
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イエメン:地雷使用報道を調査し対処せよ



(Beirut, May 27, 2013) – The government of Yemen should investigate and respond to allegations that the Republican Guards laid banned antipersonnel landmines at a location north of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in 2011, Human Rights Watch said today ahead of a week-long meeting of state parties to the Mine Ban Treaty. Yemen should take immediate action to assist civilian victims of the recently laid mines and to clear the mine-affected areas, Human Rights Watch said.


Witness testimony collected by Human Rights Watch during a site visit, evidence gathered by a local human rights organization, and further evidence collected by an international journalist indicate that the former government’s Republican Guard forces laid antipersonnel landmines in 2011 around their military camps in the Bani Jarmooz area, near Sanaa. Community leaders told Human Rights Watch that Republican Guard forces have resisted the removal of these prohibited munitions despite the fact that the mines have caused at least 15 civilian casualties, including 9 children.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが訪問現場で得た目撃者証言、地元人権保護団体が集めた証拠、国際ジャーナリストが収集した更なる証拠は、前政権下の共和国防衛隊の部隊が2011年にサヌア近郊Bani Jarmoozの軍事基地周辺に、対人地雷を敷設した事実を示している。それらの地雷で子ども9人を含む、少なくとも15人の一般市民が犠牲になったにも拘らず、共和国防衛隊部隊は禁止された弾薬の撤去に抵抗している、と複数のコミュニティー指導者は述べた。

“This appears to be the most serious violation of the Mine Ban Treaty in its 14 years of existence, and the first time a member’s armed forces have used antipersonnel mines,” said Steve Goose, arms division director at Human Rights Watch. “The integrity of the treaty is at stake. Yemen needs to investigate and hold those responsible accountable.”


Community leaders told Human Rights Watch that the Republican Guard recently turned back a group sent by the government to clear the mined areas. The Republican Guard is being dismantled as part of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi’s military restructuring initiative following a presidential decree dissolving the unit in December 2012.


The mining of the area around the military camps took place in the context of mass protests in January 2011, which escalated to armed clashes between government forces and opposition fighters across the country by May. Hostilities ended on November 23, when, amid mounting domestic and international pressure to leave office, former President Ali Abdullah Saleh signed an accord to transfer power to Hadi, his vice president. In exchange, the accord granted full immunity against prosecution to Saleh and members of his government. Yemenis party to the 1997 treaty prohibiting antipersonnel landmines. Like all state parties, Yemen has made a commitment never to use antipersonnel mines under any circumstances, and to prevent and suppress any prohibited activities, such as stockpiling or acquiring landmines. There has not been any previous confirmed case of use of antipersonnel mines by the armed forces of a Mine Ban Treaty state party.


In a letter to the Defense Minister on May 21, 2013, Human Rights Watch urged the government of Yemen to conduct an immediate investigation into the deployment of antipersonnel mines in the Bani Jarmooz area, to establish when, by whom, and under what authority these prohibited munitions were deployed, the types of munitions used, and the extent of their deployment. The government should identify and prosecute those responsible for deploying antipersonnel mines in accordance with the measures taken by Yemen to implement the Mine Ban Treaty, Human Rights Watch said.

ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは2013年5月21日に国防大臣に宛てた書簡でイエメン政府に、Bani Jarmooz地域に対人地雷が敷設された事件に対する調査を直ちに行い、何時、誰によって、如何なる権限で禁止弾薬が敷設されたのか、更に使用された地雷の種類、敷設の範囲を確定するよう強く求めた。政府は、対人地雷禁止条約の実施に向けイエメンがとった措置に従い、対人地雷を敷設した責任者を特定し訴追しなければならない。

“Yemen needs to publicly reaffirm its commitment to enforcing all aspects of the Mine Ban Treaty, including the prohibition on the use of these deadly mines,” Goose said. “Yemen should also follow through on its Mine Ban Treaty commitments by clearing the mines at Bani Jarmooz and assisting the victims.”

