


2013-12-28 07:59:30 | 旅行

When the idea is reset, I like person connected in sports. It is not necessary to take care with to (cont) tl.gd/n3083t

It's an ideal to blow thought and feeling into people's mind as becoming vitality about the possibility of a dormant faculty.

When it is necessary to go by the posture of the attack aiming on further.

Felt is not possible to permit when others also have the fault that self is not surmountable. In a (cont) tl.gd/n311nh

It can get luck by willpower. It is led to the high soul. The life does not have the misfortune. Only a necessary thing happens.

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The dark is a sign of happiness. Wavelength is improved polishing you in the dark and by effort. The fate can call in very much it does so

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