
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ コンゴ民主共和国にいるオバサンジョへの若干のアドバイス


 20081124日ナイジェリア、ガーディアン紙掲載 ジョン・エリオット


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) this past weekend in his new role as the UN Secretary-General's special envoy. The DRC has been a quagmire for envoys. Mr Obasanjo and his team must be wondering how on earth to achieve or measure success. We at Human Rights Watch hope that Mr. Obasanjo will achieve more than his predecessors, so we would like to offer some suggestions.


Human Rights Watch has been active on the ground in the DRC for years, reporting on torture, extra-judicial killing, systematic rape, child labour, abuses of governance and many other assaults on human rights. Much of its reporting has focused on eastern Congo, the region bordering Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan and Uganda, which has been in a semi-permanent state of war for years, fuelled by local ethnic tensions, illicit resource extraction, continental political rivalry and the violent ambition of the region's small men. The current crisis centres on the eastern district of North Kivu.


Human Rights Watch has reported how civilians in North Kivu have been abused by all sides, including the Congolese army. We witnessed the peace deal in Goma, North Kivu, in January 2008. It is now in disarray. In recent weeks, hundreds of thousands of civilians have again been forced to flee their homes and hundreds have been killed in gruesome echoes of previous slaughters. A United Nations peacekeeping force called MONUC has been deployed in the area for several years to protect civilians and help disarm the competing militias. Unfortunately, it has lacked personnel, equipment, leadership and political support.


The festering sore in North and South Kivu is ethnic hostility. It goes back decades. Local militia leaders cynically use ethnicity as a cloak for their own political agendas. The CNDP militia, led by Laurent Nkunda, claims to defend the local Tutsi population. One of his aides has been indicted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. His forces get at least tacit support from Rwanda.


Of the Hutu groups, some FDLR leaders are accused of genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Although no longer targeting Rwanda itself, they continue to commit horrific crimes against their Congolese Tutsi neighbours. They often cooperate with other local militias such as Mai Mai and PARECO.


The Congolese army has a history of terrorising civilians. Soldiers continue to shoot, rape or extort from the people they are supposed to protect. Soldiers go unpaid and unfed while their commanders and corrupt officials in Kinshasa steal their salaries and supplies.


So, Mr Obasanjo, here's what we would suggest:

  • 最初に、民間人保護を唯一つの優先課題にしていただきたい。もし人権人権侵害について聞く事があったなら、躊躇やエコヒイキなく犯人それぞれに厳しく罰していただきたい。人権侵害の責任者は責任を問われるべきであると主張し続けていただきたい。
  • 地域の指導者に同じルールを適用していただきたい。彼らは全て問題の大きな要因であります。コンゴ軍兵士が人権侵害を行なった場合にはコンゴ大統領カビラに責任をとらせる。CNDPが犯罪を行なったら、ンクンダに責任を取らせ、ルワンダ大統領カガメには、ルワンダ国内のンクンダ支援者を抑制するよう要求する。同様な事を他の民兵とその指導者たちに適用していただきたいのです。
  • 国連安全保障理事会に平和維持軍に対して適切な資金供給をするよう圧力を掛けていただきたい。西側諸国は平和維持活動を安くあげたいと思っています。予算を削り、まず最初に資金不足にし、ギリギリの状態で奮闘する平和維持軍をたらい回しにするのです。西側諸国は今まさに、DRCの他の部分から平和維持軍を配置換えして北部キブの兵力を増強しようとしています。危険が増大しているDRCの他の部分はその結果捨て置かれてしまうのです。オリエンタル地方では数千の人々が、ジョセフ・コニーのロード・レジスタンス・アーミー(LRA)による襲撃の後の最近、故郷の家から逃げ出しています。民族的緊張はイツーリ地方で極度に高まっています。国連軍の南部キブからの配置換得は当地での新しいききをの勃発を早める可能性があります。北部キブで手一杯でしょう。コンゴの残りの部分を炎に包ませる必要はないはずです。
  •  欧州にMONUCが増強されるまでの間、‘つなぎ’の軍を派遣するするよう圧力を掛けていただきたい。国連軍コンゴ増派には数ヶ月かかるでしょう。欧州連合(EU)は、そのギャップを速やかにカバーする軍を派遣できるはずなのです。2003年にはそれをうまくやれたのですから。必要なのはそれを引き起こす政治的な意志です。ノーという答を受け取ってはならないのです。
  • 全ての民兵の武装解除に取りかかっていいただきたい。これは明確なタイムラインに基づいて、断固としてやり抜かなければなりません。コンゴ軍は民兵との関係を断たなければなりません。武装解除を現実的にするには、強力な国際的な存在が必要とされるでしょう。
  • Firstly, make civilian protection your only priority. When you hear about human rights abuses, come down heavily on each perpetrator without fear or favour. Insist that those responsible for abuses be held to account.
  • Apply the same rules to the region's leaders. All of them are a big part of the problem. If Congolese soldiers commit abuses, hold President Kabila responsible. If CNDP commit crimes, hold Nkunda accountable and demand that President Kagame rein in Nkunda's Rwandan supporters. The same goes for the other militia and their leaders.
  • Press the UN Security Council to fund the peacekeepers properly. Western countries like doing peacekeeping on the cheap. They cut budgets, underfund them in the first place, or play musical chairs with over-stretched peacekeepers. They will now try to move peacekeepers from other parts of DRC to reinforce those in North Kivu, leaving other parts of the country at increased risk. Thousands in Orientale province fled their homes recently after being attacked by Joseph Kony's LRA. Ethnic tensions in Ituri province are boiling. Relocating UN troops from South Kivu could precipitate a new crisis there. You will have your hands full in North Kivu. You don't need the rest of the Congo going up in flames, too.
  • Push the Europeans to send in a 'bridging' force until MONUC can be reinforced. Deploying UN reinforcements to Congo will take several months. The European Union (EU) could deploy a force quickly to cover the gap. They did this successfully in 2003. It just needs political will to happen. Don't take no for an answer.
  • Get on with disarming all the militias. This must be done once and for all, based on clear timelines. The Congolese army should end its links with militia forces. A strong international presence will be needed to make disarmament a reality.


If you make saving civilians your priority, non-governmental organisations will be your allies. Many are already active on the ground helping the hundreds of thousands who are at risk. They also know the terrain. Reaching out to these groups and to the concerned media will increase your influence and increase your access to independent information.


Finally, your experience in dealing with armed regional conflict in West Africa and the related problems of porous borders, illicit mining, civilian protection, war crimes and justice give you a special insight. Nigeria and ECOMOG made mistakes in Liberia and Sierra Leone but also paid a heavy price in the lives of their soldiers.


You also know how, since the 1980s, West African governments have used proxy rebel groups to destabilise their neighbours. Like West Africa, the Great Lakes region is susceptible to waves of insurgency because of the complex web of military, political, economic, and ethnic factors, which shift and evolve over time.


Never forget that some five million Congolese have lost their lives from war-related causes in the past decade. These figures speak shamefully of the world's failure. A number of African governments - DRC itself, Angola, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Uganda - share the prime responsibility. There are worrying signs of an escalating conflict that will put many thousands of civilians at further risk. The success of your mission is more important, and urgent, than ever.

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