「イエメンは極めて危険な地雷の使用禁止を含む、対人地雷禁止条約の全規定を執行するという、同国の誓約を正式に再確認する必要があります」と前出のグースは指摘した。「イエメンはBani Jarmoozで地雷を除去し、被害者を支援すると約束することで、対人地雷禁止条約を完全執行しなければなりません」。

Civilian Casualties


In April 2012, Human Rights Watch interviewed a medic, Ibrahim Abdallah Hussain Hotrom, then 21, who lost his leg below the knee in a horrific incident in a minefield in the Bani Jarmooz district just outside the camp of the 63rd Brigade of the Republican Guard on the main road from Beit Dahara to Sanaa, on November 20, 2011. At least five people were wounded in this incident.

2012年4月ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは、当時21歳だった衛生兵イブラヒム・アブドッラー・ホットロムに聞き取り調査を行った。彼は2011年11月20日にベイト・ダハラとサヌアを繋ぐ主要幹線上にある、共和国防衛隊第63旅団基地のすぐ外に位置するBani Jarmoozの地雷原で起きた恐ろしい事故で、足の膝から下を失った。その事故では少なくとも7人が負傷している。

Hotrom said that three men were walking near the camp when one was shot by Republican Guards. Two members of a medical team rushed through the minefield to help the wounded man and stepped on landmines. The two wounded rescue workers called for help and four men including Hotrom responded. “But we stepped on landmines and three of us were wounded,” Hotrom said, adding that he and another member of the team lost limbs.


“Then a third team came to the rescue – just passers-by who saw us sitting there in our own blood,” Hotrom said. He said he believed that two men in the third team lost parts of their legs as well. “So many have been wounded,” he said. “I cannot go on with my life in a normal way.”


On April 19, Human Rights Watch visited Bani Jarmooz with Yemen Rights, a national nongovernmental organization that has recorded 15 local civilian casualties from landmines in Bani Jarmooz since late 2011. Human Rights Watch documented four more cases of victims of antipersonnel mines and one case involving the use of an antivehicle mine. In addition, Human Rights Watch met two children who were injured, a local journalist reported, when they were tending sheep in the fields.

今年4月19日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは同国のNGO「イエメン・ライツ」と共にBani Jarmoozを訪問した。同NGOは、2011年年末以降Bani Jarmoozで、地雷による地元一般市民に15人の犠牲者が出たと報告している。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは対人地雷による犠牲者が出た事故を更にもう4件、対車両地雷の敷設に関する事故を1件取りまとめた。更に地元ジャーナリストが、地雷原で羊の世話をしていて負傷したと報道した、子ども2人にも会っている。

Local inhabitants and all the mine victims Human Rights Watch interviewed in April said that they first learned that their farmland was contaminated with mines around September 2011. On September 2, Abdulhamid Wasel Ali Wasl, a 14-year-old boy from Bayt al-Auseri village, was killed as the vehicle he was travelling in hit an antivehicle landmine.

4月にヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの聞き取り調査に応じた地元住民と全地雷犠牲者は、2011年9月頃に農地が敷設地雷で危険になっているのを知ったと話していた。同年9月2日、Bayt al-Auseri村の14歳の少年、アブダルハミド・ワセル・アリ・ワスルは、乗っていた車が対車両地雷に触れ死亡した。

The most recent victim Human Rights Watch interviewed was Fawaz Mohsin Saleh Husn, a 9-year-old boy from al-Khabsha village. He said that he was tending his family’s sheep on April 12 when one sheep ran into a mined area that he knew to be unsafe. He tried to retrieve the sheep but stepped on a mine, which exploded, threw him to the ground and ripped off his left leg. His family said that some soldiers nearby witnessed the explosion but were apparently too frightened to enter the area so a local villager rescued the boy him and took him to the nearest medical facility for treatment.




