


2011-09-18 01:20:07 | 旅行
08:34 from Keitai Web
The laundry which came to keep on airing it got wet because of rain if I woke up in the morning and was scattered.
08:35 from Keitai Web
Hey, there is such a thing and laughs at the life again.
12:28 from Keitai Web
It's fine, and wind is stronger, and it seems to be a happy day now though it's hot.
15:29 from Keitai Web
Good Facebook does not understand now. Though systems are different, Twitter is interesting.
16:32 from Keitai Web
In consecutive holidays the person of the work doesn't regret an effort and I aim at the higher position and let's do its best. Each other!
by superkoolman on Twitter