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IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox

2006-12-05 | SuperComputer
"An introduction to the IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox
 Machine-learning algorithms on parallel computing platforms", 06 Mar 2007
 developerWorks > Grid computing >
Update: February 9, 2007
"New version includes Blue Gene release of code, enables running of data conversion under MPI, and
corrects a bug in conversion of categorical values in ARFF files."
IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox, November 21, 2006
 A toolbox for running machine learning algorithms on parallel computing platforms.
 alphaWorks > Data management >

 "Large data sets are common in Web applications, bioinformatics, and speech and image processing.
  Many sophisticated machine learning algorithms cannot process such large amounts of data on a single node.
  IBM Parallel Machine Learning Toolbox (PML) can do so by distributing the computations. This distribution
  speeds up computations and expedites training by several orders of magnitude: for example, from several weeks
  on a single node to days or even hours running on multiple nodes."

 "PML contains many commonly-used machine learning algorithms and includes an API for incorporating
  additional algorithms. Standard supported algorithms include the following:
   * Classification: Support-vector machine (SVM), linear least squares, and transform regression
   * Clustering: k-means and fuzzy k-means
   * Feature reduction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and kernel PCA.
  The toolbox runs on Windows®, Linux®, and UNIX®."