Mines have also injured two other members of Fawaz’s family, including Abdullah Mohammed, who was injured on November 26, 2011, while attempting to clear mines.


On May 24, Foreign Policy published an article by a freelance journalist, Joe Sheffer, documenting new landmine casualties from the Bani Jarmooz area. Local residents told him that they witnessed mines being laid in 2011 by soldiers wearing Republican Guard uniforms.

5月24日に月刊誌フォーリン・ポリシーは、フリーランスのジャーナリストであるジョー・シェファーが、Bani Jarmoozでの地雷による新たな犠牲者について取りまとめた記事を公表した。2011年に共和国防衛隊の制服を着た兵士が、地雷を敷設しているのを目撃した、と地元住民はシェファーに話している。

Evidence of Antipersonnel Mine Use


Abdullah Mohammed, injured in the November 26, 2011 incident, told Human Rights Watch that in late September or early October 2011, he had used binoculars to watch between 10 and 15 soldiers in Republican Guard uniforms lay mines in a nearby wadi, or river bed. As it was an area where children from the village played, he and three friends later entered the area and tried to detect the mines using sticks.


During a meeting on June 21, 2012, between community representatives and a committee of representatives from the Defense and Interior Ministries about a truce to end local fighting, the commander of the Republican Guard’s 63rd Brigade camp at Bani Jarmooz, Ahmed al-Jakee, reportedly stated that his forces had planted 8,000 landmines around the camp and also placed mines in cliffs adjacent to nearby Mount Asama. A report containing his admission was published online by Yemen Rights on April 10, 2013.

地元での戦闘を終わらせるための停戦について、2012年6月21日にコミュニティー代表と国防省及び内務省を代表する委員会との間で会議が開かれた。その際Bani Jarmoozにある共和国防衛隊第63旅団基地司令官のアフメド・アルジャキーは、同部隊が基地周辺に8,000個の地雷を敷設し、更にアサマ山に近接する崖地に地雷を設置したことを認めたと伝えられた。地雷敷設を認める彼の発言を含む報告書を、2013年4月10日に前出の「イエメン・ライツ」がオンライン上で公開している。

The landmine incidents resulting in civilian casualties have all occurred in the vicinity of military camps that the 63rd and 81st Brigades of the Republican Guard established at Bani Jarmooz around July 26, 2011, and that remain in place. There has been no other military activity in the area that could explain the presence of these munitions.

一般市民に犠牲もたらした地雷事故は全て、共和国防衛隊第63旅団及び第81旅団が、2011年7月26日頃Bani Jarmoozで設立し、今も残っている軍事基地に近接する地域で起きた。これまでにそのような弾薬の存在を説明できる、他の軍事行動はその地域でなかった。

From their descriptions, and drawings that local residents provided to Human Rights Watch, it is evident that the munitions to which local residents had been exposed included PMN antipersonnel mines, manufactured by the Soviet Union. In addition, photographs an international journalist showed Human Rights Watch of mines removed from the ground at Bani Jamooz indicate that other types of mines have been found, including the PMD-6 antipersonnel mine, manufactured by the Soviet Union, and the GYATA-64 antipersonnel mine, manufactured by Hungary.

地元住民がヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに提供した、弾薬についての複数の説明と絵から、地元住民を危険さらしている弾薬は、ソビエト製PMN対人地雷を含んでいることは明確だ。加えてある国際ジャーナリストがヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに見せてくれた、Bani Jamoozの地面から取り除かれた地雷の写真は、ソビエト製PMD-6対人地雷やハンガリー製GYATA-64対人地雷を含む、型式が別の地雷が発見されていることも明らかにした。

In April 2002, Yemen reported to the secretary-general of the United Nations that it had completed the destruction of its stockpile of antipersonnel mines, as required by the Mine Ban Treaty. The evidence of new mine use suggests either that this assurance to the UN secretary-general was incorrect or that Yemeni forces have since acquired a new supply of antipersonnel mines, apparently in breach of the treaty. Human Rights Watch has asked the government of Yemen to disclose the source of the antipersonnel mines laid in the Bani Jarmooz area, indicating whether they came from a hitherto undisclosed Yemeni stockpile or from a foreign source or sources, and to immediately collect and destroy any remaining stockpiles, as the treaty requires.

