


2012-03-27 04:17:15 | 旅行
05:24 from TweetCaster for iOS
It had been impossible until now to give up, in an unexpected opportunity I feel like I can achieve that. Favorite music to cheer me.

05:47 from TweetCaster for iOS
Today also diversion is Bossa Nova Soul is the source of the energy source.

08:26 from TweetCaster for iOS
Thanks to energetic live thing again today

12:23 RT from TweetCaster for iOS
< You can see only what you are thinking about. >Love?Health?Money?Human relations?Car?House?Horse?Boat?... t.co/yFSgEhT1
大崎 ヤスシさんのツイート

14:42 from iHandy Translator
Thanks for sound, energetic live everyday and ne high persistence.

22:07 from iHandy Translator
The old band mates meet tomorrow live lots. Now, enjoy.

by superkoolman on Twitter
