

2009-08-29 14:04:42 | Medieval Latin
MEDIEVAL LATIN, Philosophy, Christianism, History, Lingusitics
Part 1

2810 APOLLONIUS,R. Argonautica. Recognouit breuique adnotatione critica instruxit H.Fränkel. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1986. cloth, jacket, very good. Coll. Oxford Classical Texts. \3000

2669 (AQUINAS, OCKAHM, WYCLIF) OWENS,J., MAURER,A.,HANRAHAN,T.J.,ESCHMANN,I.T.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XX. Etienne Gilson Aniniversary Studies. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studeis, 1958. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2690 (AQUINAS, OCKAHM)OWENS,J., WEISHEIPL,J.A.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XXX 1968. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1968. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2696 (AQUINAS, POITEIRS, OCCAM )OWENS,J., HARING,N.M., BAUDRY,L.&al. Mediaeval Studies Vol.XXVII 1965. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1965. paperback, cover sunned, exlibrary copy with label on spine, a red seal, black stamp, else very good. 2000

2671 (AQUINAS, St.THOMAS, St.BONAVENTURE, ) ESCHMANN,I.Th., GILSON,E., KLUBERTANZ,G.P.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.VIII. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studeis, 1946. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2557 (ARCHIMEDES) CLAGETT,M. Archimedes in the Middle Ages. Vol.1:The Arabo-Latin Tradition. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Pr., 1964. pp.xxix, 720. cloth, slightly foxing to fore-edge, else very good. 5000

2688 (ARITOTLE, ST.THOMAS)ESCHMANN,I.T. The Quotations of Arisotle’s Politics in St.Thomas’ Lectura Super Matthaeum. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1956. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. Coll.Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XVIII. 2000

2456 (ARSITOTLE)GIELE,M., VAN STEENBERGHEN,F.&BAZAN,B. Trois commentaires anonymes sur le Traité de l’Ame d’Aristote. Louvain, Pub.Univ.&Paris, Beetrice-Nauwelaerts, 1971. paperback, spine darkened, foxing to edges, unopen, else very good. Coll. Philosophes Médiévaux Tome XI. 3500

2937 (AUGUSTINUS, HIERONYMUS)KOFFMANE,G. Geschichte des Kirchelateins. Entstehung und Entwickelung des Kirchenlateins bis auf Augustinus-Hieronymus. Hildesheim, Olms, 1966. vi, 168pp. Paperback. Spine fading, a red seal to title pp., else very good. Pub. Price EUR19.80 2000

3033 BAYLESS,M. Parody in the Middle Ages. The Latin Tradition. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Pr., 1999. xii, 425pp. Cloth, jacket. Fine. Pub. Price USD75.00 6200

2428 BINDIN,G.&NUSSBAUM,N. Der mittlealterliche Baubetrieb nördlich der Alpen in zeitgenössischen Darstellungen. Mit Beiträgen von P.Deutsch&al. Darmstadt, Wissenschaft. Buchgesellsch., 1978. cloth, very good. 1000

2694 (BOETHIUS, GILBERT, ADAM OF BUCKFIELD, PETER OF AUVERGNE, RICHARD OF CAMPSALL, CATTON, QUIDORT, ULRICH OF STRASBOURG)O’Donneell,J.R.(ed.) Nine Mediaeval Thinkers. A Collection of Hitherto unedited texts. Tronto, Pontifical Inst. of Meediaeval Studies,1955. Coll. Studies and Text Vol.1. pp.xi, 382. paperback, spine discolouring, else very good. 3000

2668 (BOETIUS, ARISTOTLE) NASH,W.,GRABMANN,M.&MOSSE,F.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XII. 1950. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studeis, 1950. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

3027 BOURGAIN,P. Le latin médiéval. avec la collaboration de M.-C.Hubert. Bruxelles, Brepols,2005. Paperback, fine. 578pp. Coll. L’Atelier du Médiéviste Vol.10. USD138.95 11000

2924 BUCK,C.D. A Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian. with a collection of inscriptions and a glossary. 2.Nachdruckauflage der Ausg. Boston 1904 mit den Zusätzen der erweiterten Aufl. 1928. Hildesheim, Olms, 1979. xvii, 371pp. 5 pl. in b&w. Skivertex, a red seal to title pp., else very good. 4000

