

シャラポワ、全豪オープン優勝後の記者会見 2/2

2008-01-27 11:54:56 | マリア・シャラポワ

Q. You spoke about Billie Jean on the television interview. Can you tell us how that started, how often she does sort of offer you advice and congratulations?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: It's interesting. I think the first time I met her was when I was playing a junior tournament in Roehampton when I was 13 or 14 years old. I remember her coming to both of my parents and myself and just having a normal conversation, like, Hello, how are you? How is everything going? How is your training?

I was like, Whoa. That's pretty amazing. Billie Jean King just came up to us. From that point on, she's just always been, you know, really supportive. I actually don't see her that often, apart from World TeamTennis and some of the Grand Slams that she comes to.

But, you know, she's always one of the first people to text me when either I'm having a tough moment or a great win. It's wonderful because she's just done so much for the game and such a great supporter of the sport. You know, to spend whatever it is, a minute of her life sending me a text, is wonderful, you know, wishing me the best.

Q. Is it all done by text, or do you ever talk to her?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: I don't speak to her that often, actually, no.

Q. You seemed really driven to win this title. You've done that. What now? Obviously you want to win other titles. Justine has been the dominant force the last six months. Would you like to achieve that sort of domination?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Definitely. But I don't think that I'll ‑‑ I don't think that I'm quite physically and experienced enough to do that. I know I've already won three Grand Slams. I know I keep saying this, but I don't think I'm at the peak of my career yet. I don't think my body has 100% developed into its own. I've got many more things to learn, you know, in my tennis, and many things to build and improve.

That takes time. It's not an overnight process. It's something that I look forward to. No matter how many tough times or bad days I'm going to have, as long as I walk up in the morning and can't wait to get that tennis racquet out of my bag, I'll always be looking forward to improving.

Q. I think you made a nice speech today. That comes with experience also, or you prepare sometimes a little bit before?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: I usually don't even know what I'm saying. About five people just told me that I said some great things. I was like, I did? Sometimes I don't know what I say, especially today.

I was so overwhelmed about the fact that, you know, the middle of last year my thought process was just so different. I had many negative thoughts. If I would have thought, you know, in the middle of last year that I'd be standing on that stage, you know, with that winning trophy, I don't think I would have believed it.

But, you know, I don't know. I guess my mom, as well. That education and speaking well and those essays I write, that I wrote all the time, that helps as well.

Q. You're going to play for Russia in the Federation Cup the first time. What circumstances have changed that you're going to play when you've missed previous ones?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Well, fingers crossed, this will be the first time after a Grand Slam that I don't get sick or injured. Over the last few years, especially when I get into the later stages of a Grand Slam, you know, your immune system goes down and something just out of nowhere comes up.

I'm so excited about the opportunity. Last year in April I was so close to going on the plane. The doctors told me, you know, You can't. Your career can be in jeopardy if you go out and play competitive matches.

I'm really excited about the opportunity. Going there at the end of last year and experiencing it and seeing the girls win, the whole experience was really great for me.

From the beginning of the year, this was one of my priorities. I'm excited it's in Israel because it's the first time I'm going there. It's quite a long trip over there, but it will be good.

Q. The Olympics is obviously in your sights.

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yes, that's another one of my priorities. It is. I think it's not ‑‑ I don't think players consider it as a tournament. I think ‑‑ I mean, in tennis you have a tournament every single week. But for other athletes, I mean figure skaters and other various sports, it just comes once in four years.

I think for tennis players it's just incredible to be part of it. I'm very looking forward to the opening ceremony. I think that's one of the things that I was always watching on TV. My parents allowed me to stay up late to watch the opening ceremonies.

I'd wait till, you know, Russia would come up. They would always be the last because it's the later letter in the alphabet. That would kill me because it would be about 1:00 in the morning. I'd put my white hat on, because that's what they were wearing, and walk around the house. So that's something that I've very looking forward to.

Q. Although you live in America, the Russian heritage is something that means a great deal to you?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Absolutely. I moved to the United States because of my career. If I wouldn't have this career, I'd probably be back home in Russia in college right now, as one of my friends is that I grew up with back there.

But, you know, those are some of the things you have to sacrifice in your life, in your career. I got the opportunity to move to a new place that taught me ‑‑ that made me more mature and basically has given me so many opportunities in my life, so...

Q. Is it going to be one of your priorities also to get a better relationship with the other Russian girls, Kuznetsova, Chakvetadze, Dementieva? Because they were in Moscow when you were there in the final of the Fed Cup. I didn't have the impression that there was a big nice feeling between you. Just you and Vesnina were very close.

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Actually, the majority of us have a wonderful relationship; we do. I don't know what you saw, but we all went to team dinners. Yeah, I do. I have really good relationships.

Q. Chakvetadze said, I don't understand why Maria came for the final.

MARIA SHARAPOVA: I obviously didn't play because I was injured and I couldn't play. But, you know, the captain asked me to come there and support them, and that's the least I could do for them.

Q. In your speech, you mentioned the tragic events within your camp last year. How much did that change your perspective?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: It completely changed my perspective on life. I think the reason for that is because it's one of the closest people in my team, in my family, that passed away. I'm lucky to have my grandparents and family and friends very healthy, knock on wood.

But that was ‑‑ it was a tough experience because it was so long, the process. She was sick with cancer for many years, and it had come back a few times. Every time she would be better, all of a sudden in six months she'd get it back again.

For the last two months of her life she was just a different person and not herself. All that suffering and everything that she went through, it was hard to deal with. I can only imagine how hard it was for Michael and his family. It just puts so much perspective into your life. During the time when I was practicing, the days I could practice without being injured, it was hard to motivate myself because tennis just didn't seem important in those moments whatsoever, at all.

Q. Did you have any problems with Ana's squeaky shoes?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: No, I didn't hear anything.

Q. You mentioned the Olympics. If I could offer you the Olympic gold medal or another Wimbledon, you could only have one of them, what would you have?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: That's so tough. I think because I already have a Wimbledon title I'd take the Olympic gold medal, yeah. But if it was any other tournament, I would say Wimbledon.

Q. Would you like to play the final at night?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: No, this was actually different because it was probably the hottest Grand Slam final I've played in. The US Open final was obviously at night. It was a good change‑up. I'm glad I had the experience to do that.


