
German and English Philosophy Part 1

2009-08-29 17:09:13 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 1

8392 (ADORNO)MULLER-DOOHM,S. Adorno. Eine Biographie. Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp, 2003. 1032pp. cloth, jacket, fine. Pub.Price EUR36.99 \3000

8209 ALEXANDER,H.B. Nature and Human Nature. Essays Metaphysicla and Hitorical. Chicago, Open Court Pub., 1923. Blue cloth, top edge gilt. Corners bumped, foxing to stained edges and endpapers, internally browning, two small labels to rear endpaper, else very good. 2000

7585 (ARENDT)PRINZ,A. Beruf Philosophin oder Die Liebe zur Welt. Die Lebensgeschichte der Hannah Arendt. Basel, Beltz, 2006. pp.327. boards, fine.Pub.Price €12.90 1600

8079 ASTER,E.v. Geschichte der neueren Erkenntnistheorie (von Descartes bis Hegel). Bln.&Lpzg., de Gruyter, 1921. vi, 638pp. Original cloth backed boards. Cover soiling and rubbing, internally browning and foxing, else very good. 1200

7404 (BUBER)VAN DE SANDT,R. Martin Bubers Bildnerische Tätigkeit zwischen den beidenWeltkriegen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Erwachsenenbildung. Stgt., Klett, 1977. pp.xxiii, 344. paperback, spine discolouring, cover soilded, else very good. 1500

8389 CASSIRER,M. Die Kunst im Zusammehhang der Culturentwickelung und die Ideale der Menschheit. 3. vermehrte und neu durchgearbeitete Aufl. Lpzg., Brockhaus, 1877-86. 5 Bde. xx,656;xvi,653;x,554;xiii, 554;xii,721;xxii,734pp. Black half morocco, marbled boards. spine rubbed, red seals, owner’s name, annotation and undelining in black pencil to a few or several pp. of Bd.1,2&5. 20000

8015 (CASSIRER)PAETZOLD,H. Ernst Cassirer - Von Marburg nach New York. Eine philosophische Biographie. Darmstadt, W.B., 1995. 240pp. Original boards. Fine. 1000

7193 COMENIUS. Ausgewählte Schriften. (Comenius Werke Bd.II) Aus dem Latinischen übersetzt und mit Einleitung& Anmerkungen versehen von. J.Beeger&J.Leutbecher. 2.Aufl. Lpzg., Siegsmund&Vokkening, o.J.(c.1874). pp.xvi, 359. contemporary cloth backed marbled boards, title inscribed piece of paper on spine rubbed, cover rubbed, but binding still stiff,exlibrary copy with blue to title, numbers inscribed to front endpaper, annotation and underlining by german hand in black pencil to several pages, else good. 2000

8232, DENNERT,L. Die Krisis der Gegenwart und die kommende Kultur. Eine Einführung in die Geschichtsphilosophie Berdjajews. Lpzg., Klein, 1928. Paperback, cover browning and rubbed, tail of spine lacking a little, foxing to cover and text, else very good. 1500

8210 Dessoir,M.(hg.v.) Lehrbuch der Philosphie. Die Philosophie in ihren Enzelgebieten. Dargestellt von E.Becher&al. Bln., Ullstein, 1925. 958pp. Blue cloth. A big damp stain to front cover, gilt title rusting, foxing to edges and endpapers, internally browning, else good. 1800

8050 (ECKHART)LOSSKY,V. Théologie négative et connaissance de dieu chez Maître Eckhart. 3e tirage. 2e éd. augmentée d’une bibliographie par A.de Libera. Paris, Vrin, 1998. Paperback. Cover sunned, else very good. Coll. Etude de Philosophie Médiévale XLVIII. 3000

7277 EMERSON,R.W. Die Sonne segnet die Welt. Auswahl aus seinen Werken:Essays und Vorträge. Hg.v. M.Kühn. 19.-25.Tusend. Düsseldorf, K.R.Langewiesche, o.J.(c.1910s). original blue cloth, spine rubbed, internally browning, a stamp to title, else very good. 1500

7212 (ERIGEN, AMAURY DE BENE, BEGHARDS, MAITRE ECKART)DELACROIX,H. Essai sur le mysticisme spéculatif en Allemangen au Quatrozième Siècle. Paris, Alcan, 1900. pp.xvi, 288. cotemporary brown morocco, gilt spine with 5 bands rubbed, marbled boards and endpapers, internally browning, else very good. 16000

German and English Philosophy Part 2

2009-08-29 17:08:04 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 2

8188 FALCKENBERG,R. Geschichte der neueren Philosophie von Nikolaus von Kues bis zur Gegenwart. Im Grundriß dargestellt. 8. verbesserte und ergänzte Aufl. Bln.&Lpzg., 1921. de Gruyter, 1921. xii, 738. Cloth backed boards. Gilt title on spine rusting, internally browning, front inner hindge cracking but binding still very tight, else very good. \2500

7684 FECHNER,E. Rechtsphilosophie. Soziologie und Metaphysik des Rechts. 2., unveränderte Auflage. Tübingen, Mohr, 1962. pp.xx, 303. paperback, cover and edges browning, unopen, a red seal to title, else very good. 3000

7923 FICHTE,J.G. De la destination du savant et de l’homme de lettres. Traduit de l’allemand par M.Nicolas. Paris, Ladrange, 1838. original paperback, cover soiling, both ends of spine lacking and worn, corners dog-eared and water stained, foxing to text, a red seal to title pp., else very good. First French Ed. 10000

8293 FICHTE,J.G. Discours à la nation allemande. Présentation, trad. et notes A.Renaut. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1992. 396, (8)pp. Cloth, jacket, box, fine. Portrait. 3500

7655 FRIES,J.F. Dialogues on Morality and Religion. Ed. by D.Z.Phillips. Trans. by D.Walford. Intr. by R.Rhees. Oxford, Blackwell, 1982. pp.xvi, 249. cloth, top of spine and top corner of front cover bumped, foxing to top edge, jacket sunned, else very good. 2000

7625 FRINGS,M.S. Person und Dasein zur Frage der Ontologie des Wertseins. Den Haag, Nijhoff, 1969. pp.xv, 118. cloth, foxing to endpapers, a red seal, else very good. Coll. Phaenomenologica Bd.32. 2000

7819 FROMM,E. Haben oder Sein. Die seelischen Grundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft. Stgt., Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1976. pp.220. cloth, slightly foxing to edges and endpapers, jacket, else very good. 1200

7621 Goldman,A.I.&Kim,J.(ed.) Values and Morals. Essays in Honour of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt. Dordrecht, Reidel Pub., 1978. pp.xvii, 331. cloth, a stain to front cover, foxing to edges, a red seal and date inscribed, jacket sunned, else very good. Coll. Philosophicla Studies Seiries in Philosophy Vol.13. 10000