2973 Calboli,G.(ed.) Latin vulgaire - latintardif II. Actes du IIer Colloque international sur le latinvulgaire et tardif (Bologne, 29 août -2 sep. 1988). Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1987. Paperback, fine. xii, 286pp. 6000

2931 Callebat,L.(ed.) Latin vulgaire - latin tardif IV. Actes du 4e Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif Heidelberg, 2-5 sept. 1994. Heidleberg, Olms, 1998. 723,(22)pp. Paperback, fine. Pub.Price EUR99.00 10000

2700 CORNELIUS,N. With an English translation by J.C.Rolfe. Cambridge, Harvard Univ.Pr.,&London, Heinemann, 1984. pp.xvii, 348. cloth, foxing to edges very slightly, jacket chipped, else very good. Coll. Loeb Classical Library 467. 2000


2009-08-29 14:03:35 | Medieval Latin
MEDIEVAL LATIN, Philosophy, Christianism, History, Lingusitics
Part 2

2780 Die Nachsokratiker. In Auswahl übersetzt und hg.v. W.Nestle. 1.bis 3.tausend. Jena, Diederichs, 1923. 2 Bde. pp.306;393. Original cloth backed boards, yellow top edge. Foxing to edges, marginary browning, else very good. ¥5000

2984 DINZELBACHER,P.Vision und Visionliteratur im Mittelalter. Stgt., Hiersemann, 1981. 288pp. Cloth, fine. Coll. Monographien z. Geschichgte des Mittelalters Bd.23. 5000

1236エ DU CANGE. Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis. Unveränderter Nachdruck d. Ausgabe v. 1883-1887. Graz, Akad. Druck- u. Verl.Ges., 1954. 10 vol. in 5 Bde. cloth, brightly foxing to edges, very good. 130000

2692 (FISCHACRE, ST.THOMAS, AQUINAS, SCOTUS, R.BACON, P.DUBOIS) LONG,R.J., MAURER,A., OWENS,J. BURR,D., DANIEL,E.R., BOYLE,L.E.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XXXIV 1972. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1972. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2438 FROTHINGHAM,A.L.The Monuments of Christian Rome from Constantine to the Renaissance. N.Y., Macmillan, 1908. cloth, both ends of spine bumped and chipped, edges soiled, endpaper torn to inner hinges, but binding stable, internally browned, else very good. numerous ill. 1500

2427 Habel,E.(hg.v.) Mittlellateinisches Glossar. Uner Mitwirkung von Studienrat F.Gröbel in Berlin. 2.Aufl. Paderborn, Schöningh, 1959. cloth, cover soiled, jacket worn, marginary browning, owner’s name, else very good. viii, 431pp. 2500

2834 HARRINGTON,K.P. Mediaeval Latin. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1975. xxix, 698pp. Paperback, stain to top edge, other edges soiling, else very good. Pub.Price USD25.00 2000

2840 Harrington,K.P. Medieval Latin. 2nd ed. Revised by J.Pucci. With a grammatical intr. by A.G.Elliott. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1997. xxii, 679. Red cloth, very good. 8000

2922 HAYE,T. Das Lateinische Lehrgedicht im Mittelalter. Brill, Leiden, 1997. viii, 444pp. Cloth, jacket, fine. Coll. Mittlellateinische Studine und Texte Bd.XXII. Pub. Price EUR236.00 24000

2914 HAYE,T. Oratio. Mittelalterliche Redkunst in lateinishcer Sprache. Leiden, Brill, 1999. viii, 340pp. Cloth, jacket, fine. Coll. Mittellateinische Studien und Texte Bd.XXVII. Pub. Price EUR127.00 15000

2972 Herman,J.(ed.) Latin vulgaire - latintardif. Actes du Ier Colloque international sur le latinvulgaire et tardif (Pécs, 2-5 sep. 1985). Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1987. Paperback, very good. viii, 262pp. 4000

