

Thu Aug 06 05:01:21 -0400 2009

2009-08-06 18:01:22 | 日記
We Are 10 Years Away From a Functional Artifical Human Brain,Can Mark Zuckerberg Finally Make Facebook Profitable?, The Comic-con Cosplay '09, Good, Bad, and Bizarre [PICS],Cruisin' (WTF?) ,Keith Eloi jumps out of the Pool BACKWARDS,Double amputee loses legs, finds a cause,Shiny Unhappy People - UK’s Shiny Media Blog Network Engulfed In Chaos,AdWords Gets More Local,Report: Steve Jobs Happy With Apple’s Tablet, Fast Tracks It For Early 2010,SearchMe May Go Offline Tomorrow (Updated: Offline Now),Geek Weekend: Roanoke, Virginia,Facebook Wants To Know If You’d Mind Sharing All Of Your Information,Charaと浅野忠信が「これからも尊敬しあうため」離婚,愛と罪と盗撮… 話題作「愛のむきだし」がDVD化,Sランク大学の授業風景,皇室スゲー!って思えるような話ってないか?:VIPPERな俺,ワラノート 「モフモフしたくなる病」発症必須な画像くれ,今日もやられやく 京アニ内部でもエンドレスエイトの構成に不満爆発らしいよ,Microsoft Store concept revealed in leaked design presentation?,Palm complains about Apple to USB governing body, while Pre / iTunes sync "fix" is explained,Apogee debuts GiO USB guitar interface and controller for Macs,Japanese researchers develop baseball playing robots, Mark Buehrle reportedly unimpressed,Comic-con: Dexter Season 4 First-Look Trailer (Video),Retro Challenge: Name That 8-Bit Sprite,Cop Attacks Woman After She Honked At Him,HALO Goes Anime! First-Look Trailer From SDCC '09,Transparency and Open Government? Not yet, apparently,Drives of a Lifetime Photo Gallery,"Batman 3" Unofficially Announced by Oldman at Comic Con!,Minnesota Independent: Bachmann is in “real danger”,Recession Causes Mexican Immigrants to Run for the Border,Got Chicken Parts? Make Biodiesel ,Does Soda Taste Different in a Bottle Than a Can?,Trapeze School in NYC [Pics],This green home will heat itself ,Bill Maher: New Rule: Not Everything in America Has to Make ,Abstinence-Supporting GOP State Lawmaker Admits To Sex With ,Leopard savaging a crocodile caught on camera,The David Hasselhoff Problem Solving Method (Flowchart),Looking to Mars as the Next Frontier ,Are Bing Users Twice As Likely To Click On An Ad Than Google Users?,FriendFeed Follows For A Change With “Recommend Friends” Feature,Mixx Turns To Twitter To Start Surfacing Hot Links, Launches TweetMixx (Invites),Source: Verizon Hurrying To Launch LTE By Early 2010, Perhaps For Apple,The Song of the PowerSquid: The Inside Story of the Life of an Invention, Part 2,顔がペットボトルのキャップになっている「Cap Heads!」,世界のナベアツ「3の倍数」こそスキンケアのカギだった,lecca「For You」が上半期USENリクエスト・ランキング1位を獲得、『SUMMER SONIC』への初出演が決定,化物語 5話予告絵は、加藤英美里さんへの悪意が込められている!?,500円でPS2買ってきた,皆既日食でのび太の名ゼリフを思い出す人続出 - ネタりか,涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱・京アニサイト【製作日記】(2009年07月24日),iPhone's augmented reality apps coming with September OS 3.1 launch?,Verizon rumored to be pushing up LTE plans to Q1 2010, new Apple device the catalyst?,Sony's new MegaChanger and ES Blu-ray players in the flesh,TWITTER: How Much Is the World Pooping? ,From 1980 World Series Hero to 14-Year Prison Term & Back,150 Dogs Found Dead in Freezers in Michigan Home,Random Charts & Flowcharts to Make You Smile [PIC],Nice beach, shame about the bunkers,Halo Reach to be last Halo game - Bungie working on new IP,As Patient Lay Dying, Doctor Had A Cookie,Flynn Lives And Inside His Arcade Is An Actual Lightcycle,CAN,It Ain't Easy Being in the Taco Truck Business...,Stretch Limo in San Francisco FAIL [Pic],Blue Cross Staff Promoted for Dumping Sick Policyholders,Facebook Hits One Billion Video Views ,Never-Before-Seen Concept Art For the Thundercats Movie!!!,Cubs Fan Yet To Figure Out How To Use A Hat [PIC],Ex-Florida coach Spurrier snubbed Tim Tebow in All-SEC vote,Alienware Launches Its First Retail Store,"The Empire Muggs Back" Star Wars Display @ Comic-Con [PICS],Teen Get Prison Time For Door-Checking (Inspired by GTA4),Drunk man got two hammered,Arrington On Charlie Rose: Talks Twittergate, CrunchPad, and Competition,lifeIO: A Social Media Dashboard That Combines Email, RSS, And Just About Everything Else,Another Killer Data Point For iPhone Apps: F.A.S.T. Pulls In $1 Million In Six Weeks,福岡「HIGHER GROUND」豪雨の影響で本日25日は中止に,ストレス過食をどうにかしたい!,ロッテリアの絶妙バーガー、46年ぶりの皆既日食ほかYouTubeの今週の人気動画まとめ[動画有り],「裸のカウボーイ」、ニューヨーク市長選に出馬,【恋愛】■20代女性が最初のデートでおごってもらった最高額は「5,000円以内」が3割,イケメン俳優チョン・ウソン来日、来年に監督デビュー宣言,某党の本音と建前,【3次元】下乳画像ください カナ速,セックス拒否=存在否定,TBS世界陸上、選手キャッチコピーダメ! - 芸能 - SANSPO.COM,Emma Watson Involved in Fatal Car Accident,F's Garage:twitterは「みんなのもの」じゃない。,90歳サッカー選手、「死ぬまで続ける」…三重・伊賀 : ニュース : 関西発 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞),祖父の撮った写真@従軍中無題のドキュメント,何故「多重下請け構造」がなくならないかというと、お前らが営業をサボってるからだよ!! - 消毒しましょ!,How would you change MSI's X-Slim ultraportable line?,Ryu in the most INCREDIBLE Combo video ever,Ancient Roman shipwrecks found,Extinct Leopard Cub Discovered in Bangladesh,iPhone Pot App: 1,000 Stoners Served, and Counting,Convicted Pastor Says He's 'One of the Prophets',What are you looking at?... Mind your own business...,