Digital Image Processing

goldfish lays eggs

2009年07月31日 | アクアリウム
Camera:Nikon D300, Lens:Heinz Kilfitt Makro-Kilar A 2.8/4cm
Exif:manual mode, 0EV, ISO= 1600, SS= 1/40sec, f=2.8, Focus distance= 40mm, No flash
the growth of the child of the goldfish is necessary for about 30 days.
i am going to spend great labor during facing it.

drop of water

2009年07月26日 | Weblog
Camera:Nikon D300, Lens:Heinz Kilfitt Makro-Kilar A 2.8/4cm
Exif:manual mode, 0EV, ISO= 1250, SS= 1/320sec, f=4, Focus distance= 40mm, No flash
mr.H2O professor and mr.pupil very thanks!
image is good in comparison with AiAF Micro Nikkor 60mm F2.8D.
it is a difficult point that a aperture ring is loose, but is splendid.