
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 国連によるビルマ調査への日本支援は極めて重要


ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 日本支部局長 土井香苗

(Tokyo) – Burma’s elections have been announced for November 7, yet there is little optimism they will produce a free and democratic country. The military will continue to rule with fear and repression, and commit abuses against civilians in ethnic minority areas in the world’s longest running civil war. 


Japan will do the people of Burma no favor if it blithely accepts these elections as an exercise in democracy. To ameliorate the harsh human rights reality in Burma, it should support a high-level United Nations inquiry into the allegations of widespread and systematic violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.


The Burmese army has over the years been responsible for numerous serious abuses, including deliberate attacks on civilians, summary executions, sexual violence against women and girls, torture, use of child soldiers, attacks on people’s livelihoods and food supplies, forced displacement of populations, and use of anti-personnel landmines.


Non-state armed groups in Burma such as the ethnic Karen, Karenni, Shan and Wa rebel armies also have been implicated in serious abuses, including forced labor, recruitment of child soldiers, and landmine use.


In March  the UN special rapporteur for human rights in Burma,  Tomas Ojea Quintana, an Argentine lawyer, reported to the Human Rights Council that patterns of crimes  in Burma could amount to breaches of international law. He recommended that the UN “consider the possibility to establish a commission of inquiry with a specific fact-finding mandate to address the question of international crimes.” The United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Czech Republic and Slovakia have publically announced their support for an inquiry.

アルゼンチンの弁護士でもあるトーマス・オヘア・キンタナ(Tomas Ojea Quintana)ビルマの人権状況に関する国連特別報告者は国連人権理事会に、「ビルマで行なわれている犯罪のパターンは国際法違反を構成する可能性がある。」と報告した。国連が“国際犯罪が行なわれている問題に対処する明確なマンデイトを与えられた調査委員会設立の可能性を検討する。”よう彼は勧告している。米国・英国・オーストラリア・チェコ共和国・スロバキアの各国がその調査への支援を発表している。

Yozo Yokota, the Japanese law professor and the UN rapporteur on Burma from 1992 to 1996, wrote in June  that “the United Nations has an obligation to respond to the current rapporteur’s recommendation and establish a commission of inquiry, to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity and propose action.” One of Yokota’s successors, Paulo Pinheiro, a Brazilian academic,  has also publicly announced his support for an inquiry.

日本人法学教授であり1992年から1996年までのビルマ担当特別報告者だった横田洋三は6月、“国連は最近出された報告者の勧告に答え、調査委員会を設立し、戦争犯罪及び人道に反する罪を調査し、それに対処する行動を提起する義務がある。”と書いている。横田の後任者の一人でありブラジル人学者でもあるパウロ・ピンヘイロ(Paulo Pinheiro)は、その調査を支援することを公式に発表している。

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic and many other groups have all documented war crimes and possible crimes against humanity in Burma. All those responsible, regardless of position or rank, should be held accountable for their abuses.


The long list of abuses by the Burmese military and armed groups have been included in 19 annual UN General Assembly resolutions on Burma since 1991, and in numerous reports to the UN human rights body. It is not enough, though, simply to continue to publish reports on atrocities in Burma.  Burmese authorities have shown no interest in ending serious crimes. The time has come for the UN to take the next step in the process to bring justice to Burma.


Japan is one of only a few Asian countries to have ratified the Rome Statute, which created the International Criminal Court. So its support and leadership ahead of the autumn session of the UN General Assembly to press for a high-level inquiry into violations by Burma will be especially important.


Commissions of inquiry for other countries such as xx, xx and xx have shown that this process can promote accountability. It can demonstrate that those responsible for violations can suffer consequences, deter further crimes, marginalize serious abusers and develop a culture of respect for the rule of law.


 The Japanese government should not view support for an inquiry as a short term political strategy.  It is a long term process of justice that can be instrumental in forging respect for human rights and democratic rule in Burma.


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