2974 Iliescu,M.&Marxgut,W.(ed.) Latin vulgaire - latin tardif III. Actes du IIIer Colloque international sur le latinvulgaire et tardif (Innsbruck, 2-5 sep. 191). Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1992. Paperback, fine. vii, 368pp. 9000

2951 IOANNIS SARESBERIENSIS. Episcopi carnotensis Policratici. sive de nugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum. Livri VIII. recognouit et Prolegomenis, apparatu critico, commentario, indicibus instruxit C.C.I.Webb. Nachdruck der Ausg. London
1909.Frankfurt a.M., Minerva, 1965. 2 Bde. xlix, 368;viii, 511pp. Cloth. Spine fading, institute’s red seal to title pp. and number insribed to front paste-down, else very good. 9000

2916 JOHANNES DE HAUVILLA. Architrenius. Mit einer Einleitung und Anmerkungen hg.v. P.G.Schmidt. Mchn., Fink, 1974. 416pp. Cloth, spine fading, a red seal to title pp., else very good. 11000

2892 JOHANNES DE HAUVILLA. Architrenius. Trans. anded. byW.Wetherbee. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 1994. xxxii, 276pp. Cloth, fine. Coll. Cambridge Medievall Classics No.3. Pub. Price USD130.00 11000

2910 (JUVENARI)Löfstedt,B.(hg.v.) Vier Juvenal-Kommentare aus dem 12.JH. Amsterdam, Gieben, 1995. xvii, 492pp. Cloth, fine. 10000

3009 KAMPHAUSEN,H.J. Traum und Vision in der lateinischen Poesie der Karolingerzeit. Bern, Lang, 1975. 243pp. Papeback, a red seal to title pp., annotation, marking and underlinig in black pencil, else good. Coll. Latienische Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters Bd.4. 1400

2941 KASTER,R.A. Guardians of Language:the Grammarian and Society in Late Antiquity. Berkeley, Univ. of California Pr., 1988. xxi, 524pp. Paperback, very good. Coll. The Transformation of the Classical Heritage No.11. Pub. Price USD29.95 2400

2431 LANGOSCH,K. Lateinisches Mittelalter. Einleitung in Sprache und Literatur. Darmstadt, Wissenschaft. Buchgessellsch., 1963. paperback, cover browned, a few marking and underlining in ink, else very good. 500

2376 Langosch,K.(hg.v.) Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch. 2.Jahrgang. Köln, Selbstverlag, 1965. cloth, cover soiled and stained, edges soiled, else very good. 1300


2009-08-29 14:00:49 | Medieval Latin
MEDIEVAL LATIN, Philosophy, Christianism, History, Lingusitics
Part 3

2377 Langosch,K.(hg.v.) Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch. 3.Jahrgang. Köln, Selbstverlag, 1966. paperback, cover and edges soiled, else very good. W b ¥1000

2393 Langosch,K.(hg.v.) Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch. 4.Jahrgang. Köln, Selbstverlag, 1967. paperback, cover and edges soiled, else very good. 1000

2909 LEHMANN,W.P. A Gothic Etymological Dictionary. Based on the third ed. of Vergleichendes Wörtebuch der Gotischen Sprache by S.Feist. with bibliogrpahy prepared under the direct. of H.-J.J.Hewit. Leiden, Brill, 1986. xvii, 712pp. Cloth, fine. 18000

2443 MANITIUS,M. Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur der Mittelalters. Unveränderter Nachdruck der 1923 erschienenen ersten Afulage. Mchn., Beck, 1965. cloth, jacket rubbed, near fine. Handbuch de Altertumswissenscahft IX,2.2. 4000

2832 Mantello,F.A.C.&Rigg,A.G. Medieval Latin. An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide. Washington, Cahotlic Univ. of America Pr., 1996. xiv, 774pp. Paperback. Fore-edge slightly soiling, else very good. Pub.Price USD44.95 2000

2693 (MARITAIN, ST.THOMAS, AQUINAS, ARISTOTLE)PEGIS,A.C., MULVANEY,R.J. &al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XXXV 1973 Memory of Jacques Maritain. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1973. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 3000

