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Solaris ZFS Links II [06/08/23--]

2006-08-23 | Storage
07/05/07: ZFS, copies, and data protection ||| 07/04/15: OpenSolaris Community ||| 07/04/12: Free and Open Storage Software ||| 07/04/06: ZFS committed to the FreeBSD base ||| 07/04/04: Fun with ZFS ||| 07/04/02: 順次アクセスファイルにおけるZFSの性能 ||| 07/02/24: ZFS Best Practices Guide ||| 06/11/21: ZFS patches for FreeBSD ||| 06/10/31: ZFS resources ||| 06/09/26: ZFS and how it got it is name ||| 06/08/24: ZFS in Leopard?, OSNews.com, 2006-08-23 ||| 06/08/23: ZFS on FreeBSD, Eric Schrock Weblog, August 22, 2006 ||| . . . 本文を読む