Digital Image Processing

第49回 阪神牝馬ステークス(GII)

2006年04月08日 | 中央競馬
Camera:Nikon D2H, Lens:AiAF Nikkor ED 300mm F4S
Exif: Aperture priority mode, 0EV, ISO= 320, SS= 1/1250sec, f=5.6, Focus distance= 300mm, No flash
佐藤哲三騎手/オーゴンサンデー号 8着

By way of rehabilitation to photograph ahead of the "Ohkasho"(Queen of alias cherry tree. Grade1 Race) of the next day to Hanshin horse racetrack.
I had a foreboding, but a sense of photography completely degenerates unless I take a running horse for half a year….