7671 (HARTMANN, PLATO)CADWALLADER,E.H. Searchlight on Values. Nicolai Harmann’s Twentieth-Centuruy Value Platonisme. With an Intr. by W.H.Werkmeister. Lanham, Univ. Pr., of America, 1984. pp.xxvi, 207. paperback, cover discolouring, foxing to edges, else very good. 1000

7673 (HARTMANN, PLATO)CADWALLADER,E.H. Searchlight on Values. Nicolai Harmann’s Twentieth-Centuruy Value Platonisme. With an Intr. by W.H.Werkmeister. Lanham, Univ. Pr., of America, 1984. pp.xxvi, 207. red skivertex, foxing to edges, else very good. 1600

8022 (HEGEL, HUSSERL, HEIDEGGER)BIEMEL,W.&al. Phénoménogie et métaphysique. Publié sous la direct. de J.-L.Marion et G.Planty-Bonour. Paris, PUF,1984. 278pp. Paperback. Cover slightly soiling, else very good. 1500

7852 (HEGEL)CUTROFELLO,A. The Owl at Dawn. A Sequel to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Albany, State Univ. of New York, 1995. pp.xii, 196. red boards, extremity slightly rubbed to spine, else very good. 1500

7138 (HEGEL)NINK,C. Kommentar zu den grundlegenden Abfchinitten von Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes. Regensburg, Habbel, 1948. pp.108. orignal boards, spine reinforced with scotch, internally browning, a red seal to title, owner’s name to front endpaper, else very good. 1600

German and English Philosophy Part 3

2009-08-29 17:06:58 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 3

7614 (HEGEL)STEINFELD,T. Symbolik - Klassik - Romantik. Versuch einer formanalysischen Kritik der Literaturphilosophie Hegels. Athenäum, Forum Academicum, 1984. pp.408. paperback, cover slightly soiling, top cornes softly folded, extremity of cover chipped, else very good. Coll. Hoschschulschriften Literaturwissenschaft Bd.63. \1500

8287 HEIDEGGER,M. Etre et temps. Traduit de l’allemand par F.Vezin d’après les travaux de R.Boehm&A.de Waelhens (1ère partie), J. Lauxerois&C.Roéls (2e partie). Paris, Gallimard, 2007. 592pp. Paperback, fine. Oeuvres. Sect.I Crits publiés de 1914 à 1970. Coll.Bibl. de Philosophie. 4300

7751 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.12:Unterwegs zur Sprache (1950-1959). Hg.v. F.-W.Herrmann. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1985. pp.262. cloth, jacket sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR34.20 3400

7752 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.13:Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens (1910-1976). Hg.v. F.-W.Herrmann. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1983. pp.viii, 254. cloth, jacket of several vol. sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR39.00 3900

7754 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.16: Reden und andere Zeugniusse eines Lebensweges (1910-1976). Hg.v. H.Heidegger. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 2000. pp.xxii, 842. cloth, else very good. Pub.Price EUR84.00 8400

7769 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.34. Vom Wesen der Wahrheit. Zu Platons Höhlengleichnis und Theätet (Wintersemester 1931/32). Hg.v.H.Mörcghen. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1988. pp.x, 338. cloth, jacket, else very good. Pub.Price EUR44.00 4400

7799 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.42. Schelling:Vom Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit (1809) (Sommersemester 1936). Hg.v.I.Schüßler. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1988. pp.x, 290. cloth, jacket sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR37.80  3800

7801 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.44. Nietzsches metaphysische Grundstellung im abendländischen Denken:Die ewige Wiedrkehr des Gleichen (Sommersemester 1937). Hg.v.M.Heinz. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1986. pp.viii, 254. cloth, jacket sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR34.20 3400

7771 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.45. Grundfragen der Philosophie. Ausgewählte “Problem” der “Logik” (Wintersemester 1937/38). Hg.v.F.-W.von Herrmann. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1984. pp.xiv, 234. cloth, jacket sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR35.00 3500

7772 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.47. Nietzsches Lehre vom Willen zur Macht als Erkenntnis (Sommersemester 1939). Hg.v.E.Hanser. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1989.
pp.xvi, 330. cloth, jacket sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR44.10 4400

7773 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.48. Nietzsche:Der europäishce Nihilismus (II.Trimester 1940). Hg.v.P.Jaeger. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1986. pp.xvi, 340. cloth, jacket of several vol. sunned slightly, else very good. Pub.Price EUR44.10 4400

7746 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.5:Holzwege (1935-1946). Hg.v.F.-W.von Herrmann. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1977. pp.vii, 382. cloth, jacket sunned, else very good. Pub.Price EUR49.00 4900

German and English Philosophy Part 4

2009-08-29 17:05:07 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 4

7775 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.50. Nietzsches Metaphysik (für Wintersmester 1941/42 angekündigt, aber nicht gehalten) Eileitung in die Philosophie - Denken und Dichten (Wintersemester 1944/45). Hg.v. P.Jaeger. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1990. pp.viii, 162. cloth, jacket, else very good. Pub.Price EUR36.00 ¥3600

7792 HEIDEGGER,M. Gesamtausgabe. Bd.77. Feldweg-Gespräche (1944/45). Hg.v.I.Schüßter. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1995. pp.vi, 250. cloth, jacket, fine. Pub.Price EUR44.00 4400

8285 (HEIDEGGER)GELVEN,M. Etre et tmeps de Heidegger. Un commentaire littéral. Traduit par C.Daems&al. Bruxelles, P.Mardaga, 1984. 251pp. Paperback. Top edge soiling, else very good. Coll. Philosophie et Langage. 2000

8284 (HEIDEGGER)GREISCH,J. Ontologie et temporalité. Esquisse d’uneinterprétation intégrale de Sein und Zeit. Paris, PUF, 2003. 522pp. Coll. Epiméthée. Papeback, fine. Pub.Price EUR48.00 5000

8286 HEINE,H. De l’allemagne. Ed. de P.Grappin. Paris, Gallimard, 1998. 576pp. Paperback, fine. Coll. Tel. 1200

7681 HESSEN,J. Ethik. Grundzüge einer personalistischen Wertethik. 2. unveränderter Druck. Leiden,Brill, 1958. pp.x,168. paperback, foxing to browning cover and top edges, annotaion in ink and underlining in red penci only to 7pp.l, else good. 1000

7669 HESSEN,J. Lehrbuch der Philosophie. Bd.1:Wissenschaftslehere. 3., Aufl. Mchn., Reinhardt, 1964. pp.314. cloth, cover sunned, foxing to endpapers and edges, a red seal and inscription to free endpaper, jacket sunned, else very good. 1500

