


2011-12-12 01:27:28 | 旅行
04:57 from Keitai Web
If I think and go and live as hard as possible and learn, and its for a person, an ideal becomes practically … Today in spirit!
11:51 from Keitai Web
☆自分自身を見失いかけている人⇒自己成長と他者貢献を追えば幸せと共にお金は訪れる☆迷いが生じてしまった人⇒他人の尺度で人生を決めてはならないと云う…日曜日のOpinion leader☆
14:48 from Keitai Web
Because it was a booby, I was able to challenge it. Its over if satisfied. I win by all means if I work hardnt to lose!
16:51 from Keitai Web
Mt Fuji appearing for a sunset is beautiful … I thank for the yesterday's total eclipse of the moon and laying upon, a happy feeling!
22:28 from Keitai Web (Re: @kohmi
by superkoolman on Twitter