

Wed Sep 16 21:01:54 -0400 2009

2009-09-17 10:01:56 | 日記
Bryan Singer to Direct 'Battlestar Galactica' Blockbuster,Woman Sets Herself On Fire in The Mall of Americas,'We The People' overload House Web site,The Top Smartphone Sellers Worldwide [Infographic] ,The wrong way to use an automatic door,Top 11: Things We Remember about Pee Wee Sports,Tarantino Terrorized Sleeping Basterd Actors w/ Giant Dildo,Jon Stewart Owns Glenn Beck on Healthcare Hypocrisy (Video),New Image of Mars Show Half-Mile Wide Crater Complete [PICS],8 Classic Board Games That Destroy Friendships,comScore: The Michael Jackson Effect Shakes Up June’s Online Video Rankings,Glide Engage Is A Stream Reader With A Web OS Attached,The Movie Studios Have A Great Idea To Ramp Up Piracy. And Blockbuster Wants To Help.,CrunchBoard: TokBox, Ustream and More!,バナナ大賞獲得したバナナマン、記事扱い小さく残念,陶芸、農業、フットサル…ますます多様化が加速する婚活パーティ事情,【恋愛】気になる相手からの誘いの本気度を知る,靴を穿いたまま畳の上を歩く女性。,なんともすごすぎる人だ - 書評 - いち・たす・いち,NHK 戦争証言アーカイブス トライアルサイト,手書きの履歴書は日本の会社の非効率さを映す鏡。 ニートの海外就職日記,Hey, maybe that iPod touch with a camera is real after all (video),Starline NB1000 netbook's giant, invisible touchpad is the only thing it's got going for it,Zune 4.0 software won't play nice with HDTV Media Center recordings,Palm prepping Pre with North American GSM, but for whom?,WildCharge brings 'wireless' charging to hundreds of devices,Engadget Podcast 159 - 08.14.2009,Baltimore calls '*****!' on season premiere of "Mad Men",Whole Foods' Customers Threaten Boycott Over Op-Ed,Soyuz TMA-11 Is Back Home [pics],China Pulls Back From Edict On Web-Filtering Software,What REALLY happened to Twitter,Major URL Shorteners Unite To Fight Dead Links,Elephant Learns To Play The Harmonica,Happy 20th Birthday, Sega Genesis! ,New York Times: Why Humans Don't Have Fur,3 x (Keyboard-Cat-Moon shirt + Digg Employee + Dog)!!!,Google and Microsoft: The Battle Over College E-Mail,APOD: 2009 August 14 - Shuttle and Meteor,What? That Wasn't Part of the Job Description!,Google and YouTube: We've Got Movies!,Early Humans Used Heat-Treated Stone for Tools,'Hidden Portal' First Tunable Electromagnetic Gateway,Photos from inside an abandoned Titan missile silo , Less sex, more TV idea aired in India,Your odds of dying in a plane crash.,iLike Just Launched Its Own Music Download Store,man TweetShell: A Browser-Based Terminal For Twitter,Yahoo Pretends To Tell You What Kind Of Twitter User You Are,Google Points At WebFinger. Your Gmail Address Could Soon Be Your ID.,【男性編】プロポーズの理想的な時期ランキング,人気作家・角田光代さんお気に入りの塩はDr.コパも認めるパワーソルトだった!?,Mac買ったらすぐに入れるべきフリーソフトウェア - スチーム速報 VIP,短い睡眠で健康な人に“特異な遺伝子”、米で発見 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞),Nokia / InterDigital patent drama continues with ITC ruling in Espoo's favor,Palm Pre, iPhone 3GS owners' satisfaction polled, compared in new study,Borders Survey Name Drops the Apple iPad,Russian Sub Fail,Kid Rock Says "Twitter is Gay" Then Winds Up in This Twitpic,The Top 10 Clutch Plays by Magic Johnson ,Cash for Clunkers Comes to the Kitchen with Fridge Recycling,Should Women Change their Name for Marriage?,Overpopulating paradise ,Pirate Bay: DJ Joel's $675,000 Mixtape. Approved by the RIAA,EMBARRASSING KNOCK OUT Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin,10 Legendary Guitars ,Mathematical Model for Surviving a Zombie Attack,Independent Filmmakers Now Distribute Their Films Themselves,Like a complete unknown: Cop doesn't know who Bob Dylan is,The Top 10 Best Comic Book Casting Picks,Non-Alcoholic.... Wait what? [Pic],How To Properly Remove Elements from a Pic in Photoshop CS4,Luckless Predator Only Attracted to Undercover Cops,2016 Olympics shun baseball and softball,Tapulous’s Cash Cow Tap Tap Revenge 3 Is Almost Here, 上手な舌使いがポイント!? 猫舌とそうでない人のちがいとは?,テレ朝・堂真理子アナが「全力坂」に出演,【女性編】プロポーズの理想的な時期ランキング,ゲーム屋店員 「スーパーロボット大戦シリーズ最新作 スパロボ学園のデモを流したら、予約をキャンセルされました・・・」,「けいおん!」異常人気に紅白歌合戦プロデューサーが声優ユニット・桜高軽音部に出演依頼!!!!,猫まっしぐら !フリスキーのサイトのミニゲーム Friskies Wonderland Quest,脳科学でみたネコのこころの11のポイント,パーティションのリサイズ・作成・コピー・変換・完全消去などが簡単にできるフリーソフト「Partition Wizard Home Edition」 - GIGAZINE,速読術の基本中の基本、頭の中の「音読」を抑える方法 | Lifehacking.jp,Twitterユーザーで100人以上フォロワーがいるのはたった6.4%だけ【グラフ有り】 | ついーたーTweeter.jp,静岡地震のこと - シートン俗物記,HTML5 と CSS3 で 死にたい,asahi.com(朝日新聞社):セブン-イレブン、見切り値引き店の契約切り相次ぐ - 社会,Apple iPAD outed in Borders bookstore survey?,Swine Suit: H1N1 Lawsuit On Its Way,Dwyane Wade is Interviewed by Student Reporter Damon Weaver,Sen. Grassley Voted For So-Called "Death Panel" In 2003,iPod nano for just $49 (plus your Social Security Number) : ,7 'Fear Factor'-Worthy Dishes (and where you can eat em),Obama to Afghans: Chill on the Poppies. Grow wheat and corn,Women more attracted to men with similar facial features,Trio's website may hold TV's future,How To Effectively Communicate With Developers,McQuarrie to Pen 'Wolverine' Sequel,When Pet Doors Cause Child Deaths,