7670 HESSEN,J. Lehrbuch der Philosophie. Bd.3:Wirklichkeitslehre. 2., Aufl. Mchn., Reinhardt, 1962. pp.370. cloth, cover sunned, foxing to endpapers and edges, a red seal and inscription to free endpaper, jacket sunned, else very good. 1500

7609 HOBBES. Leviathan. Reprinted from the Ed. of 1651. With an Essay by the late W.G.P.Smith. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1967. pp.xxxi, 557. cloth, foxing to edges and endpapers, jacket sunned, else very good. 3800

8208 HOFFDING,H. Moderne Philosophen. Vorlesungen, gehalten an der Universität in Kopenhagen im Herbst 1902. Unter Mitwirkung des verfassers übersetzt v. F.Bendixen. Lpzg., Reisland, 1905. vi, 217pp. Cloth backed boards, titles rusting, cover rubbed and fading, internally browning, else very good. 2000

8186 (HUME)THOMSEN,A. David Hume. Sein Leben und seien Philosophie. Bd.1. Anlässlich des 200. Jahrestages seiner geburt herausgegeben. Bln., Juncker, 1912. 500pp. Original cloth backed boards. 1500

8311 HUSSERL,E. Cartesianische Meditationen und Pariser Vorträge. Hg. & Eingeleitet von S.Strasser. 2.Aufl. Haag, Nijhoff, 1973

8135 (HUSSERL)MOHANTY,J.N. Edmund Husserl’s Theory of Meaning. 2nd ed. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1969. 150pp. Original blue cloth, extremity very slightly fading, jacket sunned, else very good. Coll. Phaenomenolgica Vol.14. 2000

8360 (HUSSERL)SARAIVA,M.M. L’imagination selon Husserl. La Haye, Nijohoff, 1970. Blue cloth. Corners bumped, edges slightly browning, owner’s name to rear paste-down, else very good. Coll. Phaenomenologica Bd.34. 3000

7856 JASPERS,K. Die geistige Situation der Zeit. 5. zum Teil neubearbeitet Aufl. Bln.&Lpzg., de Gruyter, 1933. original bright green cloth, extremity rubbed, surface of front cover partly rubbed, owner’s stamp, internally browning, else very good. Coll. Sammlung Göschen Bd.100. 1000

German and English Philosophy Part 5

2009-08-29 17:04:12 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 5

8377 JODL,F. Geschichte der neueren Philosophie. Aus dem Nachlaß hg.v. K.Roretz. Mit einem Bildnis des Verfassers. Wien, Rikola, 1924. 785pp. Originla cloth backed boards. Rear endpaper missing, else very good. ¥3500

8235 KAFKA,G. Geschichtsphilosophie der Philosophiegeschichte. Ein Laungsschnitt durch die Geschichte der abendländischen Philosophie als Beitrag zu einer Philosophie der Geistegeschichte. Bln., Junker und Duunnhaupt, 1933. Paperback, ends of spine rubbed, cover browning, internally foxing and browning, else very good. Coll. Geschichte der Philosophie in Längsschnitten Heft 10. 2000

7622 (KANT, HARTMANN))GAMP,R. Die interkategoriale Relation und die dialetische Methode in der Philosophie Nicolai Hartmanns. Bonn, Grundmann, 1973. pp.vii, 294. paperback, foxing to spine and edges, low corner of cover turning out, else very good. Coll. Kantstudien Bd.106. 3000

5244 (KANT,HEGEL)KRONER,R. Von Kant bis Hegel. 2.Aufl. zwei Bde. in einem Bd. Tbngen, Mohr, 1961. cloth, jacket sunned, box, very good. 15000

7693 (KANT)AMMON,C.F. Ueber die Aehnilichkeit des inneren Wortes einiger neueren Mystiker mit dem moralischen Worte der Kanitschen Schriftasuslegung. Als Ankündigung der ersten Vertheilung des neuen homiletischen Preisses für das Jahr 1796. reprint of ed.1796 Göttingen. Bruxelles, Culture et Civilisation, 1970. pp.23. cloth, a stain to front cover and top edge, underlining in black pencil, else very good. 1000

7446 (KANT)LIEBRUCKS,B. Sprache und Bewusstsein Bd.4:Die erste Revolution der Denkungsart. Kant:Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Frankfurt a.M., Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1968. pp.xiv, 700. cloth, jacket rubbed, else very good. 7000

7691 (KANT)Myrho,Fr.(hg.v.) Kritizismus. Eine Sammlung von Beiträgen aus der Welt des Neu=Kantinismus. Bln., Heise, 1925. pp.vi, 143. original boards, cover browning and rubbed, foxing to endpapers and edges, internally browning, else very good. 6000

7552 KENNAN,G.F.&LUKACS,J. George F.Kennan and the Origins of Containment, 1944-1946. The Kennan-Lukas Correspondence. Intr. by J.Lukacs. Columibia, Univ. of Missouri Pr., 1997. pp.85. cloth, jacket, fine. 1200

8233 LAMPRECHT,K. Historische Methode und historisch=akademischer Unterricht. Mitteilungen und Darlegungen zum jüngsten Stande der geschichtswissenscahfttlichen Probleme. Bln., Weidmann, 1910. Paperback, foxing to spine, cover browning, internally browning, else very good. A frontispiece. 3000

7217 LANGE,F.A. Uber Politik und Philosophie. Briefe und Leitartikel 1862 bis 1875. Hg.und bearbeitet v.G.Eckert. Duisburg, Braun, 1968. pp.712. original cloth, extremity sunned, foxing to edges, jacket rubbed, else very good. with 16 pl. in b&w. Coll. Duisburger Forschungen Beiheft 10. 2000

8227 (LAVATER)JANENTZKY,C. Johann Caspar Javater. Frauenfeld&Lpzg., Huber, 1928. 129pp. Cloth, spine fading, underlining mainly in black pencil, internally browning, else good. 1300

8236 (LEIBNIZ, BACON, DESCARTES, HOBBES, SPINOZA, MALEBRANCHE, LOCKE)BOUTROUX,E. La philosophie allemande au XVIIe siècle. Les prédécesseurs de Leibniz:Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Malebranche, Locke et la philsophie de Leibniz. Paris, Vrin, 1929. Paperback, cover browning, unopen, else very good. Coll. Bibl. d’Histoire de la Philosophie. 2000

German and English Philosophy Part 6

2009-08-29 17:02:18 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 6

7850 LENIN,V.I. Selected Works in three volumes. Moscow, Progress Pub., 1970. pp.880;814;856. cloth, jacket. Inscription to fore-edge of Vol.1, annotation and underling in blue ink and colour pencil between pp.240 and 256 of Vol.2, endpapers and edges browning, else good. ¥1500