1621 MOHRMANN,C. Latin vulgaire. Latin des chrétiens. Latin médiéval. Rapport au Premier congrès de la fédération internationale des assoc. d’études classiques (1950). Conférence à l’institut de linguistique de l’Univ. de Paris (mai 1951). Revue des études latines (Tome 29,1952). Paris, Klincksieck, 1955. paperback, cover sunned, marginary browning, else very good. 1000

2730 MURATOFF,P. La pittura bizantina. Con 256 riproduzioni in fototipia. Roma, Valori Plastici, s.d. pp.182, cclvi. original carton, spine rubbed, outer hindges repaired, still binding tight, else very good. 2000

2026 (NICOLAUS CUSANUS)VOLKMANN-SCHLUCK,K.H. Nicolaus Cusanus. die Philosphie im Ubergang vom Mittlalter zur Neuzeit. Frankfurt a.Main, Klostermann, 1957. cloth, jacket, top edge blue, foxing to other edges and endpapers, else very good. 3000

2918 NIERMEYER,J.F. Media latinitatis lexicon minus. Lexique latin médiéval-Français/Angllais A Medieval Latin-French/English Dictionary. Perficiendum curavit C.Van de Kieft. Leiden, Brill, 1976. xvi, 1138pp. Cloth. Ends of spine bumping and fading, corners bumped, a red seal to title pp., else very good. 30000

1602 NORBERG,D. Manuel pratique de Latin médiéval. Paris, Picard, 1968. paperback, marginary browning, else very good. Coll. Connaissance des Langues. 3000

2697 (OCKHAM)MAURER,A.&al. Mediaeval Studies Vol.XXXVIII 1976. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1976. paperback, cover sunned, exlibrary copy with label on spine, a red seal, black stamp, else very good. 2000

2989 ONNERFORS,A. Classica et Mediaevalia. Kleine Schriften zur lateinischen Sprache und Literatur der Antike und des Mittelalters. Hg.v.W.Maaz&al. Brln., Weidmann, 1998. Cloth, fine. coll. Spolia Berlinensia Bd.10. EUR44.80 4400

2687 ORESME,N.Maistre. Le livre du Ciel et du Monde. Livre I-IV. Text na Commentary. Critical Intr. A.D.Menut and A.J.Denomy. (included in Mediaeval Studies. Vol.III-V. 1941-43). Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studeis, 1941-43. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamnp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2842 (OVID) ALLEN,PL. The Art of Love. Amatory Fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania P., 1992. xi, 178pp. Cloth, jacket. Fine. Pub. Price USD47.50 3700

3020 OVIDIUS. Pseudo-Ovidius de Vetula. Untersuchungen und Text von P.Klopsch. Leiden, Brill, 1967. 298pp. Cloth, ex-institute’s cp. with a red seal and number, else very good. Coll. Mittellateinische Studien und Text Bd.II. 3000

2917 Petersmann,H.&Kettmeann,R.(ed.) Latin vulgaire - latin tardif V. Actes du Ve Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif Heidelberg, 5-8 sept. 1997. Heidleberg, Winter, 1999. xviii, 567pp. Boards, fine. 4000

2444 (PLATO, ARISTOTLE, PLOTIN, QUINAS, DUNS SCOTUS, BACON, MACHIAVELLI)ROTTGERS,K. Spuren der Macht. Begriffsgeschichte und Systematik. Feibrug, Alber, 1990. boards, extremity discoloured, else very good. 590pp. 2000


2009-08-29 13:59:21 | Medieval Latin
MEDIEVAL LATIN, Philosophy, Christianism, History, Lingusitics
Part 4

2665 (PLATON, AQUINAS)ESCHMANN,I.Th., GILSON,E.&al.Mediaeval Studies. Vol.IX. 1947. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studeis, 1947. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. ¥2000

1632 REICHENKRON,G. Historische latein-altromanische Grammatik. Teil.I. Eileitung das sogenannte vulgärlatein und das Wesen der Romaniseerung. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1965. paperback, cover sunned, top of spine rubbed, internally browned, else very good.

