国語・現代文・古文・漢文:その傾向と対策 (さくら教育研究所)(SKREDU)

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2024-05-11 | 日記










"Doraemon" is a Japanese manga series by Hiroshi Fujimoto, which tells the story of the adventures of a boy named Nobita and his cat robot Doraemon. "Doraemon" depicts a future society realized by the advancement of science and technology, and you can think about the world view.

The world of Doraemon is set in the 21st century. Advanced technologies such as space travel, futuristic cars, robots, energy delivery devices, and time machines are used on a daily basis. In addition, futuristic buildings and airships are floating in the city, and the scenery is like a dream.

However, the world of "Doraemon" still has problems that cannot be solved by technological progress. For example, economic disparities, educational disparities, and human conflicts are depicted. These problems suggest that technological progress cannot solve them.

In the world of Doraemon, robots and artificial intelligence are used on a daily basis. Doraemon is Nobita's friend and provides him with various advice and support. Similarly, Nobita's house will also feature robots that help with housework and child-rearing. These robots not only make people's lives easier, they also play a role in promoting symbiosis with people.

However, problems often arise in the relationship between robots and humans. Robots may go out of control, or artificial intelligence may surpass humans. In the world of "Doraemon", new challenges are constantly presented regarding coexistence with robots and artificial intelligence.

As described above, the world view of "Doraemon" suggests that there are still problems that cannot be solved by technological progress. And while robots and artificial intelligence help people live, new problems can arise. In this way, the worldview of "Doraemon" can sound a warning bell about technical and ethical issues at the same time as having a positive attitude toward technological progress.

The world view of "Doraemon" is also a work that gives hope to children. Doraemon helps Nobita grow by offering him various adventures and experiences. With the help of Doraemon, Nobita can boost his self-esteem and become more confident. In this way, the world view of "Doraemon" is a work that gives children hope for the future and an opportunity for growth.

Taken together, the world of Doraemon presents an optimistic view of technological progress and the future of society, while also sounding the alarm about technical and ethical issues. In addition, it is a work that gives children hope for the future and an opportunity for growth. These elements are one of the reasons why "Doraemon" continues to be loved by many people.