7656 LEWIS,C.I. An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation. La Salle, Open Court, 1971. pp.xxi, 568. cloth, foxing to endpapers and edges, jacket sunned, else very good. Coll. The Paul Carus Lectures Series 8. 1500

6602 LUDENDORFF,M. Das Gottlied der Völker. Eine Philosophie der Kulturen. Mchn., Ludendorff, 1938. 7.-9.Tausend. 389pp. cloth backed boards, jacket soiled and worn, foxing
to endpaper and edges, else very good. 1000

8144 MARCUSE,H. L’homme undimensionnel. Essais sur l’idéologie de la société industrielle avancée. Traduction de M.Wittig et l’auteur. Paris, Minuit, 1990. Paperback, very good. Coll. Arguments. 1000

7668 McMurrin,S.M.(ed.) The Tanner Lectures on Human Values. 1980. Attributed by E.Ashby, E.O.Wilsn, T.Nagel, K.Popper, R.M.Hare, A.Sen’ J.Feinberg, R.Aron, B.Barry, J.Bennett, R.Coles, G.J.Stigler, W.Stegnere, &M.Foucault. Salt Lake City, Univ. of Utah Pr.&Cambridge, Cambridge Univ.Pr., 1980. 2 vols. pp.vi, 257;vi, 254. cloth backed boards, foxing to edges, else very good. 4000

8191 MILLS,C.W. Power, Politics and People. The Collected Essays. Ed. and with an Intr. by I.L.Horowitz. N.Y., Oxford Univ.Pr., 1963. 657pp. Black cloth, jacket. Corners bumped, foxing to edges, endpapers browning, jacket worn, else very good. 1800

7583 (MYSTICISM)WEEKS,A. German Mysticism from Hildegard of Bingen to Ludwig Wittgenstein. A Literary and Intellectual History. Albany, State Univ. of N.Y.P., 1993. pp.x, 283. illustrated boards, corners slightly chipped, rear cover soiled, else very good. About HILDEGARD OF BINGEN, ECKHART, SEUSE, TAULER, NICHOLAS OF CUSA, BOEHME, WITTGENSTEIN. Coll.SUNY Series in Wester Esoteric Traditions. Pub.Price USD30.50 2100

7584 (MYSTICISM)WEEKS,A. German Mysticism from Hildegard of Bingen to Ludwig Wittgenstein. A Literary and Intellectual History. Albany, State Univ. of N.Y.P., 1993. pp.x, 283. illustrated boards, corners slightly chipped, rear cover soiled, else very good. About HILDEGARD OF BINGEN, ECKHART, SEUSE, TAULER, NICHOLAS OF CUSA, BOEHME, WITTGENSTEIN. Coll.SUNY Series in Wester Esoteric Traditions. Pub.Price USD30.50 2100

7596 NEWCOMB,T.M. Social Psyhology. With the assistance of W.W.Charters. London, Tavistock, 1955. cloth, corners bumped, internally browning, foxing to edges, annotation and underlining in black pencil, else good. 2000

7307 NIETZSCHE,F. Œuvres Tome 1. La Naissance de la tragédie Consideerations inactuelles. Ed. publiée sous la direction de M.De Launay, avec, pour ce volume, la collaboration de M.Cohen-Halimi, M.Crépon, P.David, P.K’Iorio, F.Fronterotta, M.Marcuzzi et P.Rusch. Paris, Gallimard, 2000. pp.liv, 1158. original leather, plastic jacket, printed box, fine. Pub.Price EUR54.88 Coll. Bibl. de La Pléiade. 7500

7595 NIETZSCHE. Werke in zwei Bde. hg.v. I.Franzel. Mchn., Hanser, 1990. 2 Bde. cloth, a small brown stain to top edge of Bd.I, scarcly foxing to fore edge, jacket, box, else very good. pp.809;744.

German and English Philosophy Part 7

2009-08-29 17:01:14 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 7

7682 (NIETZSCHE) WILCOS,J.T. Truth and Value in Nietzsche. A Study of His Metethics and Epistemology. With a Foreword by W.Kaufmann. Washington, Univ. Pr., of America, 1982. pp. xii, 229. paperback, covr sunned, foxing to edges, else very good. ¥1000

7214 (NIETZSCHE)BERTRAM,E. Nietzsche. Versuch einer Mythologie. Bln., Bondi, 1921. 5.unveränderte Aufl. pp.viii, 368. original cloth backed boards, spine soiled, cover sunned, internally oxydized, else very good. 3800

7313 (NIETZSCHE)FOUCAULT,M., KLOSSOWSKI,P., DELEUZE,G.&al. Nietzsche. Cahiers de Royaumont. Philosophie No.VI. Paris, Minuit, 1973. pp.289. paperback, cover soiled, annotation in black pencil to Pp.between 183 and 192. 1000

7827 (NIETZSCHE)KRUMMEL,R.F. Nietzsche und der deutsche Geist. Ausbreitung und Wirkung des Nietzscheschen Werkes im deutschen Sprachraum bis zum Todesjahr des Philosphen. Ein Schrifttumsverzeichnis der Jahre 1867-1918. Bln., de Gruyter, 1974&1983.
pp.xx, 290;xxx, 688. cloth, exlibray copy with a cancelled stamp to title page, else very good. Coll. Monographien& Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung Bd.3&9. 3000

7686 (NIETZSCHE)MEYER,E. Nietzsches Wertphilosophie inihrem strukturpsychologischen Zusammenhang. Bd. I. Grundlagen der Wertphilsophie. Heidelberg, Winters, 1932. pp.xii, 74. paperback, top of spine worn, stain to upper corner throughout, unopen, else very good. Coll. Beiträge zur Philosphie No.21. 1000

7685 (NIETZSCHE)MÜLLER-LAUTER, W. Nietzsche. Seine Philosphie der Gegensätze unddie Gegensutze seinter Philosophie. Bln., de Gruyter, 1971. pp.vi, 195. cloth, foxing to edges, a red seal to front endpaper, jacket soiling, else very good. 2400

7319 (NIETZSCHE)WOLLF.H.M. Friedrich Nietzsche. Der Weg zum Nichts. Bern, Francke, 1956. pp.311. original cloth, internally browning, else very good. 1000

7141 PAULSEN,F. Einleitung in die Philosophie. 11.Aufl. Sttgrt.&Bln., Cotta, 1904. original cloth, extremity rubbed, red edges, bookseller label, exlibris sealed to title page, slightly foxing throught, else very good. 2000

