


2011-09-26 01:21:43 | 旅行
06:13 from Keitai Web
Good morning. It was a season to be worried about the scenery of the mountains and began it recently.
06:13 from Keitai Web
The first snowcap is earlier than last year Mount Fuji is observed and the arrival of the snow season seems to be early this year.
08:19 from Keitai Web
RT @k_katayama: 今日のニセコは快晴、爽やかな秋の空が広がっています。10時からは、ニセコ高校の学校祭一般解放が行われます。高校生の愛情が詰まった農産物や花の販売、そして毎回工夫いっぱいのクラスの催しも楽しみです。
08:24 from Keitai Web
☆出来ない事なんて、多分、本当はそんなにない…今日のOpinion leader!
09:25 from Keitai Web
The person of the work will do its best. Each other!
21:37 from Keitai Web
Thank you, staff, I was accomplished aim numerical value. It was significant happily when conscious.
by superkoolman on Twitter