3005 (REX MAIOR)GOTTE,C. Das Menschen- und Herrscherbild des Rex Maior im Ruodlieb. Studine zur Ethik und Anthoropologie im Ruodlieb. Mchn., Fink, 1981. 129pp. Cloth,fine. Coll. Medium Aevum Bd.34. 2500

2432 Rohlfs,G. Sermo Vulgaris Latinus. Vulgärlateinisches Lesebuch. Zusammen gestellt. 2. verbesserte und erweiterte Aufl. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1956. paperback, cover sunned, internally browned, else very good. 700

1627 ROHLFS,G. Sermo vulgaris latinus. Vulgärlateinisches Lesebuch. Zusammengestellt. 2. verbesserte und erweiterte Aufl. Tbngn., Niemeyer, 1956. carton, cover sunned, internally browned, else very good. Sammlung Kurzer Lehrbücherder romanischen Spachen und Literaturen 13. 1100

2988 ROHLFS,G. Sermo vulgaris latinus. Vulgärlatieinisches Lesebuch. Zusammengestellt. 3., verbesserte und erweiterte Aufl. Tübingen, Niemeyer, 1969. xiii, 90pp. Paperback. Cover sunned, a red seal to title pp., else very good. 1000

3041 ROHLS,J. Philosophie und Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tübingen, Siebeck, 2002. xi, 611pp. Paperback, cover browning, else very good. 4000

2938 SAALFELD,G.A.E.A. Tensaurus italograecus. Auführliches Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der griechischen Lehn- und Fremdwörter im Lateinischen. Nachdruck der Ausg. Wien 1884. Hildesheim, Olms, 1964. 1184pp. Cloth, spine fading, a red seal to title pp., else very good. Pub. Price EUR94.00 11000

1629 SCHMECK,H. Aufgaben und Methoden der modrnen vulgärlateinischen Forschung. Heidelberg, Winter, 1955. paperback, internally browned, else very good. 1000

2944 SCHUPPERT,H. Kirchenkritik in der lateinischen Lyrik des 12. und 13. JH. Mchn., Fink, 1972. 224pp. Cloth, foxing to cover, a red seal to title pp., else very good. Coll. Medium Aevum Philologische Studien Bd.23. 4000

2833 SIDWELL,K. Reading Medieval Latin. Cambridge, Univ.Pr., 1995. xvi, 398pp. Paperback, corners slightly bumped, else very good. Pub. Price USD37.99 3000

2886 SIDWELL,K. Reading Medieval Latin. Cambridge, Univ.Pr., 1995. xviii, 398pp. Paperback, fine. Pub.Price USD39.99 3200

2923 SPEER,A. Die Entdeckte Natur. Untersuchungen zu Begründungsversuchen einer scientia naturalis im 12. Jahrhundert. Leiden, Brill, 1995. xii, 365pp. Cloth, jacket, fine. Coll. Mittlellateinische Studine und Texte Bd.XXII. Pub. Price EUR183.00 19000

2888 SPENCE,S. Texts and the Self in the Twelfth Century. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 1996. xi, 167pp. Cloth, jacket, fine. Coll. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature No.30. 5000

2691 (ST.THOMAS, AQUINAS)MAURER,A., OWENS,J.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XXXII 1970. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1970. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2689 (ST.THOMAS, DANTE)OWENS,J., GILSON,E.,PEGIS,R.J.&al.Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XXIX 1967. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1967. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on worn spine, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2670 (St.THOMAS, MAIMONIDE, St.AMBROSE, AUGUSTIN ) NAURER,A., GILSON,E.&al. Mediaeval Studies. Vol.XIII. 1951. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studeis, 1951. paperback, exlibrary copy, label on spine, rubbed and twisted, a red seal and a black stamp, internally browning, else very good. 2000

2695 (ST.THOMAS, MORVALENSIS, FLETE, BOETIUS, ARISTOTLE)GILSON,E., OWENS,J., CHADWIC,N. DUNPHY,W, BRASWELL,B.&al. Mediaeval Studies Vol.XXVI 1964. Toronto, Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies, 1964. paperback, cover sunned, exlibrary copy with label on spine, a red seal, black stamp, else very good. 2000

3037 ST.VICTOR,H.of. The Didascalicon. A medieval Guide to the Arts. Translated from the Latin with an Intr. and Notes by J.Taylor. N.Y., Columbia Univ. Pr., 1968. xii, 254pp. Cloth, ex-institute’s cp. with a red seal, red stamps and trace of peeling a label on spine, annotation and underlining in black pencil throughout, else good. 1100