7680 PERRY,R.B. Realms of Value. A Crititque of Human Civilization. reprint of Ed.1954 Boston. N.Y., Greenwood, 1968. pp.xii, 497. cloth, spine darkned, foxing to endpapers and edges, a red seal to title, else very good. 1500

8315 (PLATO, HEGEL)POPPER,K.R. The Open Society and its Enemies. London, Routledge, 1966. 2 vols. xi, 364;422pp. Paperback. Cover browning, extremity slightly rubbing, foxing to edges, corner bumped, else very good. 2000

7689 PLESSNER,H. Philosophische Anthropologie. Lachen und Weinen. Das Lächeln. Anthropologie der Sinne. Hg.& mit einem Nachwort von G.Dux. Frankfurt a.M., Fischer, 1970. pp.350. carton, foxing to cover and edges, else very good. 1300

7678 POPPER,K.R. The Poverty of Historicism. London, Routledge, 1976. paperback, cover sunned, edges soiling, else very good. 1000

7158 (POPPER)DOERING,E. Karl R.Popper. Ein Führing in Leben und Werk. Hamburg, Hoffmann und Campe, 1974. paperback, very good. 1300

7677 (POPPER)WITSCHEL,G. Wertvorstellung im Werk Karl R.Popers. Bonn, Bouvier, 1971. pp.63. paperback, cover soiling, foxing to edges, a red seal to title, else very good. 1000

7381 RABINOW,P. Essays on the Anthropology of Reason. Princeton, Princeton Univ.Pr., 1996. pp.xvii, 190. paperback, very good. Pub.Price USD25.95 1200

German and English Philosophy Part 8

2009-08-29 16:59:48 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 8

8145 REICH,W. The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Ed. by M.Higgins and C.M.Raphael. London, Souvenir P., 1991. Paperback,fine. Trans. by V.R.Carfagno. ¥1000

7662 REINER,H. Die philosophische Ethik. Ihre Fragen und Lehren in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Heidelberg, Quelle&Meyer, 1964. pp.228. cloth backed boards, spine sunned, edges soiling, endpapers browning, a red seal to free endpaper, else very good. 1000

8281 ROD,W. Der Weg der Philosphie von den Anfängen bis ins 20.Jharhundert. Bd.1:altertum, Mittlalter, Renaissance. Mchn., Beck, 1994. 525pp. Cloth, jacket. Very slightly foxing to top edge, else very good. 2000

8279 ROHLS,J. Philosophie und Theologie in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Tuebingen, Siebeck, 2002. xi, 611pp. Paperback, cover browning, else very good. 4500

7570 (RORTY, HUIZINGA, GADAMER, PRAGMATIST, ROUSSEAU, HOLDERLIN)ANKERSMIT,F. Sublime Historical Experience. Stanford, Stanford Univ. Pr., 2005. pp.xviii,481. paperback, cover soiled, internally very good. Coll. Cultural Memory in the Present. Pub.Price USD25.95 2000

7196 ROTENSTREICH,N. Time and Meaning in History. Dordrecht, D.Reidel Pub., 1987. pp.viii, 220. cloth, jacket, very good. Coll. BSPS Vol.101. 2000

7617 RUSSELL,B. A History of Western Philosophy. N.Y., Simon &Schuster, n.d. pp.xxiii, 895. paperback, cover sunned, internally browning, a tiny red seal, else very good. 1000

7620 RUSSELL,B. Human Society in Ethics and Politics. London, Allen&Unwin, 1971. cloth, top edge green, endpaper browning, jacket sunned, else very good. 2000

7741 RUSSELL,B. My Philosophical Development. London, G.Allen&Unwin, 1959. 2nd impr. pp.280. original cloth, very slightly foxing to endpapers and first and last leaves, else very good. 1500

7808 RUSSELL,B. Portraits from Memory and other Essays. London, G.Allen&Unwin, 1956. pp.232. cloth, foxing to edges and endpapers, internally browning, else very good. First Ed. 1500

7738 RUSSELL,B. The Autobiography. 1872-1914, 1914-1944. London, G.Allen&Unwin, 1967&1968. 3rd impr. and First Ed.pp.232;268. original cloth, cover slightly soiling, foxing to green top edge, jacket rubbed and sunned, else very good. 2000

7695 RUSSELL,B.&NEARING,S. Bolshevism and the West. A Debate on the Resolution that the Soviet Form of Government is Applicable to Western Civilization. S.Nearing affirmative. B.Russell negative. Intr.by Smauel Untermyer. London, George Allen&Unwin, 1924. boards, cover soiled and rubbed, , outer hinge of front cover cracked, fore-margin of first several pages foled, annotation, marking and underlinig in black pencil throughout, else very good. From the Library of Hattori Bennosuke. 3000

7615 (SCHELER)DEEKEN,A. Process & Permanence in Ethics:Max Scheler’s Moral Philosophy. N.Y., Paulist Pr., 1974. pp.ix, 282. paperback, cover sunned, internally browning, else very good. 2500

8014 SCHOLEM,B.&G. Mutter und Sohn im Briefwechsel 1917-1946. Hg.v.I.Shedletzky in Verbindung mit Th.Sparr. Mchn., Beck, 1989. Cloth, jacket. Fine. Mit 13 Abbild. &6 Faksimiles im Text. 2000

7964 (SCHOPENHAUER)SAFRANSKI,R. Schopenhauer und Die Wildern Jahre der Philosophie. Eine Biographie. Mchn., Hanser, 1987. pp.558. Cloth, jacket. Edges slightly browning, else very good. 1500

German and English Philosophy Part 9

2009-08-29 16:58:39 | Modern Philosophy
German and English Philosophy Part 9

7705 (SCHOPENHAUER)WAGNER,G.F. Schopenhauer-Register. Neu hg.von A.Hübscher. Reproduktion der Ausgabe 1909. Stgt., Frommann, 1960. pp.viii, 530. original vellum backed boards, covers slightly browning, foxing to edges and endpapers, else very good. ¥20000

8023 SIMMEL.G. Philosophie de l’argent. Traduit de l’allemand par S.Cornille et P.Ivernel. Paris, PUF, 1987. Paperback. Inscription in black pencil to the first leaf of Content, ownere’s name in ink to rear endpaper, else very good. 662pp. 1500

8187 SOLOVIEFF,W. Ausgewählte Werke. Aus dem russischen von H.Köhler. Bd.1./Teil II.:Sonntags= und Osterbriefe. Stgt., Kommende Tag, 1922. 313pp. Cloth backed illustrated boards. Spine sunned, foxing to edges, endpapers and text, internally browning, else very good. 2000

7732 (SPINOZA)SAW,R.L. The Vindication of Metaphysics. A Study in the Philosophy of Spinoza. London, Macmillan, 1951. pp.173. original blue cloth, spine fading, foxing to edges and endpapers, internally browning, a red seal to title page, else very good. 2000

