
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ リビア:不当に拘束している囚人を全て釈放せよ



(New York, October 16, 2009) – Libya should follow its release of 88 prisoners on the night of October 15, 2009 with the release of all political prisoners and those unjustly detained in Libyan jails, Human Rights Watch said today.


Those released include 45 members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), most of whom had been in prison since the mid-90s after being convicted in unfair trials of an attempted coup against the Libyan leader, Mu’ammar Gaddafi. Their release came after the group renounced violence in August 2009. Authorities in Abu Salim prison also released 43 “members of other jihadist groups,” a Gaddafi Foundation news release said.

釈放された者には、リビア・イスラム戦闘集団(Libyan Islamic Fighting Group:LIFG)メンバー45名が含まれていた。彼らの大部分は、リビア指導者ムアンマル・カダフィへのクーデター未遂容疑での不公正な裁判で有罪判決を受けた後、1990年代半ばから投獄されていた。2009年8月に同集団が暴力を自己批判した後の釈放だった。アブ・サリム(Abu Salim)刑務所当局は又、“他のイスラム聖戦士集団メンバー” 43名を釈放した、とカダフィ財団(Gaddafi Foundation)の新聞発表は述べている。

“The release of these prisoners is a positive step, particularly because many were prosecuted in unfair trials,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “Now the government needs to go ahead and free all of its political prisoners, people jailed merely for expressing views critical of the government, and all those unjustly detained.”


The LIFG prisoners’ trials before the People’s Court and the State Security Court had been criticized as unfair, for, among other reasons, a lack of adequate access to lawyers. The group had entered into negotiations, facilitated by the Gaddafi Foundation, with the Internal Security Agency, resulting in the release of 136 of their members over the past two years.

人民裁判所と治安裁判所で行われたLIFG囚人の裁判は、不公正でありその他の理由としては弁護士が適切にアクセスできなかったことで批判されていた。LIFGはカダフィ財団が促した、国内治安機関(Internal Security Agency)との交渉に入り、この2年間でメンバー136名の釈放をもたらしていた。

Libyan prisons still contain dozens of prisoners who were sentenced after unfair trials for expressing their political views. Abdelnasser Al-Rabbasi, a writer, remains in Abu Salim prison, where Human Rights Watch interviewed him in April. He is serving a 15-year sentence for writing a novel about corruption and human rights. By the Justice Ministry’s own reckoning, about 200 prisoners who have served their sentences or who have been acquitted by Libyan courts remain imprisoned under orders of the Internal Security Agency. Internal Security, under the Interior Ministry, controls two prisons, Ain Zara and Abu Salim, where “security” detainees are held. Internal Security has refused to carry out judicial orders to free these prisoners, despite calls from the justice minister for their release.

リビア刑務所は、政治的意見を表明したために不公正な裁判に掛けられ刑に処された、数十名の囚人を尚拘束している。アブデルサセル・アル-ラッバシ(Abdelnasser Al-Rabbasi)はライターだが、アブ・サリム刑務所に拘束されたままであり、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは4月にその刑務所で彼にインタビューをしている。彼は汚職と人権についての小説を書いたために懲役15年の刑に服している。司法省自らの見積もりによると、刑期を終えた若しくはリビア裁判所で無罪が確定した約200名の囚人が、国内治安機関の命令により投獄されたままであるという。内務省の管轄下にある国内治安機関は2つの刑務所を指揮下においている。アイン・ザラ(Ain Zara)刑務所とアブ・サリム刑務所には“治安”犯が拘束されている。司法大臣が釈放を求めているにも拘らず、国内治安機関はこれらの囚人を釈放するようにという、司法命令の実行を拒否した。

In another positive announcement, the Gaddafi Foundation also said that the government soon would demolish Abu Salim prison and move the prisoners to a temporary prison, but did not make clear when or how this would occur. The government has long used the prison, which is notorious for the torture and abuse of those held there, to detain political activists, writers, and journalists who have criticized the government.


Abu Salim was the site of a 1996 prison massacre in which 1,200 prisoners were killed. The Libyan government has not made public any account of what happened or held anyone responsible. On September 6, 13 years after the killings, the acting secretary of defense established a seven-judge investigation panel, headed by a former military tribunal judge, to conduct an investigation into the incident.


“The demolition of Abu Salim prison, the site of egregious human rights violations for decades, will be a very important gesture,” said Whitson. “But at a minimum all its prisoners should be transferred to Ministry of Justice prisons, and any of them unfairly or arbitrarily detained should be immediately released.”


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