2009-08-29 13:57:51 | Medieval Latin
MEDIEVAL LATIN, Philosophy, Christianism, History, Lingusitics
Part 5

3011 STATIUS. The Medieval Achilleid. Ed. with intr., variant readings, and glosses by P.M.Clogan. Leiden, Brill, 1968. xii, 133pp. Cloth, ex institut’s cp. with a red seal and numbers, spine fading, top corners bumped, else very good. ¥2000

2469 STOTZ,P. Handbuch zur lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters. Bd.3. Lautlehre. Mchn., Beck, 1996. cloth, jacket, box, very good. Coll. Handbuch zur lateinischen Sprache des Mittelalters. 10000

1931 STRECKER,K. Introduction à l’étude du latin médiéval. Traduite de l’allemantd par P.Van de Woestijne. 3e éd. revue et augmentée. Genève, Droz, s.d. paperback, cover sunned, marginary browning, else very good. Coll. Pub. Romanes et Françaises XXVI. 1500

2942 SZOVERFFY,J. Die Annalen der lateinischen Hymnendichtung. Ein Handbuch. I.:die lateinischen Hymnen bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts. Bln., Schmidt, 1964. 464pp. Cloth, jacket. Spine bumped, jacket browning, a red seal to title pp., else very good. Coll. Die Lyrische dichtung des Mittelalters Bd.2. 6000

2954 SZOVERFFY,J. Die Annalen der lateinischen Hymnendichtung. Ein Handbuch. I.:die lateinischen Hymnen bis zum Ende des 11. Jahrhunderts. Bln., Schmidt, 1964. 464pp. Cloth, jacket. Corners bumped, jacket browning, a red seal to title pp., else very good. Coll. Die Lyrische dichtung des Mittelalters Bd.2. 6000

3021 TEGERNSEE. Die Quirinalien des metellus. Untersuchungen zur dichtkunst und kritische Textausgabe von
P.C.Jacobsen. Leiden, Brill, 1965. 416pp. Cloth, ex-institute’s cp. with a red seal, else very good. Coll. Mittellateinische Studien und Text Bd.I. 4500

2940 THUROT,Ch. Extraits de divers manuscrits latins pour servir à l’histoire des doctrines grammaticales au Moyen age. Nachdruck der Ausg. Paris 1869. Frankfurt a.M., Minerva, 1964. 592pp. Cloth, foxing to top edge, a red seal to free title pp., else very good. 9000

3040 TOTOK,W. Handbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie Bd.2:Mittelalter. Unter Mitarbeit von H.Heiderich,&H.Schröer. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1973. xxxiv, 676pp. Cloth, jacket. Corners slightly bumped, jacket rubbing and sunned, lining in colour ink only to 2pp. of the table, else very good. 3000

2837 (VERGIL) COMPARETTI,D. Vergil in the Middle Ages. Translated by E.F.M.Benecke. With a new intr. by J.M.Ziolkowski. Princeton, Princeton Univ. Pr., 1997. xliv, 376pp. Paperback, fine. Pub. Price USD41.00 3500

2896 WALTER MAP. De nugis curialium. Courtiers’ Trifles. Ed. and trans. by M.R.James. Revised by CN.L.Broke and R.A.B.Mynors. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1983. lviii, 545pp. Cloth, jacket, fine. Oxford Medieval Texts. Pub. Price GBP90.00 11000

2926 WERNER,J. Beiträge zur Kunde der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters. Nachdruck der Ausg.Aarau 1905. 227pp. Hildesheim, Olms, 1979. Paperback, fine except a neat red seal to title pp. Pub. Price EUR24.80 2600

2903 WRIGHT,J. Grammar of the Gothic Language and the Gospel of St.Mark selcetions from the other Gospels and the Second Epistle to Timothy with notes and glossary. 2nd ed.with a supplement to the grammar by O.L.Sayce. Oxford, Clarendon Pr.,1975. Cloth, jacket rubbed, else very good. 3000