8234 STERNBERG,K. Zur Logik der Geschichtswissenschaft. 2. ergänzte und teilweise vränderte Aufl. Charlottenburg, Heise, 1925. Paperback, cover oxydizing, internally browning, unopen, else very good. Coll. Philosopische Vorträge Nr.7. 3000

7664 STEVENSON,C.L. Facts and Values. Studies in Ethical Analysis. reprint of ed.1908 New Haven. Westport, Greenwood Pr., 1975. cloth, foxing to edges, else very good. 1800

8278 TOTOK,W. Handbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie Bd.2:Mittelalter. Unter Mitarbeit von H.Heiderich,&H.Schröer. Frankfurt a.M., Klostermann, 1973. xxxiv, 676pp. Cloth, jacket. Corners slightly bumped, jacket rubbing and sunned, lining in colour ink only to 2pp. of the table, else very good. 3000

8283 ULFIG,A. Lexikon der philosophiswchen Begrieffe. Eltville a.Rhein, Bechtermünz, 1993. 503pp.Boards. Marginary browning, edges soiling, owner’s name to back of title pp., else very good. 2000

8388 VISCHER,F.T. Asthetik oder Wissenschaft des Schönen. Hg.v.R.Vischer. Nachdruck der 2.Aufl. Mchn. 1922. Hildesheim, Olms, 1975. 6 Bde. in 3. viii, 535;632;400;514;467;xii,442pp. Cloth, foxing to edges else very good. 50000

7139 (WAGNER, NEITZSCHE)FORSTER=NIETZSCHE,E. Wagner und Nietzsche zur Zeit ihrer Freundschaft. Erinnerungsgabe zu Friedrich Nietzsches 70. Geburstag den 15.Oktober 1914. Mit vier Abildeigabe. Mch., Müller, 1915. pp. vii, 289. original cloth, ends of spine chipped, red edges, very good. 3300

7309 (WAGNER, NIETZSCHE)FORSTER-NIETZSCHE,E. Wagner und Nietzsche zur Zeit ihrer Freundscahft. Erinnerungsabe zu Friedrich Nietzsches 70.Geburstag den 15.Oktober 1914. Mit vier Bildbeigaben. Mchn., G.Müller, 1915. pp.vii, 290. original cloth, red edges, very good. portrait of the philosopher. 3300

7963 (WAGNER, SCHOPENHAUER)SANS,E. Richard Wagner et la pensée schopenhauerienne. Paris, Klincksieck, 1969. pp.478. Paperback. Foxing to cover and top edge, else very good. 2000

7702 WEERTH,G. Sämtliche Briefe. Hg.v. J.-W.Goette. unter Mitwirkung von J.Gielkens. Bd.2. Frankfurt, Campus, 1989. cloth, jacket, very good. 1500

7623 WELZEL,H. Naturrecht und Materiale Gerechtigkeit. 4., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, 1962. pp.257. cloth, foxing to edges and endpapers, jacket sunned, a red seal, else very good. 3000

7814 WHITEHEAD,A.N. Concept of Nature. The Tarner Lectures delivered in Trinity College Nov. 1919. Cambridge, Univ.Pr., 1986. pp.viii, 202. paperback, cover sunned, internally browning, esle very good. 1000

7692 WINDELBAND,W. Die Prinzipien der Logik. Aus Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenscahften inVerbindung mit W.Windelband hg.v. A.Ruge. Tübingen, Mohr, 1913. pp.60. paperback, cover worn, spine lacking, fore-edge worn, upper margin softly folded, else very good. 2000

7231 Windelband,W.(hg.v.) Die Philosophie im Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Festschift für K.Fischer unter Mitwirkung von O.Liebmann&al. 2. verbesserte und um das Kapitel Naturphilosophie erweiterte Aufl. Zweiter Abdruck. Heidelberg, Winter, 1907. pp.viii, 554. original quarter cloth, spine discolouring and rubbed, cover soiled, corners bumed, internally oxydized, else very good. 5000

French Philosophy Part 1

2009-08-29 16:28:58 | Modern Philosophy
French Philosophy Part 1

8376 (ARIES, BLOCH, BRAUDEL, DUBY, FEVBRE, MICHELET,&al.) AUDOIN-ROUZEAU,S.&al. Les historiens. Ouvrage coordonné par V.Sales. Paris, Colin, 2003. 350pp. Paperback, fine. Pub.Price ERU29.40 \3000

8007 BACHELARD,G. La terre et les rêveries de la volonté. 5e reimpression. Paris, Corti, (1968). 409pp. Paperback. cover soiling with tears, spine rubbed, internally browning, unopen, else very good. 1000

8301 (BERGSON)Worms,F.(éd. et presenté) Annales bergsoniennes. I,II,III. Paris, PUF, 2007. 3 vol. 382; 536;520pp. Paperback, very good. Pub. Price @30.00EUR 10000

8356 (BOSSUET)HUVELIN,H.Abbé. Cours sur l’histoire de l’église. Tome 11:Le temps de Port-Royal, Bossuet. Présenté et annoté par M.-Th. et Fr.Louis-Lefebvre. Paris, Ed.Saint-Paul, 1969. 288pp. Paperback, cover browning, internally browning, else very good. 1200

7994 CROCE,B. Filosofia, Poesia, Storia. Pagine tratte da tutte le opere a cura dell’autore. Milano&Napoli, Ricciadri, 1955. vii, 1248pp. Cloth, jacket. Foxing very slightly to edges, jacket rubbed and torn without loss, else very good. Coll. La Letteratura Italiana Storia et testi Vol.75. 5000

8374 DERRIDA,J., NACNY,J.-L., LACOUE-LABARTHE,P.&al. Penser à Strasbourg. Paris, Galilée/Ville de Strasbourg, 2004. 128pp. Paperback, fine. Pub. Price EUR12.00 1300

8378 DERRIDA,J., NACNY,J.-L., LACOUE-LABARTHE,P.&al. Penser à Strasbourg. Paris, Galilée/Ville de Strasbourg, 2004. 128pp. Paperback, fine. Pub. Price EUR12.00 1300

8346 (DESCARTES, AUGUSTINE)MENN,S. Descartes and Augustine. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 2002. xvi, 416pp. Paperback, very good. Pub. Price USD36.99 2900

8335 (DESCARTES, AUGUSTINUS)GOUHIER,H. Cartésianisme et augustinisme au XVIIe siècle. Paris, Vrin, 1978. 248pp. Paperback, cover browning, marginary browning, else very good. Coll. Bibl. d’Histoire de la Philosophie. 2000