2002年4月にイエメンは国連事務総長に対して、対人地雷禁止条約で義務付けられている、保有対人地雷の廃棄完了を報告した。新たな地雷使用の証拠は、国連事務総長への言質が不正確であったか、イエメン軍がそれ以降に新たな対人地雷の供給を受け、明らかな違反を犯していたのかの、何れかであることを示している。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはイエメン政府に、Bani Jarmooz地域に敷設した対人地雷の出自を公表し、それらがイエメンの秘密保有物なのか、ある外国或は複数の外国から来た物なのかを明らかにするよう、更にまだ保有地雷があるならば、同条約の義務に従って、それらを直ちに集め廃棄処分するよう求めた。

Several local residents, a journalist, and Yemeni human rights defenders told Human Rights Watch that the Defense Ministry established a committee to clear the mines several months ago. Local residents said that they saw members of this committee arrive in two groups, by bus, at the two Republican Guard camps approximately three months ago but that neither group obtained access to clear the mines.


One local man told Human Rights Watch that he was near the entrance of the 63rd Brigade camp when the bus arrived and that he overheard the camp commander, who prevented the bus from entering, tell its occupants: “The mines are here to protect the camp. You cannot remove them, and if you do, you will see what will happen.”


During its visit, Human Rights Watch inspected an area of rocky ground about a four-minute drive from the village, which local people had marked with a ring of small stones to show that the area contains mines and is not to be entered. The stones are the only marking of this extremely hazardous area. No fencing or warning notices were visible. Local residents complained that the deployment of antipersonnel mines had caused them to lose access to farmland and quarries and prevented them from repairing water irrigation pipes that run through areas that are perilous due to mines.


Mine Ban Treaty Obligations


After participating in the Ottawa Process to ban landmines, Yemen signed the Mine Ban Treaty on December 4, 1997, and became a state party on March 1, 1999, when the treaty entered into force. A total of 161 nations are party to the Mine Ban Treaty, which comprehensively prohibits antipersonnel landmines and requires their clearance and assistance to victims.


The government of Yemen should immediately mark and cordon off the areas where antipersonnel mines and related munitions are deployed to reduce the risk of further casualties among the local population. The government should promptly embark on a mine clearance program to remove or destroy the munitions from the vicinity of the Republican Guard camps and any other areas in which antipersonnel mines have been deployed.


Appropriate compensation, assistance, and support should be provided to those injured as a result of the deployment of these mines and to the families of those injured or killed, as well as to other landmine victims in Yemen. Assistance should include medical care, prosthetics where appropriate and on-going rehabilitation if needed.


On April 13, Human Rights Watch wrote to President Hadi concerning an incident on March 4, 2012, in the Hassaba neighborhood of Sanaa, in which a 10-year-old boy was seriously wounded by an antipersonnel landmine. In that case, Human Rights Watch was unable to determine whether government forces or fighters of the al-Ahmar tribe had laid the landmine that caused the child’s injury, but urged the government to investigate and to ensure that government forces were complying fully with Yemen’s obligations as a state party to the Mine Ban Treaty. Human Rights Watch has not received a response.


In general, implementation of the Mine Ban Treaty has been excellent and the treaty’s compliance provisions – contained in article 8 – have not been formally invoked to clarify any compliance question. In recent years, antipersonnel landmines have been used by Syria, Burma, Israel, and Libya, none of which have joined the Mine Ban Treaty, as well as by a small number of rebel groups.


Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), which received the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize together with its coordinator, Jody Williams, for its efforts to bring about the Mine Ban Treaty and for its contributions to a new international diplomacy based on humanitarian imperatives.


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