


2012-03-19 04:22:59 | 旅行
02:29 from HootSuite
When you thought it was over it, will remind you that it just began. Know themselves.

08:33 from TweetList!
It is the message of the memory of a dream wake up moment. Subconscious! Come true happens in reality is up and running.

09:12 from TweetList!
The weather was dull, the motorcycle will start action towards the coastline. On our mood!

14:02 from TweetList!
Continuing activation state. While driving a motor cycle Honda roar. pic.twitter.com/c3tFhSeG

by superkoolman on Twitter


2012-03-17 04:16:49 | 旅行
05:42 from TweetList!
What was to some already? Happy birthday! And selection control from the pursuit of possibilities.

14:04 from TweetList!
The highest point of the bliss of his own wonderful fun, music and sports shrines and temples. pic.twitter.com/PCd6WTTR

16:07 from Mobile Web

16:18 from HootSuite
Not playing with the ball I got from a friend in elementary school birthday was by dividing the glass.

by superkoolman on Twitter