8350 (DESCARTES, FOUCAULT, DERRIDA)BUCKINX,S. Descartes entre Foucault et Derrida. La folie dnas la Première Méditation. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008. 200pp. Coll. Ouverture Philosophique. Paperback, fine. Pub. Price EUR19.00 2000

8351 (DESCARTES, HUSSERL)MACDONALD,P.S. Descartes and Husserl. The Philosphical Project of Radical Beginnings. Albany, State Univ. of N.Y.Pr., 2000. x, 282pp. Coll. Suny Series in Philosphy. 2000

8355 (DESCARTES, OCKHAM, HUME)WEINBERG,J.R. Ockham, Descartes, and Hume. Self-knoledge, Substance, and Causality. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Pr., 1977. ix, 180pp. Cloth, jacket. Cover browning, else very good. 1200

8342 (DESCARTES) BROADIE,F. An Approach to Descartes’ Meditations. London, Athlone Pr., 1970. x, 230pp. Cloth, foxing to edges, bookseller’s label to rear endpaper, else very good. 1200

8347 (DESCARTES)BEYSSADE,J.-M. La philosphie première de Descartes. Le temps et la coheerence de la métaphysique. Paris, Flammarion, 1979. xiii, 381pp. Paperback. Exlibrary cp., label to spinek, a stamp to title pp., else very good. 2000

8352 (DESCARTES)CHEVALIER,J. Descartes. 7e éd. revue. Paris, Plon, 1923. 366pp. Paperback. Exlibrary cp., spine reinforced with scotch, cover worn, exlibris pasted to back of front cover, stamps, internally oxydizing, else good. Coll Les Maites de la Pensée Française. 1000

French Philosophy Part 2

2009-08-29 16:28:25 | Modern Philosophy
French Philosophy Part 2

8344 (DESCARTES)CURLEY,E.M. Descartes against the Skeptics. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. P., 1978. xvii, 242pp. Brown cloth, foxing to edges, else very good. 1500

8353 (DESCARTES)Doney,W.(ed.) Descartes. A Collection of Critical Essays. Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre Dame Pr., 1968. 386pp. Cloth, Jacket. Extremity sunned, foxing to edges, jacket rubbed and sunned, else very good. 1000

8341 (DESCARTES)FRANKFURT,H.G. Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen. The Defense of Reason in Descartes’s Meditations. Foreword by R.Goldstein. Princeton, Univ. Pr., 2008. xviii, 264pp. Cloth, fore edge slightly soiling, else very good. Pub. Price USD61.00 3500

8348 (DESCARTES)GOUHIER,H. La pensée métaphysique de Descartes. Paris, Vrin, 1962. 410pp. Coll. Bibl. d’histoire de la Philosophie. Cloth rebound, original front cover pasted to front conver, foxing to free title pp. and rear free endpaper, else very good. 5000

8337 (DESCARTES)GOUHIER,H. Les premières pensées de Descartes. Contirbution à l’histoire de l’Anti-renaissance. 2e éd. Paris, Vrin, 1979. 172pp.Paperback, very good. Coll. De Peetraque à Descartes. Pub. Price EUR28.00 2800

8343 (DESCARTES)GOUHIER,H. Les premières pensées de Descartes. Contribution à l’histoire de l’anti-Renaissance. Paris, Vrin, 1958. 168pp. Recent cloth, very good. Coll. De Pétrarque à Descartes. 2800

8340 (DESCARTES)JUDOVITZ,D. Subjectivity and Representation in Descartes. The Origins of Modernity. Cambridge, Univ. P., 1988. xii, 232pp. Blue cloth. Ex-institution cp., stamps to the back of title pp. and a small one to front endpaper, else very good. Pub. Price USD64.95 2000

8345 (DESCARTES)LAPORTE,J. Le rationalisme de Descartes. Nouv. eed. revue et augmentée d’un index et d’une table des textes. Paris, PUF, 1950. xx, 510pp. Half cloth rebound, internally browning, a red seal and owner’s name to title pp., ink annotation and red underlining, else good. 2000

8333 (DESCARTES)LEROY,M. Descartes, le philosophe au masque. Avec un portrait de Descartes gravé sur bois par J.Beltrand et le fac-similé d’une lettre inédites. Paris, Rieder, 1929. 2 vol. 204;194pp. Paperback. Plastic pasted all over the cover, the book wholly oxdizing, else very good. 2000

8338 (DESCARTES)Magnus,B.&Wilbur,J.B.(ed.) Cartesian Essays:A Collection of Critical Studies. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1969. Paperback, cover browning, foxing to edges and endpapers, a red seal and stamp to last pp., else very good. 2200

8349 (DESCARTES)Marion,J.-L.(s.l.direct.) Descartes. Paris, Bayard, 2007. 336pp. Paperback, scratching to front cover, edges slightly browning, else very good. Pub. Price EUR34.00 3400

8354 (DESCARTES)SERRURIER,C. Descartes, l’homme et le penseur. Préface de H.Gouhier. Paris, PUF&Amsterdam, E.d Françaises d’Amsterdam, 1951. Paperback. browning all over and internally, spine repaired, free title pp. reinfored at hindge with scotch, else very good. 1300

8248 FOUCAULT,M. Hsitoire de la folie à l’âge classique. Paris, Gallimard, 1978. Paperback. Cover sunned, fore-edge of free title pp. cut off, inscription to rear endpaper, foxing to edges, marginary browning, else very good. Coll.Tel. Pub. Price EUR16.00 1500

French Philosophy Part 3

2009-08-29 16:27:17 | Modern Philosophy
French Philosophy Part 3

8307 GILSON,E. La philosophie au Moyen age. Des origines patristiques à la fin du XIVe siècle. 2e éd. revue et augmentée. Paris, Payot, 1962. 782pp. Paperback. Cover browning and staining, foxing to endpapers, a red seal to title pp., else very good. Coll. Bibl. Historique. \3000

8359 (JANSENISME) TAVENEAUX,R. Le Jansénisme en Lorraine 1640-1789. Avec huit cartes dans le texte. Paris, Vrin, 1960. 760pp. Paperback, cover browning, unopen, very good. Coll. Bibl. de la Soc. d’Histoire Ecclésiastique de la France. 3500

8126 LE BON,G. Lois psychologiques de l’évolution des peuples. 15e éd. Paris, Alcan, 1919. 200pp. Paperback, cover browning, edes soiling, internally browning, foxing to margin, a stamp to front cover, else very good. 2000

8027 LESCLACHE,L.DE. La seconde partie de la philosophie ou la science generale devisee en quatre parties. Paris, Vivé, 1650. AVEC:Le troisiem partie. Contemporary calf, spine partly missing and rubbed, contemporary inscription, water stain to low margin, warm hole to top margin. Frontispiece wanting.

