


2012-03-13 04:19:50 | 旅行
07:21 from TweetList!
Cheering when it comes to music obsessed with a dream of emotional memory. And memory revives clear (cont) tl.gd/gchvc1

08:52 from TweetList!
Thank you for messages of real people around the world. Do not forget the heart of gratitude we will act in outlook towards the future.

10:05 from TweetList!
Activation, changing the emotional music and motion. Percussion instrument is ticking beat, strings playing the rhythm melody yourself.

15:27 from TweetList!
☆何より可能性を持っている自分自身を信じる←人を尊敬するより自分の感動を大切にする…skill up→grade up→version up☆

19:45 from TweetList!
Most of my own Mino want something? Tough spirit. pic.twitter.com/fEAIz5LR

22:08 from TweetList!
But that does not fall if not to reason I think, when irritated change of pace is listen to music!

by superkoolman on Twitter