験をCell向けソフトウエアに」,米Mercury Computer社", Tech-On!, 2006/03/08
 High Productivity Computing Systems(HPCS) V: Sun2, 2006-01-08
  "Luxtera Presents Paper at ISSCC 2006 Describing the World’s First Practical CMOS Photonics Platform", February 6, 2006
 High Productivity Computing Systems(HPCS) III: IBM, 2006-01-08
  "IBM and Agilent Technologies Launch $30 Million Interconnect Program", 11 Sep 2003
  "Exploitation of optical interconnects in future server architectures",
   IBM Journal of Research and Development, Volume 49, Number 4/5, 2005.
 Computer News/メモ, 06/03/10, 2006-03-10
  -東京大学を中心とした研究チームがIPv4、IPv6とも記録更新-", 平成18年3月9日
 Power Mgmt Enterprise Storage, データセンターメモ II, 2006-02-23
  "データセンターの電力と熱の課題 に対処", インテルソリューション ホワイトペーパ, 2004年 6月
   "iDCにおける電力供給系の構成", 2001年度.
   "世界における通信用直流供給システム規格の現状", 200年度.
  MYCOM PC WEBに 2002年 8月に掲載された HP, IBM社の冷却技術開発への取り組み紹介
 AMD, Intel等仮想化技術リンクメモ[06/03/10:更新], 2006-01-18
  "Intel and Microsoft Outline Plans for Advancing Benefits of New Management and Virtualization Technologies", March 7, 2006
   既に発表していた Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT) に、I/O仮想化機能を含めた発展仕様 (Intel VT–d) を策定するそうです。
 Computer News/メモ, 06/03/10, 2006-03-10
  "IBM Achieves Performance Breakthrough!", Supercomputing Online, Mar 09, 2006
   IBM/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryのプレスリリース
   IBM General Parallel File System製品ページ
 ニューヨーク証券取引所:システムだけじゃない, 2006-01-20
  "NY証取が上場、時価総額100億ドル超える", NIKKEI NET, 2006/03/09
  "Stock of New Public NYSE Group, Inc. Begins Trading", March 8, 2006
   "This morning, with the ringing of the Opening Bell, shares of the NYSE Group, Inc. (NYSE: NYX) began trading on the NYSE."
 Computer News/メモ, 06/03/07, 2006-03-07
  "Intel CTO tips 'tera-scale' computing ", EE Times, 03/06/2006
   Workshop on Transactional Memory Workloads, June 10th, 2006
   "Software and the Concurrency Revolution",
    ACM Queue vol. 3, no. 7 - September 2005.
 OpenSPARC.net > Cool Tools, 2006-03-02
 Sun Developer Network: Sun Studio - Technical Articles & Tips
 "Performance Analysis Made Simple Using SPOT",
  Darryl Gove, Senior Performance Engineer, Sun Microsystems, March 7, 2006.
 Computer News/メモ, 06/03/07, 2006-03-07
  "Intel CTO tips 'tera-scale' computing ", EE Times, 03/06/2006
   Transactional Memory Systemsは RAMPで研究したいテーマの一つでした。
  Transactional Coherence and Consistency
   Professors: Christos Kozyrakis and Kunle Olukotun.
   Department Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University
  Transactional Memory Online
   Transactional Memory Bibliography
  "Software transactional memory"
   From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 PathScale: InfiniBand Adapters for PCI Express, 2006-03-07
  Mellanox社ローコスト HCA情報の追加
 Log Structuredファイルシステムに類する研究活動への関連リンク, 2006-02-06
  IBM developerWorks > Linux
  "Develop your own filesystem with FUSE", 28 Feb 2006.
 IEEE 754-1985 Floating-Point Arithmetic等々のメモ II, 2006-01-16
  General Decimal Arithmetic
  IBM Fellowの Mike Cowlishaw博士が管理している Webページ
 Opening Day for OpenSolaris on Xen, 02/13/2006, 2006-02-14
  "Getting Started with OpenSolaris using VMWare", February 27, 2006.
UPDATE III [06/02/16-03/03]
UPDATE II [06/01/31-02/14]
UPDATE I [06/01/11-01/31]