8247 LEVI-STRAUSS,C. Regarder, écuter, lire. Paris, Plon, 1993. Paperback, very good. 2000

8326 LEVINAS,E. Entre nous. Essais sur le penser-à-l’autre. Paris, Grasset, 1991. 276pp. Paperback, cover slightly browning, else very good. Coll. Figures. 2200

8322 LEVINAS,E. Positivité et transcendance. Suivi de Lévinas et la phénoménologie. sous la direction de J.-L.Marion. Paris, PUF, 2000. xiii, 330pp. Paperback, spine fading, else very good. Coll. Epiméthée. 3000

8323 LEVINAS,E. Théorie de l’intuition dans la phénoménologie de Husserl. Paris, Vrin, 2001. 224pp. Paperback. Cover soiling, pencil annotation to margin of P.6&7, else good. Coll. Bibl. d’Hisotire de la Philosophie. Pub. Price20.58. 1500

8329 LEVINAS,E. Totalité et infini. Essais sur l’extériorité. 4e éd. 4e impr. The Hague, Nijhoff, 1984. xviii, 284pp. Paperback, very good. #F59169 3200

8320 (LEVINAS)COHEN-LEVINAS,D.&CLEMENT,B. Emmanuel Levinas et les territoires de la pensée. Paris, PUF, 2007. 546pp. Paperback, very good. Coll. Epiméthée. Pub. Price EUR28.00 3200

8330 (LEVINAS)Critchiley,S.&Bernasconi,R.(ed.by). The Cambridge Companion to Levinas. Cambridge, Univ. Pr., 2006. xxx, 316pp. Paperback, very good. 2500

8328 (LEVINAS)DAVIS,C. Lévinas. An Introduction. Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre Dame Pr., 1996. viii, 168. Paperback, fine. Pub. Price USD22.00 1800

8325 (LEVINAS)FORTHOMME,B. Une philosphie de la transcendance. La meetaphysique d’Emmanuel Lévinas. Paris, Vrin, 1979. 448pp. Paperback, cover browning, low corner of front endpaper folded, internally browning, else very good. Coll. Bibl. d’histoire de la Philosophie. 2700

8358 MAINE DE BIRAN. Journal III. Agendas, carnets et notes. Ed. inteegrale publiée par H.Gouhier. Neutchatel, La Baconnièere, 1957. Paperback, internally browning, else very good. Coll. Etre et Penser Tome 43. 1500

French Philosophy Part 4

2009-08-29 16:26:17 | Modern Philosophy
French Philosophy Part 4

8160 MALEBRANCHE. De la recherche de la vérité où l’on traite de la nature de l’esprit de l’homme, et fe l’usage qu’il en doit faire pour éviter l’erreur dans les sciences. Intr. et texte établi par G.Rodis-Lewis. Tome II. Livres 4 à 6. 320pp. Paris, Vrin, 1967. Paperback, unopen, very good. \2000

8339 (MALEBRANCHE)LABBAS,L. L’idée de science dans Malebrache et son originalité. Paris, Vrin, 1931. 128pp. Paperback, spine reinfored with scotch, extremity rubbed, unopen, else very good. 1200

8256 MAURER,A.A. Medieval Philosophy. NY., Random House, 1962. xviii, (8), 435pp. Cloth, cover slightly fading, ends of spine and corners rubbing a little, edges browning, annotation and underlining in black pencil only to a few pp., else good. 2000

8130 MERLEAU-PONTY,J. Cosmologie du XXe siècle. Etude épistémologiqeue et historique des théories de la cosmologie contemporaine. Paris, Gallimard, 1973. 533pp. Paperback. Covers browning, edges slightly soiling, else very good. Coll. Bibliot. des Idées. 3500

8291 MONTAIGNE,M.de. Les essais. Ed. conforme au texte de l’ex. de Bordeaux par P.Villey. Rééd. s. la direct. et avec une préface de V.-L.Saulnier. Paris, PUF, 1965. lxxv, 1390pp. Original full red leather, gilt title and decoration to spine and front cover. Edges soiling, inscription to the last blank free leaf, else very good. 10000

8292 MONTAIGNE,M.de. Oeuvres complètes. Textes établis par A.Thibaudet et M.Rat. Intr. et notes par M.Rat. Ed. de 1962. Paris, Gallimard, 1967. xxiv, 1796pp. Original brown leather, plastic and printed paper jackets. Foxing to edges, fore-edge soiling by reading, a trace of peeled label to front endpaper, jackets browning, else very good. Coll. Bibl. de la Pléaide. Pub. Price EUR52.60 5000

8294 MONTAIGNE. Les essais. Ed. étalbie par J.Balsamo, M.Magnien&C.Magnien-Simonin. Ed. des “Notes de lecture” et des “Sentesces peintes” établie par A.Legros. Ed. 2007. Paris, Gallimard, 2007. xcix,1980pp. Full brown leather, plastic jacket, printed box. Fine. Pub. Price EUR79.00 9800

8373 NACY,J.-L. Je t’aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément. Montrouge, Bayard, 2008. 96pp. paperback, fine. Coll.Petite Conférence sur l’Amour. Pub.Price EUR12.00 1300

8357 (PASCAL, VOLTAIRE)MCKENNA,A. De Pascal à Voltaire. Le rôle des Pensées de Pascal dans l’histoire des idées entre 1670 et 1734. Tome II. Oxford, The Voltaire Found., 1990. P.N.503 till 1104. Cloth, very good. 10000

8332 (ROSENZWEIG, LEVINAS)GIBBS,R. Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas. Princeton, Univ.Pr., 1992. xii, 284pp. Blue cloth. Edges browning, else very good. Pub. Price USD29.95 2000

8319 (ROUSSEAU)CASSIRER,E. Le problème Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Traduit de l’allemand par M.B.de Launay. Préface du J.Starobinski. Paris, Hachette, 1987. xix, 135pp. Coll. Textes du XXe siècle. 1100

8312 SERRES,M. Hermès. 5 tomes. Paris, Minuit, 1991,1988, 1976, 1977, 1986. Paperback. Cover browning, foxing to edges of Tome III and IV, else very good. Pub. Price EUR100.65 7500

8290 VICO,G. La science nouvelle (1725). Traduit de l’italien par C.Trivulzio. Préface de P.Raynaud. Paris, Gallimard, 2006. 432pp. Paperback, fine. Coll. Tel. Pub. Price EUR13.00 1500

8303 VICO,G. Vie de Giambattista Vico écrite par lui-même. Lettres. La méthode des études de notre temps. Présentation, traduction et notes par A.Pons. Paris, Grasset, 1981. 288pp. Paperback, cover slightly rubbing, edges browning, else very good. Coll. Figures. 1500